"It is the state of the soul that determines health" - by Ghislaine Lantôt

  • 2013

Interview with Ghislaine Lanctôt about medicine and health, ”First the soul gets sick and is followed by the Body

Since Ghislaine published his first work in which he questions the functioning of the medical system - for dealing with illness, rather than health - many consciences have been restless. To enliven these issues, the author, who transmits peace and security, has given us a little time to share with her readers her philosophy of life.

Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctôt was born in 1941, her father and grandfather were pharmacists and she began the medical career to please them. «I wanted to be a philosopher. But I thought that thinking was not going to bring anything to people. I thought, I will do something useful, that benefits the population, and as I grew up in this environment I decided to do the medical degree. In the end I left all that and what I do now is what I wanted to do from the beginning ».

Guislaine is divorced and has four children. «What opened my eyes to me –the writer continues– was my divorce. It is what woke me up. When the children left for their father's house, I had time for myself, I didn't know what that was, I had forgotten myself. I worked but took care of the family a lot, for me it was the priority. So, like a weekend of two, I didn't have children, I was forced to take care of myself and that's how I started to evolve, to meet people and to discover things, to get out of the family prison. After this, I lived six years in the United States. I was born in Montreal (Canada), but between 1984 and 1990 I was in the United States. This experience opened my eyes to what the medical business is because that's what they call it there. Here in Europe and in Canada they believe that it is like working for the good of the sick, which is a social issue. When I returned from the United States, I wrote The Medical Mafia whose first edition was published in 1994 ».

The medical school filed a lawsuit, the process lasted a year and since then the writer teaches seminars so that people understand and become aware that it is the state of the soul that determines mental health. "How to improve the state of my soul to improve the state of my body, " says Ghislaine.

Question: Your current vision of health is completely different from when you were a doctor. At what time and why did you take a radical turn to your career?

Answer: Over the years I began to see things that did not seem sensible to me, that had no logic, such as continuing to give medications even if they did not work, even if the person did not heal. I did not understand, for example, how chemotherapy was applied in cancer if what it does is make the person who ends up dying anyway sicker.
When the soft medicines appeared I thought that was interesting, and I have gone to meet people who practiced alternative medicine and then I realized that what they were doing was very interesting, even better than what we were doing in conventional medicine. These people welcomed me, showed me what they were doing, how they acted. And I thought: why haven't we been taught this to the other doctors? How can it be that they do not teach it in the faculty and that in addition these people call them charlatans and scammers? I met them and I saw that that was not true, they were not charlatans. That was how I started to ask things. When I finished my medical degree I was convinced that by the year 2000 there would be no more disease in the world, I had a blind confidence in the medicine that had been given to me taught. However, I saw that time was passing and that people's health was getting worse. I also noticed that non-working medications are still prescribed, and that a war was being waged against alternative medicines. In addition, I was a phlebologist and had opened phlebology centers in different parts of the country, which led me to closely experience the business of traditional medicine. And there I know that I understood many things.

Q: What role do alternative medicines play for you?

A: Alternative medicines produce a more interesting well-being than that provided by conventional medicine. Conventional medicine cuts, burns and poisons. Cut with the operations, poison with the quicio and with the rays. Soft medicines can temporarily put order in the body, but since the problem is in the soul, before or after the problem of the soul will have to be addressed.
It is the soul that makes other bodies sick. For example: my work is no longer convenient for me, I have nausea in the morning when I think I have to go to work, then my back starts to hurt, my knees, my gut can go to see someone who practices soft medicine, will help my body, I can have treatments of energy techniques that help my emotional and mental body; but until I solve what happens with my work I will continue to get sick because my soul tells me to get out of here. It is interesting, because the soul delivers a stronger and stronger message and when you do not understand it, it throws a brick at your head : a car accident, a divorce, someone who dies in the family, an illness, losing your job Something strong for you to have reactions.

Q: From your point of view as a doctor of the soul, do you think there is any solution to this type of disease?

A: It is never too late, healing can occur at any time.

Q: Are you doing this philosophy of life?

A: Many people work, not just love. It is not the doctor who can heal me.

P: There are more and more cases of cancer whose patients receive chemotherapy. Do you not think that in some cases chemotherapy cures?

A: Chemotherapy is poison. Normally it does no good to anyone. You have to know that there is always a conflict, any disease is psychosomatic. There is always a conflict because of a disease, but if I identify the conflict and solve it, the disease goes away. So I understood that medicine is totally controlled by money. So what we did as doctors was to make people more sick in order to generate profits for the industry. So what is health? In the faculty they only taught me what the disease is. So what is good health? I concluded that the body only manifests the state of the soul. And when my body is sick it is because my soul is sick. Then the body alone does not get sick, it is like a mirror that reflects what goes on inside. To see my soul, I look at my body and see what is in my soul. Then it is no use treating only the body. You have to look at the soul, what does not work in the soul, what is the disease of the soul? It is war. Because my soul tells me internally to do something and my ego tells me to do the opposite. Then there is an internal war. Illness is always the manifestation of a conflict within me. There are two aspects: the body and the soul. What does the soul want? The soul wants the emancipation of Being and the body wants the security of having, of having. Each one pulls on one side, stress means inner war. When I treat the soul, the whole body is aligned on this balance. I don't want to say that you don't have to take care of the physical body, but do things in the right order. First the soul, then the mental body, then the emotional body and then the physical body. And we usually do it the other way around. Conventional medicine takes care of the physical body, and does not treat the rest.

