We Come in Waves of Light ~ The Collective of Light

  • 2014

We are the Collective of Light and we come to you in waves of Light. Feel the Love within your heart resonating with the frequency of this transmission. Feel the Love that you are.

We come to you today with great enthusiasm in celebration and recognition of the masses of humanity that are waking up now; like the princess locked in her deserted castle; These people are shaking from a long sleep when they are kissed by cosmic rays penetrating the rugged forest of the surrounding matrix.

As the planet's frequency increases, its frequency also increases. If there is resistance, there will be Beings who choose to leave. That is not judged at all because each Being has its own lessons and its own due time.

Have you begun to listen to the quiet voice of your own Being, your Divine Guide that will lead you through your doubts and fears that you could carry inside? Do you trust your body, your intuition, your inner guidance? Do they listen to themselves and the conversations they experience inside? Do they doubt their abilities to discern for themselves what to do, what direction to follow? Do you still require a plan before proceeding?

When the limits of your world expand, how do you respond? Do they attack those who present new ideas on how to do things? Are you envious of those who seem to be more in touch with your center than you currently have? Let go of these dear things of mine, and allow yourself to be fully where you are now.

Although you sincerely believe that you have just begun your career, we are now lovingly reminding you that this is a process of repetition for all of you, one in which you are embarking. All who are currently incarnated on the planet are Masters. We do not share this information as a joke or an impossibility, but as a truth that you will begin to recognize for yourself as you proceed to open yourself to the energies of your Higher Self and your full Multidimensionality.

All humans are stellar seeds. The human race is the creation of many galactic races and as such, you carry the seeds of Divinity within. You are all ambassadors of other worlds and dimensions, and even Universes, as part of the Multiverse. Your presence here is a sacred path, even if you don't consider it that way yet.

Whether that seed has been activated or not depends on the frequency levels achieved by the individual during any particular life. Each life is a process of advancement to approach the Path of Mastery. Some lives are spent learning lessons and going through challenges.

As you proceed towards your self-awareness and the awareness of the I as the I AM Presence or Christ Consciousness that resides within the flame of your heart, you anchor all achievement and gift you have gained through past incarnations, either in GAIA or in other worlds and dimensions. You are truly the sum of your Totality.

Allow yourself to open up to the possibility that you are more than a housewife, a mother, a brother, a work colleague, and at the same time delight in the revelation that even the most humble incarnate being here carries within it a seed Divine Through simplicity, sincerity and humility you can approach the throne of Mother / Father God. He / She resides inside.

They are going to find their Mother who, like a beautiful woman in her dream, gracefully extends a plate of seeds to them. When you look at your face in admiration, you will see yours reflected in your dark eyes. In the face of your Father you will see compassion and strength, the protective Spirit that guides and informs you, and yet allows you to grow in your own season.

We are the Collective of Light, a collective of Spirit, Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Angelic and Elemental Beings, all of whom wish to assist those who are feeling the first stimuli of inner growth, who wish to be filled with the Transmutation Flame of the 7th. Lightning, with the fullness of compassion and Love of the 3rd. Ray of Active Intelligence, with all the Rays of God.

We ask you to sit with your Self in a quiet place and allow yourself to open yourself to the 122 Rays of God, while they emanate from your Higher Self by filling all your four bodies. Feel the union of the masculine mental body and the feminine emotional bodies, while the rays rotate and spiral through your Being. Allow the Masters and Elementals, the Healing Masters and the Light Beings to work their magic inside their temple of living light.

Do you realize that as your frequency increases, your understanding also increases? This understanding does not always translate into words, but you suddenly know that you know. It is not necessary to understand where this wisdom emerges precisely, but know that knowledge will be there when you need it, and open yourself to the possibility that you deserve to receive what you need.

Be open to the awareness that you are more than you appear to be, as a lonely human being living in an unkind world. This is not true because you are never alone. Even during those darkest moments of isolation and despair, if you reach out and call the Angels to assist you, you will immediately discover assistance in the form of a feeling of well-being and being nurtured. Although you cannot see the arms that wrap you compassionately, you will feel them.

We are always with you and we want you to call us. Surround yourself with the protective energies of Archangel Michael and then call the highest energies to assist you in your companies. Know that you are worthy of receiving a guide and that although you may not be aware of it, you have always received a guide, even before you have entered your incarnation.

As they proceed along their trajectory they will receive and be able to receive more by being willing to open up, explore and move beyond the limitations that have been artificially created in the old world paradigm, designed to keep them within its limits and confined in a mental, emotional and sometimes physical slavery. You have been released from those bonds; Now it is up to you to move beyond the walls of fear and anger and enter into the Love that you are.

Become aware that within each of you there is a unique guidance system. As they connect with that inner lighthouse, they will find themselves moving forward and changing in unexpected ways. Allow the entrance of flow and abundance into your life. Allow Love carried by cosmic winds to explore your energy bodies in search of any astral or karmic residue. Enter the Light of the new dawn as an entirely new creation, as a Divine Being capable of walking between worlds and dimensions.

