La Ouija: Deciphering its Mysteries; beyond the ideomotor effect

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Neuro-scientific perspective behind the Ouija 2 Psychological perspective: beyond the ideomotor effect 3 What is behind the ouija? Esoteric Perspective 4 Is it safe to consult with this oracle?

More than a century old, many myths and legends surround such an enigmatic board. Instead of talking about its history, creators and patents - something that abounds on the internet - we will focus on the scientific, psychological and esoteric part, since the Ouija more than a harmless table game, forms a delicate instrument that could bring the subject closer to a real tragedy or psychic torment. But why? ; and even more, how does the ouija work and what does it hide, beyond the famous ideomotor effect ?

Neuro-scientific perspective behind the Ouija

It is interesting to highlight the parts of the brain that are involved in the movement of fine motor skills, and in the sensitivity of the fingers when handling the ouija. First, the association cortex that involves:

  1. The parietal lobe (which governs the associative somato-sensory cortex and its surface, covers Brodmann Areas 1, 2, 3 and also 43 but this is only gustatory)
  2. Temporal lobe (which has the auditory areas 42 and 43 responsible for receiving and encoding the audio with the help of the two hemispheres. So being the attention process on alert (with the help of norepinephrine ), these areas will be more active and they will be in charge of attending and coding any noise occurred in an ouija session. Here there may be a suggestion threshold for any distracting sound) and
  3. The occipital lobe (which intervenes in the fact of Seeing the characters of the board, with areas: 17, 18 and 19 of Brodman )

At this point, it is vital to mention that the parieto-temporo-occipital association cortex assembly provides and guarantees the sensory representation of finger movements, transmitting the information to the frontal lobe so that this one; can accurately perform the motor program . For example, the management of the ouija marker is a sequenced motor activity that is programmed from the premotor cortex, but adequate visual, spatial and temporal organization is necessary for each of the movements of the people involved in the game, they are made on the corresponding letter or sign to generate a message.

In this way, once the movement pattern has been correctly designed through the vision, the primary motor cortex (located in front of the rolling groove - area 4 de Brodmann) executes movement and sensory and motor activity . Here in Area 4 is the Penfield Homunculus, which is a map containing the representation of the efferent organs of the body.

Said Homunculus is also responsible for the movement of the index finger ( used to move the file ); whose movement quality is much finer, more precise and imperceptible, than the movements or displacements that are made using other areas of the body.

According to the investigations of the ideomotor effect, and the experiment of Larry Bayou, the areas of the brain mentioned, need, to encode a message, to organize according to the field of vision ( occipital lobe ) Therefore, by bandaging the eyes of the participants, they generate random and meaningless responses.

In summary, the basic functions of the motor cortex are framed in the control of voluntary motor activities as well as expressive language and writing. Integrating also, motivational and semantic aspects related to motor planning of oral and written language.

It seems that reality manifests itself in infinite ways, however it is unified at its most common point: The statements; as the limitation of all ens realissimum (or original concept) so that existence is not a genre of language, as believed by St. Anselm of Canterbury or also Descartes .

It seems that language with its uses, forms the essence of all objects when they think specifically, however, existence is not part of the essence (if there is no correspondence between intuition and propositions): the being of the entities does not belong to its existence, but to its use applied by virtue of language as a vehicle of thought, and even more, the language of the soul: The symbol .

Psychological perspective: beyond the ideomotor effect

Now, once it was clear, the functional areas that participate in the movement, it is conceivable now, the dimension and deep psychological processes involved in the group of people who use the Ouija.

First, since there are distracting external stimuli, people unconsciously move the file at the mercy of an imperceptible process through small pressures on the pointer, resulting in the reflection and the feeling that the file “moves alone” to this is known as ideomotor effect . (see in the annexes the investigation of natgeo)

However, many stories are about events after using the ouija board, as a way of invoking spirits. These cultural narratives of mythological dyes always (or mostly) expose events of possession, or psychic torment manifested by nightmares, or some unspecified sleep disorder that generate clinically significant discomfort in the personal, family or work area. They also have paranormal manifestations such as the poltergeist or even " bad luck . " But why does this happen, once you start invoking "spirits"?

Here unconscious processes intervene, as well as very particular conditions of who uses the board, such as: a predisposition to suggestion or psychosis where it is suggested; there may be a split of the conscious personality, in the face of archaic tendencies that are incompatible with the conscious structure, so that, like witchcraft; the ouija would be the "opening of a window", either towards:

The personal unconscious (repressed fragments of the participants, represented by the archetype of the shadow ),

The family unconscious (if ancestors of the family system, its energy or impulse charge, are invoked, would make an active but non-operative presence on the individual's psyche. So the person would be hooked on family loyalty, generating a strong emotional conflict; associated with the failure neurosis, some psychological complex or guilt )

The collective Unconscious (if numinous archetypes are invoked, this is where the phenomenon of possession occurs). Jung (cited by Galimberti, 2002) points out that the archetypes:

they are not imaginary dangers at all, but effective risks, on which, in certain cases, destiny may depend. The main danger is that of succumbing to the fascinating influence of archetypes, an especially concrete danger if 'we don't become aware' for ourselves archetypal images. Then there is already a predisposition to psychosis; It may happen that archetypal figures, in which, by virtue of their natural divinity, a certain autonomy is inescapable, are completely free from all conscious control, achieving full independence and generating phenomena of possession. (p. 114)

This perspective, is philosophically an ontologism, so that all archetypal figures are found a priori in the life of the psyche (especially in the collective unconscious) and the ouija, would be the significant tool or instrument (which has been endowed with a meaning from the ancestral experiences, from 1890 until today, that have configured an egregor with a tragic focus and burden, associated with the mal ”), through which, by predisposition of the psyche; a set of numinous archetypes would be activated, having these, a suggestive-dominant influence on the nucleus of the ego, until producing a split and consequently giving a psychotic process . Hence the phrase (paraphrasing the great Jung) that "one does not have complexes, but the complexes have one."

