Ishnaan, the Science of Hydrotherapy, by Yogi Bhajan

I would like to share the technology and science of a type of massage with you. We call it hydrotherapeutic massage. Here where you have my first qualification and specialty is that of hydrotherapy. They may not know it, but there is no other person with this qualification in the world. I continue the tradition of those who are now very unknown, but who were once worshiped. They worked the bones, adjusted the body and did massages to recreate healthy organs.

Since ancient times, people have begged to receive the bliss of Ishnaan. What is Ishnaan? Ishnaan is the total sum of hydrotherapy. The word is ishnaan. We don't say we'll take a shower, we never say "shower." Ishnaan is when the body by its own virtue creates the temperature to overcome the coldness of water. Ishnaan does not simply consist of wetting the body. It is something done with respect, an act of grace.

The power of water is 60% of the power of the human. In hydrotherapy we believe that 60% of body water can be fully exchanged in sixty minutes with water from outside. We do massages with ice water and not only do we open the capillaries, but when they close again, that is, they return to their normal state, that blood returns to the organs. The heart, kidneys, lungs, liver - each organ has its own blood supply. In this way we give the organs a clean. When we clean the organs, the glands should immediately change their secretion. It is law. And when the glands change, the guardians of health and life change, and youth returns. What is youth? Young glands The young glands are called youth. If your glandular system secretes blood chemistry correctly, it is a young chemistry, and we can achieve this from our glands. All this neurotic neurosis and trapicheos will end ...

This science of hydrotherapy is very precise and sophisticated, and very simple. If you take a cold shower and let the water fall just below the lower lip for 10 or 15 minutes, you will be radiant and your mind will be very clear. If you use the water between the eyebrows and the upper lip, you will have a lot of energy. And if you use the water on your forehead, you will be so sleepy that there is nothing that can match it. If you massage the upper arm under a jet of very cold water from the elbow to just below the shoulder you will be healing your stomach completely. From your elbow up to about 5 cm. Above the wrist corresponds to your intestines and colon. Five cm. above the wrist until the beginning of the wrist correspond to the heart. The wrist itself corresponds to your liver and the tip of your fingers to the brain.

So if you put the water ahead on your neck and let the water run down your entire arm and hands, you will totally change all your cells. And if you allow the water to impact your chest and go down to the genitals and stay that way for a while, you will totally change your blood chemistry from unhealthy to healthy. If you allow the water to touch your feet and massage your right foot with the left foot, and the left foot with the right foot, in fact you are massaging the entire body. Position yourself before a cold shower and massage your feet and faucets yourself. Use your feet to massage, not your hands. Then get away from the water, and using both hands, massage your entire body and allow the body to warm up (You can use a fique glove). Then take a cold shower again and massage your body again. Do this for 10 or 15 minutes. You should have a friend on hand to take you out. You will be in a totally different space.

Your body will be completely rebuilt Every organ will be rebuilt. How? When you take a cold shower, your blood rushes to meet the challenge. This means that the capillaries open and all accumulated deposits must be released. Everything is cleaned; It is a very purifying process. During hydrotherapy, the body is challenged by cold water and the massage we do, and the body can face this challenge and not feel cold.

Do you understand this? When you come in contact with cold water, your body will feel cold, right? But when the blood and capillaries are fully open to the maximum, the body will not feel cold. I repeat, the body will NOT feel cold. And if you bring your body to that temperature where it can cope with the cold through its own circulatory power, then all you have left to do is dry yourself with a towel and put on warm clothes, and put a blanket around you. Or if the weather is warm like here, use a large towel.

Bath towels are like sheets. Roll into one. Then your body will get very hot. All the blood that is in the capillaries and circulating will return to the organs: the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, the lungs - because every part of the body lives from its own blood supply which is regulated by the pumping of the heart. Thus the organs will receive a rich blood supply as a crop receiving a precious rain, causing the crop to grow. In exactly the same way, this is how you balance your health.

They did not know how to build a shower when they first started with hydrotherapy. We are very lucky to have modern showers. In ancient times there was nothing. They had to fill a bucket that was 10 or 12 meters from the ground. It was gigantic and the men had to fill it with water. It took many people to create enough water pressure for hydrotherapy. When the modern era arrived they used a pumping system to create that effect. Have you ever taken a shower in a pumping shower? It's fun. They use a pump that has a propeller, connected to a shower head. It is so powerful, so miraculous; it is a wonder. We used to have a handle and a tube and the tube was flexible. For someone who lay underneath, it had a tremendously calming effect.

Now we have showers in every house, but the art of hydrotherapy has been lost. Now a small pill can help you, and you can go back to yours. That is no problem, but the difference between people today and people back then is that today people want to be healthy, but they are not afraid of being sick. In those times, people were afraid of getting sick; They never wanted to be in bad health. This is how times have changed for us; It is what we are. Allopathic medicine is very effective. The chemical enters, just to the right place and takes care of you. But the unfortunate part is that it has side effects.

The body's cells recover in 72 hours. Sometimes they are late. Recovery slows down as we get older; It is the period of time. But in hydrotherapy we believe that youth is eternal, and is not permanent because it is the gift of God. Youth is permanent because we know how to keep it. It is a challenge, but people who have hydrotherapy have seen that they remain young by their own virtue. I have seen my teacher, Sant Hazara Singh, always remain young, on condition that he did.

By doing any exercise for hours, you cannot stimulate your cellular psyche to the same extent as you can with cold water. And the process is very simple. Use your hands, let the cold water fall, and rub them until they warm under the cold water. Do this with each part of the body; Allow the process to take place, to occur, and stimulate yourself. This stimulation may seem like a fanatic and painful attitude, but it consists of everything we have exposed. Some people do deep muscle massages, some people go to spas, others do this or that. There are a million methods but none comes close to it. There is nothing like getting under ice water and making your body warm. The word is "hot." Normally, in this therapy, we say "warm up" - warm your neck, warm your shoulders, warm your elbows. Can you believe a man doing this for two hours under a shower? But that's how they did it. And everywhere where cold water touches, blood will go. Wherever we massage, there will be reconstruction and the psyche of each cell in the body will be reconstructed.

Sometimes in your life, you don't value life. And then you can't value it, because you're old. So don't play games with yourself; Death will come, do not worry. Wealth will come, do not worry. Poverty will come, do not worry. There will be disease, don't worry. Do not you worry about anything. But, if you have a solid mind, body and soul, everything will come. There will be all kinds of adversities, but they won't disturb you, because nobody wants to start a fight with a strong man. Therefore, in hydrotherapy we say esc date . In hydrotherapy they think that water is a paternal shield, panee pita, and that anyone who is capable of producing this shield that conquers the cold of water can conquer death. This is what hydrotherapy is based on. It is a very simple thing. If I, with my body, can conquer the coldness of water, I can also overcome the coldness in my life.
Dissertation given by Yogi Bhajan.
Translation by Henno van Arkel

Alberto Alonso
Blue Overtone Eagle

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