Lord Sanat Kumara - Message of Joy for the Russian people (June 20, 2007)

I AM Sanat Kumara and I come back to you through my messenger.

I AM and present myself before you in order to announce a new cycle of dictations through our messenger. We have arrived to this day and tears of joy roll down my cheeks against my desire. Ah! You cannot even imagine the joy of Heaven on this joyful day.

It seems to you that everything around remains immutable and that there is nothing that can predict any change. The sun continues to shine as usual, the birds sing and the cares of the day emerge before you tirelessly. However, I dare to assure you that many things have changed since the last time we came to give instructions through our messenger.

Three months have passed. What could have changed during this time? - may ask.

What happened had to happen. And we are pleased that the condition transmitted through our messenger in March this year has come to a happy end. We needed a signal in the physical world to confirm that our messenger is recognized by the Russian people. We needed a signal in the physical world to confirm that the inhabitants of the Earth listen to us and are prepared to cooperate with us.

And we already have that signal. And that signal represents for us the beginning of the construction of an Ashram for our messenger. Now we can bring joyful news to the Great Central Sun and ask for new dispensations and new divine mercies, not only for the people of Russia but also for all the peoples of planet Earth.

We are happy and I am pleased that the most difficult test, the most difficult test has concluded. And the signal to pass this test is the continuity of our dictates, which we offer according to the divine opportunity through our messenger.

Just before this dictation began, I have carefully considered the content of my talk. Do you know what I am talking about? I have understood and understood that our expectations of cooperation with the peoples of planet Earth were not fulfilled in the way we expected. As we expected an act of absolute and unconditional generosity in order to request new dispensations and new opportunities for planet Earth. But it didn't happen. No one could achieve this level of consciousness to help our messenger unconditionally.

So they will wonder why we rejoice and why we overflow with joy. The Russian people decided to evade the Higher Law. Hundreds and thousands of people arrived with selfless contributions destined to the construction of an Ashram for our messenger. There were people who contributed very modest sums. But we see and read in their hearts. These contributions are equal to what was expected because many detached themselves from their minimum income, with which they fed their families. These people contributed significant sums and these are the people who gave us the energy of the prayer through which we usually help.

We express our gratitude to all who made it possible to start this construction. In God's eyes, his contribution is invaluable because it allows us to intercede for new dispensations and Divine opportunities not only for Russia but for the entire planet.

I am happy to announce that the Karmic Board session begins in a couple of minutes. And I sincerely hope that all those who have supported this construction project and contributed their own contributions, can request from the Karmic Board, through their letters, the mercy that you wish to welcome both you and your family members.

Do not hesitate to ask for our mercies. If their requests cannot be fully granted, they may certainly receive a maximum dispensation for karma release to the extent permitted by the Higher Law.

Thus, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all who contributed to the fulfillment of our ultimatum (NT Message of March 24), which we presented to the people in March and I hope that these efforts, made by you, are not the last. Ah! I announce to you that God has great miracles reserved for you and the prospects to reveal to you will exceed your expectations.

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that you are about to start the Path. A difficult and dangerous path lies in front of you. And if they have now acted with enthusiasm, full of strength and Divine impulse, from within, then, it will be necessary to apply all their strength in order to overcome what is left of it.

We try to make the transformation of planet Earth in a short period of time. This means that the leading resistance of those forces that do not want the changes will increase catastrophically. Be alert and do not deviate from your Goals. Do not let the illusion take over your conscience or you can forget God, the Ascended Masters and rush down a slippery and dangerous trail to a ravine of horror and sorrow.

We invite you to ascend to our Glorious Cusps. Do not allow to deviate through the ravines of pain that still cover the Earth.

We hope you can overcome with honor all the dangers encountered along the Way. This will be difficult for you. They will experience enormous burdens and exhaustion of all their forces. Please, when it is particularly difficult for you, when you lose hope and do not see any ray of Light before you, remember me, remember this dictation, remember that you are immortal beings of Light and that nothing can injure you if you harbor a grain of Faith, Hope and Love in your hearts!

It is enough to house a minimum portion of Faith in your heart and use it to attract the Heavens, to me personally, to any Ascended Master, to the Archangel Michael. Even when they believe they are lost, a miracle will occur and all obstacles on their Path will disappear as when the clouds clear. Never forget that you are in the world of illusion. And all the horrors and fears of his illusory world will disappear completely in a beautiful day. This is the way of acting of the Higher Law. And those who want to remain clinging to the old energy and familiar and obsolete, moldable things, take the risk of disappearing along with the world of illusion and non-existence.

