Mother Earth Gaia channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel

  • 2014

Very Beloved Humanity, I AM your Mother Earth Gaia!

I AM in deep embrace with the light and energy transmissions of our Galaxy that are channeled through the Heart of our Beloved Sun.

The subtle body of the Sun is expanding daily; and that is not visible to the physical eyes. While perpetual activities on its surface can obviously be observed.

Without a doubt our Sun is a Multidimensional Being that is beyond the genders; and yet for your lower dimensional consciousness it is known as both genders simultaneously .

He / She is pure radiant consciousness, delivered to the powerful spiritual frequencies and the Light of the vast universes around, with which our Galactic Center is connected. As it is so delivered, it is a direct channel to serve all the planets of our Universe.

And just as I AM resonating directly and intimately with our Beloved Sun, I am also resonating with all my creations and with all my blessed inhabitants, who are participating in this vast Cosmic and Universal exchange of conscious Light and Energy that the new Divine creations produce.

Very Dear Human Family, if you could see and be aware and feel right now this so charming and inspired orchestra of creative forces, that are effective right now on, around, in and within my earthly body; and in all the inhabitants that I consider as my children and who are absolutely One with Me, you would all stop worrying and reflecting on the seemingly frightening reality of your present life that you are observing; and in your destiny and that of your planet!

Please sharpen your awareness and filter the messages, verbal and non-verbal, that you are receiving and assimilating every day!

The Human mind tends to cling to old habits; and she is not very trained in discarding old concepts and paradigms, to accommodate the new, for new information and energy, to let these replace the familiar things that you have already repeated for millennia.

Consequently my recommendation and my deepest desire is: Tune your attention into a completely new receiving station. Like when you are looking for a new station on your radio.

Spend time in your meditations to locate the new frequencies that now transmit completely new information, messages that contain the design of the New Creation of the universes. Messages that are by no means compatible or similar, nor just a little different from what you already know and that is being transmitted to you by the old powers that have dominated vast parts of the Universe for such a long time.

They are still cheating you, trying to control the network of frequencies with which you have been tuned for so long.

If you are waiting for the New World and great changes arrive, listening and adapting your old channels through which you receive only the old tunes of separation and misery, you will not become aware of the Good News. You have not yet realized that you must change your channels, intentionally finding them, discovering them; and discarding from then the old channels, for your good!

Old forces can survive only as long as you consent to vibrate in their frequency! That is why they are using the media and their transmission equipment, to keep them at their level of reality, because this gives them more power to control you.

My dear children, you should know that the new cosmic and universal "radio and television" stations are already operating! So instead of turning on three-dimensional radio and television, use meditation and learn to listen with your inner ear and see with your inner vision, the "News" of the Higher Dimensions! Now is the time to start practicing this art; and so you can bring the New World faster than you ever imagined.

When you listen and look in the new way I have described, it will have an increasing impact on the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Because thus the fortification of the old womb will fade even more rapidly, people will be less and less attracted to it; and discover the illusion of that structure. In

instead, his Soul will awaken to the Truth that has been hidden from them for so long, for the information of the true Light of the Mind of God will be more powerfully poured into your domain and your dreams.

As you know, Humanity is One, absolutely without any doubt. Your perception of separation is only the myth that your old controllers have introduced to become their servants, if not their slaves. To be able to manipulate you better, to deceive you, to disempower you.

However, your true strength lies in the recognition of the Unity of Humanity, which is once again One with all Creation, on the level of the Conscious Light and in the deep feeling of your heart.

So tuning in to the new frequencies and the new information will reveal to you in an instant that the New World is already here, tangibly, but that your controllers want to hide it from you with the vain hope of keeping their already dead empire alive, even though it is already It has become a mere ghost!

Every time you tune into the new information and Light, you will actively participate in the New Creations, bringing them out to visibility every day, while they clear the old and dark dreams of illusion and imprisonment.

Now this is completely in your hands, Beloved, to produce in an instant the fall of the old empire, with your conscious participation in the New Creation.

Simultaneously, it is important that you are aware of the habits of your mind that tend to repeat the past, because it is easier to drive on old tracks. But know that you don't have to “invent” new ones, but you only have to tune into what is already here, completely available for

instead, his Soul will awaken to the Truth that has been hidden from them for so long, for the information of the true Light of the Mind of God will be more powerfully poured into your domain and your dreams.

As you know, Humanity is One, absolutely without any doubt. Your perception of separation is only the myth that your old controllers have introduced to become their servants, if not their slaves. To be able to manipulate you better, to deceive you, to disempower you.

However, your true strength lies in the recognition of the Unity of Humanity, which is once again One with all Creation, on the level of the Conscious Light and in the deep feeling of your heart.

So tuning in to the new frequencies and the new information will reveal to you in an instant that the New World is already here, tangibly, but that your controllers want to hide it from you with the vain hope of keeping their already dead empire alive, even though it is already It has become a mere ghost!

Every time you tune into the new information and Light, you will actively participate in the New Creations, taking them out every day to visibility, while they clean the old and dark dreams. I of illusion and imprisonment.

Now this is completely in your hands, Beloveds, to produce in an instant the fall of the old empire, with your conscious participation in the New Creation.

Simultaneously, it is important that you are aware of the habits of your mind that tend to repeat the past, because it is easier to drive on old tracks. But know that you do not have to invent new ones, but you only have to tune into what is already here, fully available for that your soul will wake up. to the Truth that has been hidden from them for so long, for the information of the true Light of the Mind of God will be poured more powerfully into your domain and in your dreams.

As you know, Humanity is One, absolutely without any doubt. Your perception of separation is only the myth that your old controllers have introduced to become their servants, if not their slaves. To be able to manipulate you better, to deceive you, to disempower you.

However, your true strength lies in the recognition of the Unity of Humanity, which is once again One with all Creation, on the level of the Conscious Light and in the deep feeling of your heart.

So tuning into the new frequencies and the new information will reveal to you in an instant that the New World is already here, tangibly, but that your controllers want to hide it from you. the vain hope of keeping his already dead empire alive, even when he has already become a mere ghost!

Every time you tune into the new information and Light, you will actively participate in the New Creations, taking them out every day to visibility, while they clean the old and dark dreams. I of illusion and imprisonment.

Now this is completely in your hands, Beloveds, to produce in an instant the fall of the old empire, with your conscious participation in the New Creation.

Simultaneously, it is important that you are aware of the habits of your mind that tend to repeat the past, because it is easier to drive on old tracks. But know that you do not have to invent new ones, but you only have to tune into what is already here, completely available to you: Frequencies, Light and the Information that are the constituents of your Ascended New World.

Beloved, take a new air full of inspiration for a new day that is indeed already at dawn, the day you learn to see with new eyes and hear with new ears. When you have to use your true instruments of perception given by God; and discard the means that the old powers have implanted in you to keep you in their level, in order to use you and feed on you.

From now on, simply look for the New World that is just emerging, intentionally ignoring the vibrations of deception from your attention.

Exercise the clear vision born of your Divinity and your Eternal Presence of Co-Creators.

I AM with you with my Great Love and my Great Hug. Join my Inner Heart of the Spirit to create what is urgently waiting to arise for Everyone-and-Everything to Enjoy and Celebrate.

I AM your Mother Earth Gaia!

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Mother Earth Gaia channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel

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