Suzanne Lie ~ Returning to the New Earth -The Arcturians

  • 2015

8-28-15 Returning to the New Earth

The Arcturians

Our Dear Ancestors:
We are glad that you have been able to maintain the awareness of unconditional love since you opened your Door to the New Earth. The continued FEELING of unconditional love is what assures our ascendants that they are "in the process of creating the New Earth ."

We know that all of you are going to experience moments of three-dimensional thoughts based on fear, but we want you to know that those moments do not constitute a "failure" in any way but are moments in which you have temporarily returned to the "habit."

Habit is the primary survival mechanism that you have created in order to survive the extremely challenging time of the closure of Kali Yuga (the final 2, 000 years of three-dimensional reality). These habits were not bad; They were necessary. Therefore, do not judge yourself.

Congratulate yourself Being aware of old habits is a huge achievement because habits hide in your unconscious mind and your deep subconscious mind. Habits are the "primary survival mechanisms" on which their behavior programs were written. Therefore, they are the zeros and ones of their three-dimensional thinking.

However, as you let go of your three-dimensional way of thinking you automatically release the base programming that has been the foundation of that way of thinking. Since they have let go of their old programming, they don't need to go deep into their past to heal it.

Now love him simply to let him go with the power of his unconditional love for themselves, which is the highest frequency format of his multidimensional way of thinking. Multidimensional thinking is really just a way for them to fully understand their ascension process of creating the New Earth.

Yes, dear ones, as you have volunteered to assist Gaia with His transmutation back to the I, you have joined a wonderful experiment that is being observed throughout the multiverse, encouraging you with unconditional love.

Before the advent of "time" many Beings decided to unite to create the adventure of being a planet. Some of you wanted to experience being the body of Gaia himself, who was destined to enter the lower frequencies of polarity and separation.

Therefore, you became the members of the Mineral Kingdom to associate with the Elementals of the fourth dimension, the Gnomes / Elves. Some of you wanted to be members of the Vegetable Kingdom, who would work in unity with the Symphid Elementals and the Wavy Elementals to beautify Gaia's body. Others wished to be the sun's rays and joined the Salamander Elementals.

Some of you volunteered to join the Vegetable or Animal Kingdom, and others joined the Human Kingdom. For eons of time the third and fourth dimensional beings lived in cooperation, harmony and great peace. The Blue Planet, the Earth, was one of the most beautiful jewels in this Local Universe.

Many developing civilizations visited Gaia to experience His beauty and peace. But nevertheless. Since these civilizations were still "teenagers" in development, they were often selfish and looted Gaia without replacing what they had taken. They experimented with the Kingdoms of Gaia, especially the Animal Kingdom, to try to create workers for their selfish needs.

There were wars and dear Gaia was left on the verge of annihilation more times than she wishes to count. Time and again Gaia had to call her Elemental Kingdom of the fourth dimension and Her sponsors of the highest dimensions to get her out of the grip of destruction.

However, being the brave Planetary Being that she is, She repeatedly rebuilt Her body. Fortunately, Gaia was assisted by beings of higher dimensions who supported her. Therefore, She returned again and again to Her true beauty and splendor. Now he has completed His experience of being a polarized Being of form.

Gaia has learned all the lessons that Her expressions of the third and fourth dimensions wanted to experience, and She is ascending to her expression of the fifth dimension. of the New Earth. We wish to tell you that ALL of you stood in line and signed requests to have the great honor of incarnating on Earth at this time

Just as Gaia had no idea how challenging a polarized body could be, many of those who have lowered their grand multidimensional essence to that of their current mud vehicle were greatly surprised at how much It is difficult to live within the illusion of separation from the ONE.

Fortunately, many of those who incarnated in Gaia during His transition are members of the first manifestation of Gaia and have returned to assist her with His transmutation to the New Earth. Therefore, you have encountered many challenges with courage and a great dedication to your Mother Earth.

Many heard Gaia's call for help during the Fall of Atlantis. When you entered the form on your planet at that time you volunteered to join the Circle of Death and the Renaissance until the final victory of Gaia's ascension.

Those of you who made that great sacrifice of lowering your multidimensional consciousness to a three-dimensional form are NOW incarnated or living within the aura of Gaia to assist with His great Planetary Ascension.

Dear ones, you were His Priests and Priests, His warriors and His creators. You suffered lives of poverty and subjugation. Fortunately, they have also lived lives of wisdom, power and love. However, like Gaia, they now feel that they have completed the experience of polarity and have incarnated once more to assist their beloved planet to slip into His expression of the fifth dimension.