Therefore, I invite you to leave your doubts and your bad character and hurry along the road where a fresh wind of changes blows, where the great changes and events are taking place and where we invite you to stay .

I believe that after this message, many of you will take a new approach in your lives and make a decision based on the changes, however threatening that may appear to your carnal mind .

Nothing can harm them. They are not afraid to lose your body but to save your soul. It is much worse to make a choice to save your body and the things of the physical world in exchange for losing your soul.

Having said this, I leave you for today.

I AM Sanat Kumara.


Orientation of the Ascended Masters for the people of Russia

March 24, 2007

Yesterday, when I was meditating with Lord Maitreya, He told me something.

Every time some indication given by the Ascended Masters is coming to an end, I invoke my Master and He reveals to me the next step to follow in order to prepare.

About a month ago, when I asked about the Seminary in Bulgaria, this was Lord Maitreya's answer: After the seminar The Path of Initiations Everything can change tremendously.

At that time, I did not understand its implications. But yesterday, during my meditation, I asked the same question and what is next?

You cannot turn the corner until you reach it

And after an hour, there was a flow of thoughts that did not form as a dictation, as these are very serious reflections. So I can only repeat what I understood

Actually, I have been granted to wear the mantle of light as a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in March 2004. It has been three years since the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood and this mantle have the possibility of staying in Russia. And this is a special period of time given to the Nation, to the country.

You know the story of Beloved Jesus. He toured Jerusalem riding a donkey. And before he preached to the people of Israel for three years, He was covered with palms and the people cheered him: `` Hallelujah '' and, later, he was crucified on a Friday. Thus the Nation, through these people who captured, tortured and executed Jesus, made his choice. And the people of Israel spread over the Earth.

Russia is a very important country. And now it is becoming clear why. It is because in the last 70 years Russia had the opportunity to achieve that state of consciousness, passing many tests as a Nation ... (That is the reason why not only individuals go through tests but also the set of Nations) ... and Russia had the opportunity to achieve this level of consciousness that would allow the Nation to make an important decision in the future.

And you know that Blavatsky and Roerchs could not stay in Russia. They offered their teaching outside the country. And throughout the 20th century, the Great White Brotherhood, was teaching in North American territory. There were many messengers and organizations through which this teaching was offered. We know from the dictates that the Focus of Light was withdrawn from US territory and transferred to Russia. The Focus of Light is not something that can be touched. It is what underlies inside. This is only an opportunity for a person to direct the Divine Light, which is received for the entire Nation.

Three years have elapsed since 2004 and the changes taking place in Russia are visible to the naked eye. At the level of the physical plane, the Divine energy manifests itself as the energy of money. And Russia is destined to become a rich country, if the Nation decides to go through its Initiation test.

While the teachings were taught on that Earth, North America became a rich country. The question now was how the Nation would use the Light offered. But they chose to continue on the path of worshiping the golden calf. Thus, the Light, which was offered by the Ascended Masters, practically throughout the 20th century, was invested by the people choosing external things, the wealth of this world, and serving this world.

And now there is no time left. And Russia was granted now what took tens of years for North America. Three years - and the country faces making a decision. And Russia, as it once corresponded, must make its choice. What would that choice be? The Nation may choose the Way of the Spirit, the Divine Way or the way of worship of the golden calf. This is the way in which the Nation is working.

I asked and what's next now? The summer dictation series was planned for June-July and one more seminar. But Maitreya doesn't allow me. They did not give me the opportunity to work.

They say that ... Russia has not given me anything since then. I don't even have a place to live. The way in which the Nation treats a Messenger of the Ascended Masters means a lot…

It's not about me. In fact, it is very difficult for me to talk about this. Since, on a human level, it might seem that I am looking for something for myself. Actually, I don't need anything. But this is really something very serious.

And if the Ascended Masters withdraw the Focus of Light, Russia will not pass its test. And, usually, the Nation makes the decision through the people, through those same people who participated in the execution of Jesus, and through these people who have the opportunity to attend this congregation. It means, God speaks for you.

God speaks for you ...

And perhaps this meeting is the last. I do not know.

This was what I understood yesterday through my meditation with Lord Maitreya.

© The messenger is Tatyana Mickushina

Translated from Russian to English by Nonna Golovina

Translated from English to Spanish by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

URL in English: www.sirius-eng.net/dictations/

URL in Spanish: www.sirius3.ru/ispania/index.htm

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