In the lakes of your mind

  • 2011


The Master speaks and directs, if you are willing to follow him open your heart without fear knowing that he is saved and nothing can hurt you because you are careful for your BEING. You are a precious and precious being, do not deny yourself and head harmoniously to the golden house where your teacher lives. Knock on the door and reverently wait for his signal that will give you to enter, you can accommodate to talk, what do you want to talk to him today, what doubts or sorrows do you want to share, your heart hurts or maybe you have a dream you want to achieve ? Show him your dreams, your adventures, your sorrows or your doubts, but beloved, keep in mind that in these meetings love is always present and only this is the one who directs the encounter, for this reason feel comfortable, protected, guided and loved, and a Once you integrate and feel these feelings in yourself, don't you feel better now? My beloved, nothing should darken the sun that you are nothing should weigh you because you must be light and vibrate only in harmony. Be wise and cautious, do not be distracted by the snake of deception because it will lead you to disappointment, protect your BEING by being kind to yourselves, listen to your heartbeat and follow the rhythm of that heartbeat, answer the call of your silence and with I respect you very much, do not be fooled by false witnesses that lead to confusion, be worthy children of light and only walk through it.

Beings of love, open and give way to the light, reflect as such and nurture it. You are blessed. Love you.


Today we will live without pain and only with love will we receive from this day any message that comes to us. These messages are sent to us so that through them we manifest and realize ourselves being fully aware of what they want to tell us and activate with their arrival. The human who lives unconscious is not able to perceive and integrate into his life savoring his surroundings and arriving with his highest consciousness to encompass the more the better. When the human is focused only on his small environment, he is not able to embrace the unity to which he belongs. Your job now is to feel centered in yourselves and open yourself to universal consciousness, the more you are able to embrace and embrace more and more the bonds of union that are so necessary today to strengthen the race that must be rescued will be opened. The work of the good human is focused on the extension of that union that has to embrace everyone to form a large compact mass, without ruptures or holes where energy is lost. You will work the energy more and more conscious every day, and you will manage it at will to make with it the columns that will make you as a great chapel to strengthen you as warriors that you are. The great force that reaches you must be managed and integrated without paying attention to other guides that can reach you. It is only you who must manage that great energy by integrating into it and clearing from its surroundings any circumstance that makes you make a painful mark. Only the virtues should be strengthened and thus nullifying the misfortune, be successful. Transmute


You are walking along a path next to a cliff. Beloved ones keep on walking and don't stop under any circumstances because now any fear that paralyzes you makes an indelible mark on your being, and does not allow the force to be your armor so as not to fall. These are times when the human dressed in his armor must flourish and give way to the dumb witness who has remained in the shadow until now, however, at this time too many influences oppress you and leave you mute and impregnated with a layer that does not let you shine The light you all are. It is a battle at high levels. You who have been reborn in that sphere have nothing left but to recognize what you were and what you are now to make the leap again.

Any human who disguises himself and is not able to act more than under that layer that makes him invisible to other eyes, will not be able to renew and ascend as now planned. Strange forces are already acting to you so that awakening is soon, so you can remain inactive, with fears or human problems that stop you at every step you try to take but beloved, now we tell you: Ascend in your state of consciousness being precise in your time to choose your master and lord, leave your roads clean of debris and pave them with the illusion and faith that you are being guided by your intuition and your guide does not leave you, he encourages you in every second of your life. Make the road flat and clean it of any residue that may cause you to stumble. You are loved


My beloved ones in that plane, from this point of light we send you all our white energies so that you love beings work with them and aware of this gift you can handle and distribute them as it should be in these moments where so much love must manifest and spread to to take firm steps, and through them to direct every human being towards the integral development of humanity.

My beloved, relax in your life, but do not stand still, the day-to-day work will bring you rewards that you must integrate into you being aware of them. The beatitudes that fall as renewal energies will come to you and your environment when you are able to recognize and embrace them, nobody can welcome what they ignore, so be very, very attentive and aware of it and thus achieve the renewal you have to achieve the human to ascend without loads. The moments that are hard for humanity are channels of light to transmute, because everything is transmutable and the human must understand and work like that. Work can be heavy for you, but my beloved, what is not worth an ascension? Every human is taken care of and protected by our Brotherhood, when he surrenders to the evidence of the need to be involved in this work that must be consciously and freely chosen becomes a new way of life.

My beloved, live LIFE and do not get lost in ways that are wrong, so you feel lost. Route now your steps to perform as authentic warriors of light and manifest with your power because they are moments of manifestation and nothing should be hidden, covered by lack of recognition or fears that obscure you. Brothers resurrect and we will take care of your ascension. We love you. Be blessed

Omaras has been channeling since 2001 and all his writings are published in his blog at

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