Uriel Heals Weekly Newsletter - September 1, 2008 - Archangel Uriel

In this number

Fear in the Truth
The Pressure Is Above
Message from Archangel Uriel - They gave their best on this day
Los Niños de Hoy - Create a Safe Space


The September article is published in Spanish on the site The Temple of the Sun and this month's message talks about Living Through the Truth. When we accept our spiritual authority, the next step is to live in the Truth of who we are, spiritual and divine beings having a human experience. We can see each other through our spiritual or material truth. Are we ready to see the truth about ourselves and direct the fear it can create? Read more about Fear in Truth in this week's article. The message of Archangel Uriel reminds us that "we do our best every day" in the channeled message this week. You can listen to this message in English by clicking on the link on the Uriel Heals site. Do you know that both Indigos and Crystals need a safe space where they can feel loved and cared for (even older Indigos). Read about this in this week's article of the Children of Today.

The Indigo and Suicide series as well as previous newsletters are available in Spanish at www.templodelsol.com. I would like to welcome all our new subscribers and thank them for joining the weekly Uriel Heals newsletter. The subscriber list grows daily and your emails and testimonials are appreciated.


Fear in the Truth

One thing that is part of most of our lessons is to recognize the Truth of who we are, spiritual beings having a human experience. And accept that our human experience is simply a learning journey to abandon the fear that we will not be able to live for what we believe are God's expectations and to understand that we have always been what we hoped to eventually become, spiritual masters, creating a reality that reflects our most desired dreams. But walking towards the truth opens us up to the fear that we have done the unforgivable, that we cannot return the clock and be judged for everything we have done that was out of alignment with our spiritual heritage.

Opening the door to spiritual Truth reveals to us the true nature of unconditional love. From this point of advantage we can see our life from a new perspective and we are aware of every step that took us away from our spiritual center. That perspective may be accompanied by deep sadness as we understand the futility of our struggle, the amount of time our journey took, the narrow scope of our understanding and the fear that God would not forgive us for our rejection of our Truth. The connection to our spiritual Truth must be accompanied by a deep compassion for ourselves or our fear could undermine our results.

What do we gain by recognizing our spiritual Truth? All. What have we got to lose? All. We gain the ability to bring heaven to earth, claim our spiritual dominance and recognize ourselves as the divine and spiritual beings that we are. We lose the fear, regret, suffering, pain and helplessness with which we have lived for more lives than we can remember. Crossing that bridge without fear is possible when we remember that the Universe never judges us - we are the only ones who judge, criticize and condemn us for not having done this before, for not knowing, for forgetting, for being in fear and ignoring our roots. Spiritual

No matter how long it takes us to understand our Truth - there is no time with the Universe and our soul travels are not governed by time, they are governed by understanding. It is not important how many lives it takes us to make a transformation, that we make the transformation is critical. Every time one of us finds our own Truth, angels rejoice because we have created another opportunity for all humanity to find their Truth and create spiritual mastery for the world. There is no fear in the Truth, only a Home to come for those who are entering the spiritual mastery that will allow the bridge between heaven and earth to be created, the veil to be removed and pain and suffering, the understandings of material truth, be a thing of the past.


The Pressure is Above

I always know how many energies are changing by the types of questions asked during the readings and the information and healing that the clients received. And these past weeks have been an interesting mix of experiences. More than half of my readings had to do with clients who wanted clarification of the information they have been receiving, confirmation of changes or explanations of the signs that the Spirit is sending. Some are receiving the confirmation test they have requested and now the pressure is on for them to make the changes. The time of patience and waiting is over and we are in the flow. But as the changes arrive, the pressure to take action or integrate increases and so does the resistance.

The pressure is upon us now, to make connections between our spiritual and human beings, to balance our ego and spiritual energies, to release those things that are trying to leave and make transformations in our thinking and be so that we can manifest the things that we have Been waiting to create. But we resist making changes because we are unsure of what, if there is anything, will replace what we leave and how quickly your replacement will arrive. We know that we are pioneers in foreign territory, making changes that we have tried to make before but have succeeded. The pressure is on because we are so close to finishing and since we have no idea what happens after that, we feel more fear than ever.

