Message from the Gabriel Gabriel about Balance. May 21, 2017 (Translation into Spanish).

  • 2017

Channeled by Shelley Young. (In English in the original)

As you continue When you travel to the lighting, you begin to recognize the importance of balance, since it is through a state of equilibrium that alignment with the Source can be better experienced , and there guide your life from your heart. So how to stay in a more balanced state? You just have to ask yourself , in any situation, what do I need to add to this situation to rebalance me ?

This is an important question, for several reasons. In the first place you are allowed to accept the situation as it is, without pushing against what is undesirable. You are not trying to resist, or move away, or separate yourself from anything. You are not doing anything wrong; You are simply evaluating what is required to change to a state that allows for greater alignment and a balanced movement, which is the flow. You focus on moving forward.

What adds to the situation is the use of your domain. You must summon an energy that you can choose for the greatest good of all. It is simply turning on what you want, so to speak, to support yourself and others on their way forward.

So, for example, you can find yourself in a situation where there is conflict. Instead of making people see that they are wrong because of their emotions or behavior, you can decide to bring them the energy of love, calm and peace, which would create greater chances of balance, and will be It is like a life buoy, which can offer stability in rough waves, in case someone wants to hold on to it.

If you feel uncomfortable energetically, you just have to ask, What do I need to return to greater balance? Add, instead of pushing against, and perpetuating what is not desired.

Think about experimenting with a recipe you are cooking. You know that you cannot set aside a type of spicy that is too hot or overwhelming, you can only add other ingredients until the flavors reach a pleasant balance. The same goes for your energy states.

Adding an energy allows expansion, growth, and movement . It is the way in which your world will finally find its way to peace, when human beings begin to understand that you can not create a change by pushing against what you can not. you wish , but rather for the choice to infuse situations with new energies, which create a greater balance and alignment than then open the door to new potentials and possibilities. ~ Archangel Gabriel

ENGLISH-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Eva Villa, editor in the big family


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