Divine Mother Message: Basic education about childhood enthusiasm

  • 2018

To offer joy in childhood, the most appropriate framework for education is nature. Actually, it is a mistake to force children to remain locked, sitting for a long time. The best way to offer education is the contact with nature, the elements.

Teach children natural laws, friendship with the earth, the stars, with the plant world and will be the basis of harmony. Teach them to respect nature, to worship and listen to it. Teach them to feed on the tenderness of the earth. Teach them the language of plants.

The right thing is to offer one-on-one education, with the exchange and group learning and on the basis of a personal relationship between the teacher and the student, a heart-to-heart relationship. Offer the student's contact with enthusiasm to learn and discover. Listen to the child and teach him the art of listening. Unite the depth of learning and the meaning of the game.

Establish a very deep heart to heart contact

Learn the art of group listening, communication, sharing, common play, the art of emulation play and not competition. The base must be an individual contact.

How to teach children to position themselves and how to position yourself in relation to children ? The answer is a society with harmony. Teach your children self-reference, to listen to their own value and teach them to discover those values. However, we should not impose preset values ​​on children.

It will be necessary to unravel the threads of society and educate to find a relationship based on the divinity of being. Through this relationship, the child learns to recognize his own values and naturally, to position himself in relation to these values. While the threads are entangled in the chaos of society, learn as much as possible about self-reference.

Children naturally bloom, take their space and express themselves

Take out education and relationships from fear meshes. Dare to be yourself, to express and affirm without forcing, to teach children the language of the heart, to teach them to listen and honor themselves.

Once again, the role of educators is to be present and vigilant . A hugging look will give an account of the child who needs help. The educator must be fully vigilant, fully present, not as a judge who decides, but as a friend who helps each child to position himself in the fairest vision.

He is not an adult who knows, he is a being in front of another being. Dare to express the deepest feelings to children. Show them the value and scope of their actions or words . Honor them, respect them.

Take care of children whose suffering leads to behavior far from harmony. Clearly express your feelings about their behavior. As you teach children to position themselves from self-reference, place yourself as a reference in front of children.

The best help we can give to the children of the earth is to restore harmony to society. The most beautiful help to restore harmony to society is to radiate it too, it is to embody harmony.

Dare to radiate the new land for your own positioning, for your own choices, to dare to express this choice to your children. To fill the childhood of the earth, in happiness and love, and that the paths of fear may be left behind. To dare to show children the true face of the living and measure the power of the transmutation of a being who chooses to incarnate and testify luminous forms.

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Agnès Bos-Masseron

Original URL : https://www.choix-realite.org/7710/message-de-lami-recu-par-agnes-bos-masseron-le-21-5-15

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