When we are nearing the end of our lessons we feel that once we reach the point of understanding everything will be easy, we will know what we want, we will have absolute confidence in the process and everything will flow effortlessly. And notwithstanding when the transformation begins to occur, when the Universe releases its part of the process and then waits for us to do our part, we have a panic. Not because we do not know what we need to do but because we are not sure what will happen after what we do. And when we are under pressure we resist, we stop moving forward, we don't pay attention to the signals and our faith leaves us.

These are the end times for us, the times we have been waiting for. And the pressure is on us to transform, act, push even if we have no idea what will follow after what we are doing. None of that matters. We have to realize that fear will be there and act as if it were not there. Now is the time for us to put a reliable smile, stand in our power and remember why we came here in the first place. This is such an exciting time to be here and there are no mistakes. We can look at this as an exciting journey of discovery and transformation or as a terrifying leap into the unknown. Anyway, the pressure is on and what we have been working on is here now and we can accept the signals and move forward with gratitude and peace, knowing that everything is in perfect condition. Divine.


They gave their best this day

Message from the Angel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman

With each experience, person and interaction, they gave their best this day. Today, they were as abundant, cheerful, loving, kind and faithful as they could be. Whatever they did today they did it with all the knowledge, information and talents they have accumulated for lives. In fact today, they did the best they could possibly do with the soul growth they have achieved throughout their lives. This is the day that matters because this is the day that continued their journey to the whole, to remove the veil, to bring the Light into their life and the world.

His life is not measured by the days, months or years that have a presence on this planet. It is measured by the growth of his soul, by his actions and intention. The journey of your soul exists from life to life as you go through the process of healing and transformation, transcending your human nature to incorporate the spirit. There is also no failure or disappointment, because they do their best every day and in every life. When they have an awareness that other options were available, they transcended that experience and can add another aspect of learning to their journey.

How well you did this day is not measured by how others relate to you, how kind you were with you or the things you said. It is not measured by the material goods they own or the type of work they do. It is measured by how they overcome and learn from each situation, no matter how difficult they think it is. Their success is measured by how capable they are to find their power in each situation, how capable they are to transcend the lessons of the material world and relate them to their soul journey.

The judgment of the Creator does not exist as they have been told and does not occur at the end of his life. It is a process that occurs every day when they are aware that they may have taken other options or taken another path. His severe judgments about you create blockages to your growth and can make you believe that you have done well. But you don't see the bigger picture. When you greet each new day remember that you will do your best this day. And every night review your day and praise your success by doing your best this day. Be at peace and recognize your perfection, which exists in everything you do when you do your best with the learning you have every day, at every step of your journey.


The children of today

Create a Safe Space

Indigo and Cristal children are wonderful energies and have their special ways of looking and interacting with the world. Although their challenges and mission are somewhat different, they share a need for guidance and security that generations before them have not experienced. While all generations needed to be provided and cared for as children, Indigos and Crystals need extra attention and guidance to help them manage their special gifts that include a high degree of empathy and intuition.

For Indigos, a safe space includes a structured home environment (even if they don't seem to appreciate it) and someone they trust and who can speak to them (although they may not seem to be conversationalists). The home environment does not have to be a traditional two-parent house - many Indigos are raised by single parents, but they need routine and loving discipline. The communication aspect is very important and when they know they can trust their secrets, they will share them and ask for their input and advice.

For the Crystal, a safe space includes quiet time in which you do not go from one place to another and can play quietly, think or be close to you. They don't always have to talk, remember that these children are highly intuitive, but they need to have time when they can be calm and not active. In our hurried world this can be difficult but if they don't have this they will let them know that they are stressed through their behavior, either by retracting or becoming very emotional.

The Indigos seemed to lash out into a society that was not ready enough for them but without their attitude of "changing now" the transformations might never have occurred. The Crystals are calmer and friendly and no less effective although their strength changes by applying silent pressure. Indigos and Crystals bring both the world and we are currently in a state of transition with these energies. They need involved parenting that extends to their first years of adulthood, and we can help them by understanding their needs for time, attention and communication and creating a place where they feel safe, cared for and loved.

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The contents are copyright © 2004-8 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. It can circulate as long as the full copyright notice is displayed, appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the message.

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras - www.templodelsol.com

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