P: Don't you think that society itself demands that the doctor take care of the physical body and give him a pain medicine?

A: The society itself, we are the ones who created this mafia in our image and likeness. The problem is that we give priority to "having" over "being, " that is disorder, prioritizing the body instead of the soul. To return to order you have to give priority to the soul instead of giving it to the body, that generates order, peace and health.

P: That is much more complicated than taking a pill ...

A: True, but what does a pill do? It gives you the illusion that you will be better, but over time the symptoms reappear.

Q: In the case of malaria, for example, someone healthy gets sick from drinking contaminated water, does he also insist on his theory?

A: This is valid for everything. There is no external microbe that makes me sick, I am the creator of my diseases. And this is the true disease of the soul, not knowing that it is I who is creating it. As I think I am not responsible, I imagine outside creators: microbes, tumors, etc. For example a simple cold: it is cold, I catch a cold. And you can have a cold in summer, it's nonsense, it has nothing to do with the cold. With this structure of thought I am generating war towards external factors. And that's why vaccines were created. What are vaccines? Give the disease more weakened so that the body reacts. That is to say, I don't have the disease but if one day I get it, it would be less serious because I have already had the vaccine. I'm going to give you another example, I'm afraid my daughter will be raped. Then I will give her a weakened rapist, then if one day she is raped she will be less serious because she will have had a small rapist and then she will be prepared. The vaccine works the same. It’s crazy. Living in disorder leads to this kind of madness. For example, bird flu. It's extraordinary! Near where I live there was a very serious expert who came from the medical authorities and has given us figures: within nine years about 152 people died of bird flu in the world, in Canada alone 10, 000 people die every year for medical errors, not illness but mistakes. I think that doctors should be vaccinated! There is no epidemic, there is nothing. Then a worldwide pandemic has been created, in which millions of dollars have been spent to treat it but there is nothing. This is in preparation for many years. We have been hearing about a pandemic for five to seven years. How can you announce that there will be a pandemic? An epidemic arises, it happens, but I cannot foresee it, it is a montage.

Q: But people are afraid ...

A: Yes, it is a form of mental manipulation to lead them to think that an epidemic will occur. And one day, when it happens, the authorities will say that they had already planned it. It is something that has been prepared for a long time, there is a hidden process behind it. I do not know exactly what it is, it can be, for example, to put an electronic chip to everyone because when there is a vaccine campaign you can put anything in the syringe. So it is possible that there is a strategy that consists in saying that there is an epidemic and that everyone has to be vaccinated and then they would put the microchip. I am sure there is something behind, a hidden purpose in saying that there is an epidemic and that we must be careful. It is a hypothesis. Anyway, whatever the purpose is, is the control over the population.

Q: Does all this have something to do with the trilogy of the lie he talks about in his book The Medical Mafia?

A: I talk a lot about vaccines in the book and what I say in this regard in the book is what triggered the wrath of the medical school. Because vaccines are not touched, they are sacred, you can talk about anything; industry, medications ... but watch out for vaccines. Because vaccines give the industry significant profits, but you can give people anything. The vaccine is a means to produce genocides with a specific target.

When you want to distribute to a people or a race, they manage it, look at what is happening in Africa. They call it AIDS, but what does AIDS mean? "Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome". So it is the immune system itself that has weakened, so that any condition is much more serious.

Q: Who is behind this whole strategy?

A: Those who rule. There is a world government that has all its ministries, for health is WHO, but there are also UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, IMF, World Bank, etc. All UN member countries obey the orders of the world government.

Q: Do you see a solution for this situation?

A: Yes, but we are going wrong. The solution that I propose in the book is individual sovereignty. It is becoming aware as an individual person that it is I who has the real power. For example, the McDonald's, when people stop going to these restaurants. If I stop buying and giving money to multinationals, they are worthless, they don't earn money. If the sick stop going to the doctor, the medical system collapses, if I stop paying taxes there is no government. So where is the true power? In the person and the word SOVEREIGNTY, it means the ultimate power, the highest, which we have always thought was outside and is within us.

If we think of the highest power, we think of God. And what is God? It is the spirit that creates the entire universe and this is within one, not outside. The solution comes when I become aware of who I really am and that I am going to behave as I am, we will find perfect health and immortality, which is more interesting than dying, isn't it?

Q: And what is the first step we should take?

