Adama's message: Waking portals will be activated on December 12 and 21, 2017

  • 2017

Beloved brothers and sisters of the earth, today not only with Love, but also with humility we wish to address each of you, and we say with Love because we are those loving emanations that come from the Source, with the purpose I want to accompany you during your earthly journey and because Love is precisely what we are just as you are, even if in some cases you forget it. And with humility, because we are aware that living within planet Earth, in the moments that are currently living, which are essential for humanity, and is not a simple task to carry out every day.

We, your superior brothers, accompany you with every step you take with all our heart, and today we want to talk to you about the next two portals, which are going to be really important for every human being and above all, for your conscience

The first is the portal that will be presented on December 12 and the second is the portal that will be presented on December 21

Both portals will bring you very intense transformation waves, in addition to powerful energy waves that will stimulate the awakening of humanity .

And for those beings who do not wish to continue and achieve this awakening, because it could cause them too much suffering, we want to tell you that there is no kind of judgment towards you in this message, only, we want to guide you subtly so that you can realize that these disorders that are initially presented at a cosmic level, have important repercussions within each one of you.

These two portals will be able to shake a lot of things within you, so we invite you to open your hearts in a conscious way and receive all these changes, not with frustration and / or duality, but with love and joy, being aware that these changes will allow them to achieve a greater good.

You should keep in mind that those changes we are talking about are not about events that are imposed on you by some kind of superior being or deity, but rather consist of moments of evolution that you can choose to experience or not. Although in some cases it might seem incredible to you, the truth is that each of you, long before beginning this earthly journey, consciously chose to incarnate within the Earth and also chose to live in this moment so crucial for humanity, since they were aware that they had the ability to do it in the best way, and were aware that in each of the lives they experienced within this world, they would find great happiness and joy.

That is why you must remember now that you are never alone and that in every step you take in this long journey, we are at your side

We invite you in the most special way possible, that around the dates on which the aforementioned portals will take place, they are taken care of, so that they achieve that the energies that will be emitted descend and stop within their hearts, because thanks to that incessant flow of energy and thoughts that you will experience, your minds will have the opportunity to connect more with the Great Source and as a consequence of that, you will then be able to reach that Joy, Peace and Love that many desire and are within you.

We will be with you for the next few days and we can no longer wait to meet each of you on the other side of both portals, where you will access new information.

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