How to receive the New Year 2018? End of Year Rituals

  • 2017

Rituals are extraordinarily important experiences, realities that help us achieve our goals, do you want to know how to receive the new year in the best way ?, do you want prosperity for the new year 2018 ?, are you looking for a new love, or do you want to strengthen the relationship with the one you have? Today I want to show you wonderful New Year's Eve rituals, I hope you take advantage of them!

New Year's Eve Rituals, New Year to Reborn!

For many, the end of the year is a special date to share with friends and family, that is, share with the people you really love. But, you have asked yourself, what happens at the end of the year ? What happens at the beginning of the new year ?

For now, all I want you to retain in your mind and in your heart is the closing of a Cycle for the end of the year, and the beginning of a Cycle for the new year, for this specific case, closing of the 2017 Cycle and Start of the 2018 Cycle . Actually, there is ample learning on this subject, however, I summarized it this way to avoid confusion. If you wish you can do research personally.

In short, the rituals that I am going to teach you, I want you to perform with all the faith and disposition possible, that, from your mind, you act and your heart, you decree what you want for the start of this new Cycle 2018 .

End of the Year Ritual to Move and Destroy Negative Energies

... from your mind, you act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the start of this new year 2018 ...

I will ask you to have availability of the following materials:

- Matches, matches

- Large white plate

- Green candle

- White and un scratched paper sheet

- Green ink pen

Before midnight, exactly one hour before, you will write with the green ink pen on the clean white paper, all those negative- looking experiences that were destructive to you and that didn't let you move forward. Everything negative that you don't want in your life.

When you finish writing, fold the paper in two (2), and wait for the chimes that announce the new year, 2018 . Immediately the bell rings twelve (12), you will light the green candle, and with the flame of this Light, you will burn the paper that contains those negative experiences and that you want to destroy forever.

The whole burning process, you must do it on the white plate that you reserved in advance. The ashes, you must empty them in the toilet or toilet of your house, and please, wash the dish very well if you want to use it later.

You will feel that a heavy, very heavy load, which you were holding will be gone, you will feel relief, be renewed and loaded with positive energies. I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

End of Year Ritual to Call Abundance and Success

From your mind, act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the beginning of this new year 2018.

For this ritual, you will need:

One- dollar bill

Green thread, the one used to sew or embroider

Green bag

If your main desire is to receive the new year loaded with abundance, prosperity and success, this is the ritual you must perform!

The first thing you should do is to sew the green bag with the green thread, leaving only a space to put the ticket when instructed.

At the end of the twelve (12) bells that announce the new year, take the dollar bill in your hands and tighten it with the greatest force you have. Then, put the bill in the green bag, and proceed to sew this space with the green thread, leaving the bag completely sealed.

If you are not at home, you should sew the bag the next day, if you are at home, do so immediately.

If you perform this ritual, you will notice the difference during the new year ! I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

End of the Year Ritual so you Never Miss Money

... from your mind, you act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the start of this new year 2018 ...

You will need: a baskets of straw or branches, too, a handful of raw lentils .

For the development of this ritual, you must have very clear and precise goals and objectives that you will develop during the new year and that need money to achieve it, you can visualize as a decree and as if you already had it, the amount of money you will achieve throughout the year. The idea is that you receive the new year with a handful of raw lentils in your right hand.

At midnight, you must place the lentils in the basket that I have asked you to prepare in advance. Place it where you think it is the center of production of your money, it can be your computer, in your clothes, in the products you sell, in short, where the greatest economic income of your family is reflected.

This ritual will bring you well-being, economic stability and success. If you are a person who earns your money independently, you have a company, you work as a freelancer, or you are FreeLancer, it will be essential that you perform this ritual. I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

End of the Year Ritual to Promote Peace and Spiritual Tranquility

... from your mind, you act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the start of this new year 2018 ...

Before developing this ritual, I invite you to get these elements:

- A small pot, preferably new

- Two glasses of water without gas, use totally natural water

- Seven cinnamon sticks, you can choose rods of the largest

15 minutes before entering the new year 2018, that is, before 12 midnight, in the small pot you selected, boil the cinnamon you chose, do not forget to pour the two glasses of natural water. The idea is that you close all the windows of your house, and let the scent of cinnamon flood the entire place.

With this technique you are invoking peace, spiritual tranquility and calm throughout the coming year. I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

New Year's Eve Ritual to Call and Care for Love

From your mind, act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the beginning of this new year 2018.

To develop this ritual, prepare a rub, a glass of red wine and a piece of red tissue paper.

Rubies possess the properties of opening paths to find love, and caring for those loves that have been found. It symbolizes pure, passionate, strong and real love ; They also offer strength of internal security and benevolence.

The idea is that, immediately after twelve (12) midnight, pour the ruben into the wine glass, then drink it until the last drop. Finally, take this quartz and wrap it in the red tissue paper and place it in the bra for women, and in the shirt pocket for men. When the love of your life comes, hide this amulet on your pillow. If you do not need to find a partner, but take care of the current love, do not carry it in the bra or in the shirt pocket, once you put it on the pillow.

I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

New Year's Eve Ritual to Eliminate and Expel Negativity

... from your mind, you act and your heart, decree through rituals, everything you want for the start of this new year 2018 ...

Actually, negative energies are the cause of non-progress and stagnation of your projects, goals and objectives, which is why it is important that you expel and eliminate forever any shadow of negativity .

Basil has protective and cleansing properties, it is able to protect you against envy, aggressiveness, gossip, evil spirits, and jealousy.

For this ritual, you will need three glasses of natural water, neither dirty nor with gas, a small pot of new predilection, two handfuls of basil and a ceramic bowl.

Ten minutes before entering 2018, bring the basil to a boil in the pot, do not forget to pour the three glasses of natural water that you prepared before. You will let the basil boil for 5 minutes. Then, already boiled, put it in the ceramic bowl and place it under your bed. Start a new life full of extraordinary positive energies and high energy vibrations!

I invite you to receive the new year 2018 with these extraordinary rituals !

How did you find these rituals ? If you do not believe in these symbols, or do not have enough faith capable of decreeing and projecting what you want in your life, do not do them !, your efficiency you will never see it, your problem is only and exclusively mental, start by changing your way of thinking, acting and observing your life. I assure you that the properties of the elements used in these rituals are amazing!

We wish you a happy, happy and prosperous New Year, that you really manage to accomplish what you have planned to accomplish, dedicate for it, soul, life, mind and heart.

The end of the year is the closing of a Cycle, and the beginning of a Cycle for the new year, for this specific case, closing of the 2017 Cycle and beginning of the 2018 Cycle.

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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