Meaning of the number 777

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Hebrew: 2 Religious meanings 3 Hidden meaning 4 The tree of life 5 Fun fact:

Numbers are just one way in which angels communicate with us. Each number has its own meaning and the universe communicates with you. Whether you listen to it, see it, find it continuously, those numbers want to tell you something.

The number 7 is very significant in the Christian religion, beginning with the six days in which God created everything that exists on earth and on the seventh rested; 7 deadly sins; 7 the plagues that fell in times of in Egypt ; in the book of Revelation, 7 appears in many of the prophecies; It's 7 days a week; 7 the colors of the rainbow; even 7 was used in the movie starring Will Smith, entitled " Seven Souls", in which the protagonist, to redeem his faults and everything he had done in his life, aimed to help 7 people, change their lives somehow .

By itself only the number 7 represents time and space; the search for intellect and philosophy. It is considered a Kabbalistic number . When combined with itself three times, that is, 777, it has a special magic . This combination of 7, repeated three times, 777, can have different meanings from different perspectives:


In the Hebrew language, the numbers correspond to a letter, which has a specific meaning . In the case of the number 7, alone, without combination, is the letter Zayin, whose meanings are sword, illumination and truth.

Religious meanings

In Austria, in 777 AD, a Benedictine monastery was built, considered a sacred place for Catholics.

Hidden meaning

Aleister Crowley, is the author of book 777, a work that is associated with black magic, where self-mutilation methods are exposed, whose purpose is to control the thoughts and actions of third parties.

The Tree of Life

The 7 is a Kabbalistic number, that is, in the Kabbalah system, (the central teaching of the author mentioned above), they have the symbol of a tree, said picture with the image, has 22 spheres, also called paths, in which gives one to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In turn, each sphere belongs to a different ideology, such as astrology, tarot card reading, etc. Within this symbol, the flaming sword is associated with the number 777, (since, as mentioned in the first point, 7 means sword, in Hebrew ).

Curious fact:

In casino slot machines, the number 777 is the rank with the jackpot.

In addition to the aforementioned meanings, number 777 has many positive aspects such as: it brings spirituality, idealism, perfection, stillness, intuition, imagination, love for nature and research. Pensamientos n, deep thoughts, curiosity in all areas, prudence, judgment, tendency to fantasy, inspiration, reserve, sensitivity.

Although on the other hand, it is related to discouragement, depression, self-indulgence, withdrawal, anxiety, routine, resignation, irresponsibility, exclusion, selection, pride, sarcasm, melancholy.

It is identified by the magenta color. Its metal is platinum ; and its precious stone is aquamarine, coral and ivory .

The combination 777, according to the angel's message is: t us angels congratulate you because you have learned something and recognize all your achievements.

The angels applaud you! Congratulations, you're on the road! Keep up the good work is the way to express yourself that your desire is coming true . This is an extremely positive sign and it means that you should also expect more miracles to happen . It is a number with very good vibes, it is a signal to stay positive.

Pay attention, light your senses, and find out what the angels communicate to you and if your case is number 777, our most sincere congratulations because you are doing very well, keep it up, trust your angels, be attentive to what the universe, the angels, your ascended masters communicate to you, do not lose faith, something good is happening to you or is about to happen to you, trust and let yourself be guided.

“The number seven, by its hidden virtues, tends to do all things; it is the dispenser of life and source of all changes, because even the Moon changes phase every seven days: this number influences all sublime beings. ” Hippocrates


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