What if we only love our past? by Marisa Ordo ez

  • 2013

We are children of our past ... Heirs of our ancestors. Fruit of our creations as original settlers ... Reflection of the causes that preceded us in the human time line ...

We have written everything that has been experienced, even in silence, it was after era and everything we carried more and less consciously in each of our own cells. There is no way to avoid it ... In our bodies, in our lives, in our fields the design of what was configured by the free power with which we have been endowed is being reissued.

We are an inexhaustible network of intelligent life displaying the total infinite potentiality of Being.

We are the whole and the part, at the same time. We occupy unique, original and unique places, roles and identities. By bipolar nature; inhabited by a clash of positive and negative forces, yin / yan, male and female that act as a continuous engine of evolution and change. In everyday life we ​​are among the impulse of creative, harmonizing and constructive tendencies together with the movement of discordant, destructive and limiting tides. We are all the time challenged to balance these waves to reach the awakening of the mastermind and free assumption of our legitimate investiture as responsible directors of our daily physical, mental and affective reality. We have the post to differentiate the present from the past without obligation to perpetuate what has already been created, although if it is to honor it. Always tempted to be subject to the vision of the "bad", of what cannot be done, of what generates scarcity and suffering, weakness and reluctance for all that "was not and is not yet" ... At risk of living demanding history for everything that frustrated us, with rejection and exclusion of the learning to which childhood invited us ... Growing with veiled hatred of our parents and indifference or ignoring the true importance of the rest of the fliares ... We are not dedicated to to know who are the beings that have cradled us in our prehistory and we are confused about our own nature ... Many times we fall into emptiness, in fear for our own life or in the nonsense of existence itself. Today we can choose to sanctify the use of our power by focusing with good eyes on our All Being. One way to start it could be asking: "What day do I want to create for my life today, where am I present?", "What do I want to materialize from my body experience ... Health or disease?, in my relationships Who do I want to honor? The force of love or war and its condemnation? Just looking with the optimism of love and thanking all that preceded us, only loving our own past as we have materialized without trying to change it, we can be free to live creating. Love is to hold clear, positive and orderly thoughts. In love everything makes full sense, there is no mistake. Love is the real experience of the perfection of our eternal being God, incarnate, self-recognized and self-illuminated.

It is urgent to assume the power of the totality of our being for the coming instances. Love brings the parties together harmoniously and challenges us that only the joy of peace, the dignity of prosperity, the strength of solidarity and the celebration of life in freedom prevail in humanity of the new era. The key is to ask ourselves, I want to be able to love all my past and thus facilitate the activation of the unconditional love body of the fifth planetary dimension? That which many name as the New World of Christian Love or the Second Coming of the Messiah. In our hands is the opportunity to finally achieve it.


What if we only love our past? by Marisa Ordo ez

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