We, the Galacticians, many of whom we have also embodied in Gaia, are assisting them from the highest dimensions. We are the ones who support you, your advisors, and we are YOU. Yes, many of us have sent a trace of our consciousness to the three-dimensional form in order to be at the forefront of the Planetary Ascension.

We are glad that many of our embodied expressions were able to wake up and communicate with us regularly. In fact, more and more of you are communicating with us continuously. Look, NOW we are ONE with our embodied expressions — our ascendants.

If any of you feel that you are not connected with your Galactic and Celestial Source, do not be disappointed. Each one has a "sudden point" back to their I, which was determined before they were born. .

Perhaps they have not yet reached that sudden point, or have not recognized it. This lack of recognition of their I is perhaps due to the fact that they remain in the grip of habit. You are not alone! We are with you. In fact, we are YOU!

We are here now to help you release the habit of separation so that you can more easily return to your forgotten habit of being in the fifth dimension and living in unity with all life. Listen to his silent voice caressing his Higher Heart and perceive the visions of the New Earth flashing in his Third Open Eye.

The polarity is coming to an end and the unit is returning . The time is ending. That is why the separation of his I was created through the illusion of the created Time that is coming to an end. They do not need to "do" anything because "doing" is a three-dimensional concept, while "being" is a multidimensional concept. Hence, all they need to "do" is BE their ME.

As you continually and consciously return to your true Multidimensional Self, you will increasingly hear your constant communication with your Self and perceive the higher frequencies of reality that were closed to your three-dimensional perception.

It is true that you are creating the New Earth, but since time is an illusion it is also true that you are returning to the New Earth. However, as long as they continue the habit of time-bound thinking they will be linked to three-dimensional perceptions.

On the other hand, as you continuously lower and integrate your Multidimensional I into your daily life, you will gradually or suddenly return to multidimensional thinking. Remember, practice makes Master ..

In fact, it is correct to say that practicing being ONE will allow you to return to YOU, which has always been perfect.

· Therefore, we ask you to close your eyes and take a deep and long breath and then exhale slowly to gauge your perceptions with your innate Multidimensional I.

· Continue to breathe deeply until you feel that your consciousness expands at the highest frequencies of reality.

· Close your physical eyes and open your Third Eye to perceive the highest frequencies of reality that are intermingling with your physical reality.

· They will be able to discern between the "fifth dimension and beyond" and the "fourth dimension and the lowest" feeling it in their Higher Heart.

Please do this process now ...

Please practice this exercise as often as you can. Just take a few minutes throughout your busy day:

· Close your eyes,
· Breathe deeply and see through your Third Eye
· Use your Higher Heart to discern between
· Three-dimensional Earth-and the New-Earth.

Initially they may need to close their physical eyes in order to leave out the three-dimensional stimuli to see through their Third Eye. The higher frequencies of reality are not limited by the firm edges and bright colors of the physical world.

The colors of the fifth dimension are one octave higher than the colors of the third and fourth dimensions. Therefore, they overflow with more light and often have a silver glow. There are no “edges” or firm boundaries in the fifth dimension and beyond. Objects, people and places appear to oscillate, much like the reflection in a still lagoon.

Once they are fully “within that lagoon” the oscillatory movement will decrease and “normalize.” Consequently, if they see unique oscillating colors in an unknown way they will probably be perceiving the New Earth.

If they had been blind all their lives and suddenly had surgery that completely restored their sight, they would see the world around them but they would not have neural connections in their brain to identify what they were seeing.

In the same way, you have passed myriad lives in Gaia where you only returned to the fourth dimension after you died, when you slept, or in your deep meditations. Therefore, you have forgotten your neural connections with your Multidimensional Mind.

When you restore your awareness of the fifth dimension you will restore your connection with your Multidimensional Mind. Through practice and with patience you will restore these connections enough to be able to identify what you are perceiving.

Be patient with yourselves, Dear Ones, for you are returning to the New Earth and we, the Galactic and the Celestial are here to help you, remember. We say "remember" instead of "learn" because you are as Galactic and Celestial as those who are assisting you.

They just need to practice to remember what they have always known, but have forgotten. Therefore, as you practice this exercise, relax in the experience and allow yourself the illusion of time to get used to your Multidimensional I.

You are just waking up from a very long dream that you thought was reality. As you practice to discern between the old 3D Earth ”and the“ new Multidimensional Earth, ”remember to ALWAYS follow the feeling of unconditional love.

That feeling of unconditional love. It is your Higher Heart saying: "This is the feeling of the New Earth." Put your attention on that feeling then:

Where they put their attention is where they are too!

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