A: First start by making a decision, which is to give free rein to my soul, it is my soul who commands and not the ego, then I stop fighting, I listen to what my soul tells me. For example, my soul tells me: «stop this work, it doesn't resonate with you anymore, stop doing that»; but the ego will tell me: "No, are you crazy? You have to pay the rent, support the family, be a good mother ...". That is war, so I stop fighting and listen to my soul. And the ego starts to stir and get restless, what will happen to me? Want to control, is its function. What will become of me? Well I do not know, it is I who is creating what will happen to me. Am I going to fight myself? No, I will make peace.

Something that can be done several times a day and that automatically improves health every time, that is, the truth. We lie all the time, but even without realizing it, we are so used to doing it… we have fat lies and others that are called "half-truths", but the missing half is a lie. And there is another category of lies that are by default. And this is called a secret. Sometimes my son comes to see me and says, "Mom, I have to tell you something, but don't tell anyone." If it's a secret and you can't keep it, don't ask me to keep it. If it's a secret for you and you transmit it to me because it weighs heavily on your shoulders, I'm not going to keep it either.

They are everyday things. If I stay in the lie and I am always lying, little by little I destroy my health. I lie and lie because I am afraid, it is the ego that lies, the soul never lies.

If I go looking for outside love, I suffer. If I live with love for myself, focused inward, not for fear of what people may think of me, my health improves.

For example, I play here and feel a lump in my chest. I have two possibilities or I stand here and do nothing, or I run to the doctor. If I go to the doctor, he will tell me that I have cancer. In the mind it is written "Cancer equal to death." So if I have felt fear and I have gone to the doctor, the doctor has frightened me even more and recommends chemotherapy. I don't like that because the people I know who have done it turn green, feel nauseous, have no hair and have a very weak and sad state. Then I am more and more afraid, every time I am more sick and every time I get closer to death.

That happens if I take the doctor's option. In the other case my body shows me that there is an internal conflict, the lump in this chest is a gift that I give myself, I do not want to take it away from me, it is my mirror that is indicating something to me. I'm going to say to the bulge: What do you have to tell me? Tell me. Thanks for manifesting yourself. I listen to you, tell me about my conflict. Then I say to my soul: I leave you free. I will live and feel the fear of dying. In this way I can heal definitively, not a temporary remission, but a true healing.

For example, what is a divorce? A break up. Something tells me: no, you don't have to divorce, stay with that person and something tells me: no, it's over. Currently there are more divorces because awareness rises and people pay more attention to their feelings. Divorce and leaving a job are not good options for the security of credit. There are more and more people who leave brilliant careers because they no longer make sense of what they do. It is normal because consciousness rises.

If I ignore my soul and continue in that work I get sick and when I go to the doctor he sends me antidepressants. And what are antidepressants? They are drugs that make me feel nothing anymore. I work well, I will continue with l . With the help of these pills I am effective and I can continue paying the mortgage.

Something that causes a lot of stress is the indebtedness of families. One way to heal is to get out of this debt system because it involves slavery. It is the `` voluntary simplicity '', it is a social movement of people who deliberately adopt it. I do not recommend it as a social movement, but as a temporary measure to get out of this trap. So, material needs cease to be the priority in my life and rather the soul is the priority. The `` voluntary simplicity '' consists in reducing material needs. For example if I have a large house with a very high mortgage, a car to match the house, children who wear brand, go to a private school, etc. All that costs money and I have to keep working, but I don't like my job anymore and there I am in prison and that is a tremendous stress. The person thinks that he has no way out: If I quit my job, I will no longer be able to offer whims to my children, I will lose my friends pyjos, my prestige, my wife, reputation n You cannot imagine life without any of that, but it is possible. I sell the house, I sell the car, we go to a smaller house, the children stop going to the private school and they are sent to a public one and so I have time for myself soul. That's really health, those things in everyday life are what make my health better or worse.

Q: You proved to be very brave when you wrote the book The medical mafia, which cost you the expulsion from the medical school, I suppose you lived an important conflict. How did you decide to take the plunge?

A: I knew that publishing that book ended for me the medical career. I remember that moment and said to myself: If I don't write this book, I die. He might not have died quickly, but at the soul level. It was not so difficult, it was more difficult to leave my role as a good mother.

Q: What do you mean?

A: My children are no longer, I am no longer a mother. I had to stop worrying about my children. An important passage was that my house was no longer his house. I have two daughters and each of them had left two cups for breakfast in my house. More than a year ago a friend arrived and offered me two bowls, I had no place to put them all and decided to remove my daughters' cups. That was tremendous! It was a symbol of the bond with my daughters and it was about cutting those kinds of ties. Then one said "ok" and the other said "no talk" and put the cup back in its place. I told him: "Well, you do what you want, but I've already done what I had to do."

Q: Detachment, then, does it have to do with getting good health?

A: Yes, when I am attached to something, I am afraid of losing it and if I have many attachments I cannot move forward. With my book "The medical mafia" everything went: the medical degree, the profession ... Each one has different charges and attachments.

source: balorum.wordpress.com

"It is the state of the soul that determines health" - by Ghislaine Lantôt

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