Change the Feed Consciously

  • 2018

The only possibility to consolidate any change is by raising awareness.

If you intend to change your current way of feeding yourself, you will have to do so from awareness, since, if not, you will do so from repression and fail. Every change in life has to be holistic, covering the whole set of aspects that make up or influence that change. To initiate a change in the way you eat, you should respond sincerely to this question:

Why do you consider changing food and for what purpose do you do it?

Is it because of your state of health, for some spiritual concept, for respect for the animal world, for respect for the body, for thanks to this existence, for your physical-mental state, for your age, for influences of friendships, for fashion, for snobbery ...?

Reflect and meditate on it to find the true motive and, only if it is a compendium of them, will you succeed. You can include aspects of influences or appearance, but, if respect and gratitude are excluded, it will be incomplete and will last as long as those perishable external influences last.

To make a change of food within your evolutionary stage, you will have to go through the crystal of the conscious state of mind with which you present your present and connect with your deep interior, the superconsciousness, which flows from the Universe and expresses your true being and your real need in order that your purpose of change is really solid and effective. Then your cells will listen to you and immediately execute your orders. This is the formula that gives you sufficient willpower with which you will achieve everything you set out, without limitations. Even if you have forgotten it promptly, from the awareness you are able to create and carry out everything you set your mind to.

What information do you need for nutritional change from consciousness?

The steps for a conscious evolution from the taking and the change of consciousness will be the ones that will allow you, in an effective way and without repression, to move from the densest food to the most subtle nutrition. That will be the solid and lasting way to anchor your nutritional changes. You have a wide range of transitional and basic foods that allow you to replace the most dense and harmful for the design of the body and the human mind.

The fan ranges from eating your brothers from the animal kingdom, to nourishing you with prana. They are stages where you can navigate, you can do it consciously, wisely, or unconsciously, through the controlling mind and governed by the ego.

Morphologically, your digestive system is designed just like that of frugivorous animals, so this is the natural food format for which you have been designed. Although thousands of years have been violating the dietary guidelines for which the digestive system of the human being was designed, at the physical level it remains the same, without generating any evolution in it or any physical-biological change ; simply, what homeostasis has done as a means of subsistence has been chemically and bacteriologically adapted to this situation so long repeated. But over time, this entails having to suffer premature wear, organic alteration and internal imbalance, which will result in more or less serious diseases.

Recovering the ability to nourish properly will be part of a process of chemical-bacteriological rehabilitation and that all your cells remember the original information they have about these healthy foods. Your physical regulator, homeostasis, will be launched to re-adapt to a situation that can only lead to your health improving and optimizing, and for that, you just need to know what the process is.

Over the years and lives, this nutritional information with which your cells should act, has been hidden and has been changed to a much more dense and intoxicating. With the passing of the ages they adapted to those foods with which at this time humanity tries to nourish itself with little success. If you feed the gasoline engine (the body) with diesel fuel (dense food), it will collapse (diseases); on the contrary, if the diesel engine (the body) is fed with gasoline (healthy foods), it will work quickly and, in the end, it will also collapse (diseases). But if each engine is supplied with its fuel (according to each organic design), everything will work correctly (health) and its duration will be the one that really corresponds and will have a natural and happy ending, both physical and mental.

The imperturbable subsistence capacity governed by homeostasis, has allowed the body to adapt to other much denser foods. The adaptation of an engine (organism) to a different fuel (food) for which it has been designed (frugivorous), requires a mechanical intervention (cellular and chemical adaptation) and the final result will never be perfect; it will simply use it, but without being able to take advantage (full nutrition) all its possibilities (full well-being) and its use will spoil it (ailments and ailments), thus shortening its useful life (premature or defective death).

Only you have the real possibility of returning to the natural state that belongs to you. Through the appropriate information and its integration, you can, if you wish, transfer the veils that stop the recognizable communication by your cells of what you are trying to transmit to them so that they change the current information and recover and prioritize what they already have from the beginning in their archives, so that they return to be nourished with the original and healthy foods.

Changing the dense fuel that has already continued to degenerate the organism, with which mankind has tried to feed its precious engines, goes through that you transmit this recovery process to your cells So what do you want to undertake, and that you yourself, as the maximum rector of your experience on Earth, have decided to carry out. This process, together with the change in consciousness that will lead to the firm and unequivocal decision to recover your innate health and to nourish you with your powerful willpower, will make the success of the process Guaranteed, your nutrition will cease to be deficient and the physical body, which has been lent to you for your task, will be able to develop healthily in conjunction with your conscious and happy experimentation.

Give it to me and forget it, show it to me and remember it, get involved and learn ... Confucius

Author: Josep Mar a Montserrat Cellular Nutritionist

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