This trajectory proceeds step by step as its frequency levels are slowly increased in order to allow its physical vehicle, the temple in which they reside, adjust and adapt. They will feel pain and discomfort to varying degrees by protesting the body and then realigning to the higher frequency levels. You will notice that you want different foods, experiences and different states of consciousness. Let all these changes happen and know that whatever comes your way in your daily life is there for a reason. Understand that you are not here to be punished but put to the test to see if you have truly incorporated (brought into your body) all the energies to which you have been exposed.

If they continue to live in a place full of anger, resentment and hatred, the Universe will continue presenting them with the same. We are not advising you not to see what currently exists in your world in the form of suffering, despair, destitution, destruction and division, but know that these things are not what your Mother / Father God wishes for you.

However, you are the only ones who can decide to rise themselves from the quagmire of despair and embrace the channeling that God desires for all His children. They must reach and allow Spirit to enter inside to activate the fire on the altar. You must realize that you are co-creators with your own Divine Flame and that you have come here to overcome all the previous timelines in which you thought you were not deserving of Love and turned away from those who love you unconditionally. .

They have not been forgotten or abandoned; you chose to come here to experience all the extremes of duality on a planet of free will. You have come here so that your Being could grow faster than would ever be possible on a planet where everything exists in harmony and Unity. You have come here to be challenged and stretched beyond anything you could have imagined possible, and so it has happened. You have been successful in educating your home worlds about the possibilities that exist where there is some duality in the experience. And now some of you are ready to return to your worlds as teachers and leaders, and so it will be but not before humanity as a whole has ascended, here and now.

Actually, ascension is a "descent, " it is the lowering of the energies of the Higher Self and being allowed to be incorporated into the four lower bodies, which in turn become An activated Luminous Body of great power and beauty. This process cannot be carried out overnight, and for some it is a process that will not be completed in this life, not even in the next. However, there are those who are the leaders of humanity and who will guide it to high levels of consciousness in this life, and there are those who will return in bodies more appropriate to carry vibrations m He is high and those who will return in future lives.

Whatever you have been promised, know that you are the ones who will do the work of establishing Heaven on Earth. Ascension is not going to simply happen to you, teacher is a course of many lives. Some of the incarnated ones have been preparing for these times for many incarnations. Not everyone is willing to let go of their daily existence and let everything they know behind them; however, those who listen to the inner call will be prepared and will answer because they have to; It is their will to do so and they will respond to the call of their own Self.

Do not despair if you do not listen to the inner music of the Self reverberating through your feelings. It is there however, it is real and they will listen to it when they are ready and open. Do what you can to respond to your intuition. Become aware of the beauty that surrounds you. A world of great beauty, abundance and grace already exists, even on this planet.

Are you ready to embrace the possibility that you are deserving of Love and that you are able to share it with everything you see and experience in life? Can you love the darkest part of yourself that you can imagine inside? Can you love the lost child that every adult has left behind? Can they love the homeless homeless living on grilles on cold nights? Can you embrace those who seek to destroy you and your world? Are you ready to enter the Light and have the Angels show you what they have been and what they have done? Are you willing to stop judging yourself and judge others and embrace your connection to all life? Are you willing to love yourself? Are you willing to feel that you are capable of great things?

Enter the Light of your Higher Self and know that you are Love. Know that you will continue to experience challenges and trials along the way. How they choose to react to these challenges or not is what will determine whether or not they are capable of carrying and sustaining more Light. And as you accept challenges as opportunities, your Light will expand so that they become a beacon for those who come behind you.

Ascension is not a race, so it is not wise to compare one another. Each of you will focus on your path in your own way. Some of you will want to use others as guides; others will prefer to go through the tests and steps alone, looking for the guide that resides inside. As they open up to the energies and fiery evidence of ascension, they will naturally come to be in resonance with those at a similar level. Never expect your career to be the same as someone else's. It will never be like that. It will never be so because you are unique, a unique facet of God's Diamond Mind, and as such your path is your own, but you can share together with those who also feel the fires growing inside.

And eventually they will come - or in a sudden moment of revelation - to be aware that all life is sacred and interconnected, be it human, animal, plant or the planet itself. Be it the stars, the moon, the sun and the galaxy beyond, everything is connected by the great Quantum Network of Life, the Black Matter that is the Mother that unites everyone, and they will feel it when they are ready.

Our words emerging from the interlacing of our energies with those of our scribe are meant to be simply signposts on the path to their mastery. You will be the ones who walk that Path. You are all at different levels of consciousness, just as everyone agreed it would be before you came to this plane of existence. You all know each other and at some point you know this in your heart.

We know all of you by name and by your frequent signature. You are accompanied by your Guides and Angels. Call them when they need it and even in those moments that they consider less than sublime, when they are washing the dishes, working in the garden, washing clothes; We are with you as constant companions throughout your career. And one day we will walk together under the bright rays of his solar body, side by side, laughing and sharing our company with all of you.

We are going to end this now, but know that we are always present at the edge of your consciousness. We are waiting for you to invite us to become more familiar at the moment.

May our Blessings and our Love always go with you.


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Photo: Granite Peak, Central Cascades (www.nwhiker.net)

We Come in Waves of Light ~ The Collective of Light

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