As was well said; For this to happen, it depends on the particular character of each participant, and their level of suggestion. That is, this depends on how prone a person is to identify hysterically with dissociated fragments or psychological complexes ( whether personal, or family or mythological-collective ) but not before forgetting that the unconscious works with symbols, so the ritual of conjuration of the ouija, it would be nuclear to activate (or constellate) through graphic representation, repressed processes, Denied or repudiated (forclusion) hidden in the psyche; causing all subsequent events.

What is behind the ouija? Esoteric Perspective

Of course, the ouija board is an circle. But unlike serious historical circles (such as Delphi, or even the IFA oracle ), the Ouija is a spurious one, because it does not go through initiation and cleaning processes, it does not thus obtaining adequate protection. So, any low frequency entity around the environment can disturb those who dare to use it, in order to feed on fear.

On the other hand, as the philosopher Her clito (cited by Sánchez, 1981) said in a resounding sentence:

The Lord, whose oracle is in Delphi, does not say or hide, but indicates (fragment 93 B, p. 370).

Unlike this type of Oculos, the Ouija does say and hide events or events directly. It is a way of not being compassionate with people, because it would be revealing events, circumstances or things, which, the subject would not be prepared in his personal evolution a n- to understand.

It is well known that the beings of light never reveal things so directly, but respect free will and they can manifest themselves with certain clear and distinct messages; when an individual is fully trained to understand. Likewise, the entity that would be there manipulating the board, would never reveal its intentions (in order to deceive) so that there would be elements that would remain hidden. in a session with the Ouija and even much of the indicated; It could be fake .

In this way, the ouija would be a portal that would link the three-dimensional plane with the low astral plane and that would open the window for any entity to materially anchor itself to the trabler (first) and then do it in others. objects (causing the poltergeist), animals or even a person, generating cases of possession.

On the other hand, it is said that the entities that are in the lower astral are mainly: demons, jinns, souls in grief, souls of people who have not had a very straight behavior such as: murderers and criminals. In this sense, it is important to bring up the role of the Leitzim, (which are a subspecies of lesser demons, also called esp s mocking spirits ) These are expressed when in human beings there is a bad inclination, represented by ambition. Yclaro is; In the Ouija there is always an insane ambition to know various things, including death itself.

The Leitzim, as archetypal figures; they possess the players' body through vision - imperiously - needing that field to be able to operate, cheat and “make fun” of the participants (their mission is also to drive people crazy through their deceptions, illusions and “jokes” ) and if the vision is obstructed (as in the Bayou experiment ), these beings - hypothetically - could not operate or failing that, they would also mock. So there is the intangible mystery of the Leitzim hypothesis, which epistemologically can never be proven by science, but by some philosophical method.

Also, science or ideomotor effect does not explain physical facts; such as why, in some ouija sessions , the glass vessel (when used) that serves as a pointer can explode, or poltergeist phenomena can happen . Which would be explained pseudoscientifically, due to the interaction of "very dense energies" on the three-dimensional plane

Is it safe to check with this oracle?

If the board is open with the correct phrases, spells, prayers and rites, it will always connect with a negative archetype, which will have a harmful impact on your life . Now, if the board is not conjured, its effect is null. However, if a person is very sensitive, or has an extrasensory ability, he could unconsciously activate it by invoking something. Or also if it is easily suggested, your mind could have a " bad play ." Now, if one does not know how to handle both the board and himself, the individual will hurt himself or cause harm to others.

Particularly I have asked a number of reliable spiritual teachers on the subject, and all the answers obtained, regarding the use of the Ouija is: "Nothing good will come from there." However, there will always be skeptics on the subject, or even people who have done it and have not perceived anything, in this case, the board was never conjured with a ritual (we must not forget that the symbol is the language of the psyche, and a spell or ritual activates unconscious processes ).

Given the latter, the esoteric dimension is a pseudoscience, because epistemologically it is not falsifiable . However, all such experience; It always refers to praxis and its validity resides precisely there, and not only to the theoretical. But would you dare to check?

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the great family of


  • Galimberti, U. (2002). Dictionary of psychology . Mexico City: 21st century editors.
  • Portellano, j. (2005). Introduction to neuropsychology. Madrid, Spain: Mcgraw Hill lange.
  • Sánchez, P. (1981). The pre-Socratic philosophers I. Madrid, Spain: Gredos Editorial SA
  • Waxman, S. (2011). Clinical neuroanatomy Mexico: Mcgraw Hill lange.


  • HD movies and series. (producer). (2017, July 05). Mind games: your sixth sense . [Natgeo program on YouTube]. Available: [Accessed: 2019, April 29].

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