19 Body Aches related to Our Emotions

  • 2018

I suppose you have already heard that our body reacts with our moods. They are clearly not separated. In this case we will talk about 19 Body Aches related to Our Emotions.

Every time something happens to us, good, bad or regular, our emotions take over our body and soul. Our heart beats harder before different events, our mind accelerates, our acts or ways of relating to others are transformed by our emotions.

Surely, it has happened to them that they start with a headache after an altercation or difference of opinions in their work, or their necks end up full of contractures after a day full of emotions.

But very rarely do we think that it can be a merely emotional matter. We do not stop to think that our body is related to Our Emotions.

Well know that it is so, the way or way we feel will almost always be related to how our body will feel or what pain we will have, as simple as that.

The important thing then, is to be able to detect and understand what is happening to us in order to give a solution to the pain that our body presents.

Here then, we leave 19 of the main pains that are related to Our Emotions:

1. Muscle aches

This would indicate that they are not flexible enough with the situation of their lives.

2. Headache

There is an important decision that you have not made, try to analyze it.

3. Neck Pain

It means that they have not been able to forgive or a problem they have not forgotten, try to overcome it.

4. Pain in the Gums

We talked about that there is another decision that is missing in their lives, try to solve it.

5. Shoulder Pain

It is linked with your emotional burdens, take things more lightly and try to talk to someone.

6. Stomach Pain

Stress is your worst enemy, try to reduce it as much as you can.

7. Pain in the Upper Back

It's because they need some emotional support.

8. Low Back Pain

The financial concerns are the main ones in this.

9. Pain in the sacrum and coccyx

Why would it be a situation that you have not faced, do it at once.

10. Pain in the Elbows

Resist the changes that come in your lives, let life flow.

11. Pain in the Arms

There is a heavy personal burden or someone else's, take into consideration if it is important.

12. Pain in the Hands

It is because there is something they have not been able to reach or connect.

13. Hip Pain

They are afraid to move you to do something new.

14. Joint Pain

Lack of flexibility on your part to accept the new changes in their lives.

15. Knee pain

They are falling into pretense, try to be more humble.

16. Teeth Pain

They do not like the situation in which they live and wait for it to be resolved soon.

17. Ankle pain

They lack pleasure and fun, spend a little time.

18. Fatigue pain

They get bored and deny what comes in their lives, let it progress.

19. Foot pain

They suffer from a low depression of moods, try to do something fun that disconnects them.

And we could continue enumerating the rest of the pains that at some time in their lives they have felt.

The pains will always be associated with some emotional state that we are living in that moment.

I invite you to reflect and pay attention whenever you feel any pain and try to put our advice into practice. They will surely see how the pain disappears once we realize the reason for it.

SOURCE: https://www.recetasencasa.com/2017/10/08/20-dolores-cuerpo-podrian-estar-ligados-estados-emocionales/

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