Message from the Council of the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie, part two

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Message from the Council of Pleiadian, Syrian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie, continued 2 Requirements of Individual Consciousness 3 Petitions of the Conscious Group 4 Requirement of Planetary Consciousness 5 End of Message from the Council of Pleiadian Light, Sirius and Arcturiano channeled by Suzanne Lie

Recently we were enjoying the Message from the Council of the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie . As many of you will remember, it was a kind of interview between readers and the Council through Suzille, as was the intergalactic name of the channel. Do you think if we know today the second part of this interesting proposal?

Message from the Pleiadian, Syrian and Arcturian Light Council channeled by Suzanne Lie, continued

In this case, since we are left with Suzanne's last question and the Council went on to answer, to say that the channeler questioned how the different states of consciousness that would influence the ascension process of humans would be .

This was the response that ended the Message of the Council of the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie in three phases :

Requirements of Individual Consciousness

When someone calls us asking for individual help, they are extraordinarily limiting their ability to understand the full picture of the gigantic reality that each individual, conscious or unconscious, is experiencing.

On the other hand, we kindly welcome any terrestrial, which is the term that the Galacticians use in our team beyond the Ascending Earth, who are prepared to remember the many members of their Multidimensional I.

The first phase of your personal ascension process is to remember that you are Multidimensional Forms that enjoy very different realities beyond the NOW of the ONLY fifth dimension . We, your Galactic Family, believe that there are still many humans who do not accept this concept.

Thus, they have not yet accepted many components of their Multidimensional I. Fortunately, the collection and embrace of your expanded YOS will change your sense of self that will automatically begin your process of remembering your own Multidimensional I.

Once the terrestrials discover that the Earth is the vessel they are currently wearing but that it is one of the many expressions of the I that live within their elevated states of consciousness, their curiosity to know more about themselves and the world that they surrounds will have started.

Curiosity attracts new questions, which invite the birth of oneself to find the answers to their own questions . As they begin the adventure of the answers to their inherent questions, they will consult others both in writing and in person. It is this consultation with others about their own multidimensional self and the rising planet that will start their own Conscious Group .

Conscious Group Petitions

When someone calls us as a support group, whether they do it consciously or unconsciously, they are expanding their sense of self beyond the simple vessel of the Earth they are visiting . They are the Petitions of the Conscious Group, which means that 1 becomes 2 or 10 or 100 or 1000 ...

For us, it doesn't matter how many people are in that group. Instead, we seek help to assist that group to remember the deep intimacy of the conscious group they are experiencing when they visit us in our / their Fifth Dimension Ship.

Yes, many of you who wish to communicate with us are beginning to remember your reality of the fifth dimension in your Ship . This is very important for us to remind you that when you remember our fifth dimensional reality on the Ship, you can feel the difference when you return to your third / fourth dimensional reality on the physical Earth.

As your heart and mind begin to contrast and compare your reality of the third / fourth reality with the reality of the fourth / fifth dimension on the Ship, you began to remember how it feel when living within the fifth dimensional resonance .

So, we ask each and every one of you if you can take a moment in your NOW and remember how it feels to be in a fifth dimensional environment . We will attract you to a small inter-dimensional meditation to start your memory.

Since many of you have visited us in your night body while you are sleeping on Earth, we invite you to perceive your fall in your bed.

First, you felt IN and OUT of your bed.

Now change the perspective form as if you were INSIDE your bed to see yourselves floating ON your bed and looking down where your sleeping body is observed or meditating

Your sleeping I, or meditating, is comfortable and safe . You will NOT leave your body. Instead, EXPAND your perceptions beyond your body by allowing your Mind to relax and remember .

Relaxing and Remembering is how you will remember your Life on the Ship . Relax NOW, as you remember from your self, walking through a portal that welcomes you, Earth Visitors.

We suggest that you remain with this image until you can consciously FEEL the total EXPERIENCE of Unconditional Love that invites you to know us . Eventually, you will feel the Conscious Group of our loving welcome.

Now, remember this reality in your mind. We wish you to remember that ALL reality is also in your heart. What you think is what you provoke is a very common saying on Earth. Also, what you love is welcome, just as what you fear is repressed.

In addition, the thoughts that are allowed to persist in your mind will have a profound effect on the emotions that you carry in your heart . Your heart and mind work together to help you create a reality that calms your mind and comforts your heart.

Allow this inherent image of being in front of the portal of our Ship to settle gently in your heart and mind . When you have fully embraced Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Information that awaits you through the threshold, either consciously or unconsciously, you will experience your inter-dimensional visit.

Planetary Consciousness Requirement

Once you have expanded your consciousness to embrace the fact that the Earth / Gaia is a living form constructed of the same elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Every thing that is used to build the human form, they will move towards a expanded consciousness of Planetary Consciousness.

When you have surpassed the Planetary Consciousness, you perceive the planet as an immense living form over which you have the privilege of visiting . Once humans have expanded your consciousness sufficiently to embrace the Planetary Consciousness, you have usually meditated and worked towards being the masters of your thoughts and emotions for decades.

On the other hand, there are more and more new human forms born with your NOW that innately remember your Elevated Self, as well as past lives on Earth and other lives on Ships and other planets.

These new humans are being born with the Planetary Consciousness because they have studied many earthly incarnations . They have experienced Planetary Consciousness among their Earthly incarnations. It is not their first time that as evolved forms they have taken other incarnations.

We, the members of your Galactic Family are here to help you . Please feel free to call whenever you need to be comforted. We are always HERE in your NOW. Call us!

Your Inter-dimensional Friends and your Multidimensional Family

The Pleiadians, Sirians and Arcturians

End of the Message of the Council of the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie

Thus ends this Message from the Council of the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian Light channeled by Suzanne Lie, the second part that we have so gladly transmitted to you.

Translated by Peter, editor of the Great White Brotherhood, seen in The Crystal Gateaway

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