Infinity Symbol: A bit of history and the meanings of a symbol that transcends mathematics

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Infinity symbol: A bit of history 2 Meaning of the Infinity Symbol 3 The Infinity Symbol in Yogic Culture 4 The infinity symbol in Tarot 5 Infinity symbol: Final considerations

“Love is unlimited, borderless, infinite! Material things are limited, circumscribed, finite. You can never properly express infinite love with finite means. ”

- Abdu'l-Bahá

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the infinity symbol is ?

Since the beginning of time, human beings have felt the need to communicate. And as we evolve and thoughts become more complex, our search to express what we experience in our lives also evolves. Thus, throughout history, the human race has been creating and adopting symbols to represent, and in that way, shape our thoughts. What is a fundamental requirement to be able to make them reach other people.

So, too, over time, we have incorporated these symbols. And like words, we use them on a daily basis, without ever asking their origin and concrete meaning.

Among all the symbols that we have appropriated, one very interesting for its origin and meaning is the infinity symbol .

Infinity Symbol: A Little History

While the infinity symbol (sometimes called lemniscate, from the Latin “ lēmniscātus ” and the Greek λημνίσκος, which translates as ' loop ') is always related to the sciences of mathematics, its first appearance in history is found in the Cross of San Bonifacio . This insinuates us that its roots deepen in the past with spirituality.

In fact, it is not until 1655 that John Wallis introduces this infinity symbol into mathematics, in his work ' De Sectionibus Conicis '. He does not explain the choice of this symbol to talk about the mathematical concept of infinity, which causes different conjectures to coexist about its origin. Some say that it comes from the Roman numeric symbol used to represent the thousand (originally CIƆ, and also CƆ). However, the origin that most attracts our attention is the relationship that this infinity symbol has with the ancient symbol of the Uróboros (from the Greek ουροβóρος [ὄφις] ' snake that eats its tail ').

The Uróboros is a concept whose earliest appearance occurs in Egyptian and Greek cultures, usually represented with an animal between dragon and snake that, as its name says, bites its own tail. In this way, among the illustrations that these ancient civilizations have bequeathed to us, the Uróboros has both the shape of an endless circle, and that of the infinity symbol we know today.

Meaning of the Infinity Symbol

The meaning may then be similar to that of the Urboros of ancient cultures . Among the concepts it represents, there is the cyclical nature of things. Everything that begins as soon as it concludes, the continuity of life and time. Natural phenomena such as those of the sun, at its constant consequent dawn and sunset, or the waves of the sea in its flood and rupture.

In alchemy, this concept related to the infinity symbol has very important implications. It represents unity in diversity. All things, both material and spiritual, that never cease to exist but mutate cyclically, alternating between destruction and creation constantly and continuously. The dichotomy, as in its similar yin and yang, the union of opposites, the conscious and unconscious. It represents in turn the purification, and the cycles of life and death.

The infinity symbol can also be related to the astronomical concept of Analema ( analemma, from the Greek which is translated as pedestal of a sundial ). This is a graphic representation of the position of the sun in the sky if it is observed every day of the year or at a specific exact time. It constitutes in this way a constant and eternal cycle.

The Symbol of Infinity in the Yogic Culture

In Yoga, the symbols have a very representative significance, as they remind us of both balance and focus, such as peace, unity and other disciplines that must be put in place during practice.

The meaning of the infinity symbol is usually related to the infinite number of possibilities, the concept of eternity, empowerment and unconditional love. With this symbol, there is no beginning and there is no end. The universe is a dynamic and continuous entity. In that way, it reminds us that everything is in evolution and change, and in constant motion.

In relation to Unity, it is a reminder that we are all united in the cycle of life . The infinity symbol consists of two individual circles that converge in the center and join together forming a totality. Two souls that are together and united in a bond of love.

The infinity symbol in the Tarot

This symbol can also be found in some cards of the Tarot deck, as is the case of the card ' The Magician ' and ' The Force ', and some representations of the card ' The World '. This symbol is a geometric representation illustrating perpetual motion, the interaction between Energy and Matter, and its indestructibility.

When applied to the symbolic meaning during the studies and readings of the Tarot Cards, the infinity symbol simply connects us with the eternal nature of our spirit and the thought processes.

On a more basic level, it suggests that before putting our plans and ideas into action, we must consider the effect that these actions can perpetuate over time. Take care of the domino effect or ' snowball', which can get out of control and continue ad infinitum .

Also, among the interpretations we can make of the infinity symbol, is the illustration of the eternity of time . The past, the present and the future, centered on the present moment, the NOW.

Everything that ever happened is affected what is currently happening, and also what happens now is the root of what we will see happen tomorrow.

Again, the infinity symbol also brings up the endless cycle of energy . She who cannot be destroyed or created, and who will be perpetuated infinitely through light and darkness, happiness and sadness, good and evil.

Infinity Symbol: Final Considerations

Thus, this symbol is loaded with meaning. Its use through the ages gives us the pattern of a legacy that we inherit from ancient cultures, where spirit, mind and body were the object of study and the root of knowledge . The ancestors of our modern civilization.

In this way, being able to incorporate these meanings can enrich our experience of the wisdom of those former masters. To ensure that our life is also infected with meaning, expression and concept . Well, we all know that words are also symbols, and in that way, adding meaning to words implies enlarging language, thinking, experience and ideas.

Only in that way will we take responsibility for the responsibility of finding ourselves on a path of endless possibilities.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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