Healing trapped emotions with magnets - by Dr. Bradley Nelson

  • 2015

Trapped emotions are negative emotions that have become entrenched, that is, that they have become trapped in a specific part of the body and have not been released, thus forming a blockage that prevents our energy from flowing correctly . Trapped emotions, in the long run, cause pain, illness, depression, etc. and it's very easy to free them.

Each being has a magnetic field (energy) and when it does not flow properly, it is when diseases appear. Emotions are the main causes of our magnetic field not flowing properly. For example, when we have had very painful experiences in our life, which have caused us suffering, these emotions are not released and are trapped in our body. To free them, a very easy technique is with a magnet, but how is it done?

In the same way on which acupuncture is based to balance the magnetic field (energy) of our organism, through putting acupuncture needles in the meridians (acupuncture points) It is also similar to the practice with magnets. Meridians can be thought of as small rivers of energy that flow just below the skin. They follow very precise traces on the surface of the body that do not vary from person to person. Certain meridians function as energy reserves, which connect and supply all other acupuncture meridians. The most important of these meridians is the Governing Meridian, which begins in the center of the upper lip of the mouth, goes up and over the head and goes down the center of the spine, ending in the tailbone (chakra 2).

Due to the interconnections between the Governing Meridian and all other meridians, it provides the most ideal path for what we want to do when we treat the body for trapped emotions using magnets. A trapped emotion is energy. To get rid of a trapped emotion, we need to defeat it with another form of energy. To release a trapped emotion, you must ask your subconscious if you have a trapped emotion and ask to know what it is.

Once you know what the trapped emotion is, you have already become aware of it, you have the intention in your mind to release it and simply pass a magnet on the Governing Meridian. Your increased intention to release the trapped emotion enters the Governing Meridian and from there this thought-energy flows rapidly to all other meridians and areas of the body. This sudden influx of energy-intention has the effect of releasing the trapped emotion permanently. You do not need to know any acupuncture points. You don't need to understand how everything works, really, all you need to do is have intention and belief (faith).

Where does the trapped emotion go? An example is credit cards. The magnetic stripe on the back of the credit card is encoded with specific information. When you put a magnet on it, you can erase the encoded information by destroying the utility of the credit card. Releasing a trapped emotion is similar to that coded emotional energy being erased quickly, easily and permanently when you pass a magnet through the Governing Meridian.

Usually, magnets are considered quite safe, but there are some occasions when they should not be used, or should only be used with the approval of a doctor. These include pregnancy, use of pain implants or insulin pumps, cochlear implants and pacemakers.

You are a being made of pure energy. Trapped emotions are also energy, but negative, they can affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. The sooner you get rid of them, the better you'll be. A simple fridge magnet, which you probably already have, will work to release trapped emotions.

Source: Dr. Bradley Nelson, "The Code of Emotion"

Submitted by: Mario Liani

Healing trapped emotions with magnets - by Dr. Bradley Nelson

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