THE SEMIOSPHERE: between the biosphere and the noosphere

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 THE BIOSPHERE: the sphere of life. 2 Lightning and kingdoms. 3 THE SEMIOSPHERE: the sphere of meaning. 4 Lightning and symbolic systems. 5 THE NOOSPHERE: the spirit sphere.

The human race is entering an era in which the mind becomes a powerful factor; the majority is learning to keep a firm mind in the light and, consequently, is the recipient of ideas that have been unknown until now. Currently great concepts are captured and great ideas are intuited. We human beings have learned to think - as a group - and bring to mind the intuited ideas about the truth and beauty of the Plan; that way we have been able to build a beautiful creation that incorporates a divine principle. Lightworkers have trained ourselves to register such ideas, we have trained ourselves to formulate them in thoughts and transmit them, so that others can also capture them. This has been the work of the intuitive and semiologists of humanity.

Semiology was proposed as the science that studies the signs within social life, a part of social psychology. Intuition is the response of the instrument to the symbolic call of the divine quality manifested in the totality and seen as enlightenment. In this article I will show how the understanding of the world of meanings brings us closer to the world of ideas: to the noosphere.

THE BIOSPHERE: the sphere of life.

The biosphere is the system formed by all living beings on planet Earth and their interrelationships. But there is also talk of biosphere, sometimes, to refer to the space within which life develops. The biosphere is a concept of the greatest importance in all the sciences that deal with life on Earth. It includes all ecosystems, whether giant or tiny.

In 1924, the brilliant Russian chemist Alexander Oparin advanced the theory of primary abiogenesis to explain the origin of life on Earth.

The diversity of life

Darwin did not know the basics of genetics, but he knew that occasionally a different individual was produced within a species, and spoke of a "mutation." Normally, mutations put the individual at a disadvantage and reduce their chances of survival; but sometimes they give him some advantage.

Life in water: The waters of the planet provided the environment of the first living organisms, and in them the evolution began long before doing so on earth. Aquatic organisms are easily supported in their element because their density is approximately the same as that of water.

Life on Earth: The main difference between amphibians and reptiles is in their eggs. Those of amphibians remain in the water with little protection and hatch immediately to an active larval phase. On the other hand, reptiles lay on the ground some coryceous eggs that allow the passage of oxygen from the outside.The reptiles, with their low energy systems, can frequently survive where the mammals could not stay.

Life in the air: The ability to fly from birds is closely related to their homeothermia, and this has also contributed to other specific aspects of their life. The young of warm-blooded animals need large amounts of food. As we are mammals, we tend to consider that the warm-blooded system is preferable to others, forgetting that, as a number of species, the fish surpass us by a proportion 5 to 1

Life in fire: Seven rays are in the cosmos and in our solar system only one of these great rays is active.

The rays and the kingdoms.

Each kingdom of nature depends and draws its life from the kingdom that precedes it chronologically, during the evolutionary cycle. Each kingdom is a deposit of power and vitality for the next kingdom that arises according to the Divine Plan. The kingdom of souls draws its sustenance and vitality from the great experimental school of human existence, and in the interposition of the four divine organisms the world of form lives, moves and has its being. Each kingdom has its keywords. They can be translated, although improperly, as follows:


1. Mineral Condensation Transmutation Radiation

2. Vegetable Conformation Transformation Magnetization

3. Animal Concretization Transfusion Experimentation

4. Human Adaptation Translation Manifestation

5. Egoico Externalization Transfiguration Realization

There is a secret in each of the five kingdoms of nature, which concerns the relationship between human evolution and the whole, and is revealed to the apprentice in each of the five graduations, in which one of the five secrets we know today as techniques when trying to symbolically interpret their five ancient names: the brightness of light, the sacred perfume, following the trail, the double breath, the golden rose.

THE SEMIOSPHERE: the sphere of meaning.

There is an intermediate stage between the biosphere and the noosphere, in which the human species has created an artificial sphere that, similar to the biosphere, currently covers the planet Earth, is the technosphere, material manifestation of the projection of mediated human thought for the time It is characterized by the production of goods and services, the market economy, power plants, transport and communications.

Technology, as a science of knowledge incorporated, has been the one that has facilitated the understanding of instruments, systems and processes. in turn, the instruments of knowledge are mental forms that have allowed us to know and understand reality. It is said that Thot was the inventor of numbers, calculus, geometry, astronomy, as well as chess and dice games, and in the end of writing, which was presented to King Tamus as a remedy against the difficulty of learning and retaining, who replied: “she will only produce the forgetting of the souls of those who know her, making them despise the memory; abandoning to material characters the care of preserving the memories, whose trail will have lost its spirit ”.

Identity places us with respect to the other, by affirming the distinctive singularity based on which we create and recreate a specific system of significance, whether personal, community or social, thus assigning ethnic and linguistic belonging; positions the subjects in an exchange of cultural practices in which they act, relate and project. Thus, the collective identity is constructed with the appropriation of the knowledge obtained by the experiences in different institutions - the family, the school, the religion, the work -, which the individual adapts, assumes and recreates.

Lightning and symbolic systems.

In addition to considering the rays as channels through which everything that exists flows, we must recognize them as influences that act in turn in the world. Each ray has a period of maximum influence to which everything is subject to a great extent, not only those that belong by nature to that particular ray, but those that belong to other rays. The extended period of influence of each ray is divided into seven stages, each of which is qualified by the influence of the most extended period of lightning, which intensifies when it reaches the maximum period of its own sub-ray. Yoga is the knowledge system used in the East as well as systemic thinking is typical of the West.

The following classification will give an explanation of the different characteristics of the seven rays:


1st Will or Power Raja Yoga-Synthesis Uranus Brahamanism.

2nd Wisdom, Intuition Raja Yoga-I Ching Mercury Gnosticism.

3rd Higher Mind Mathematics-Astrology Venus Islamism.

4th Hatha Yoga-Tarot Saturn Masonry Conflict.

5th Lower Mind Kriya Yoga-Alchemy The Moon Zoroastrianism.

6th Devotion Bhakti Yoga-Kabbalah Mars Buddhism.

7th Ceremonial Order Agni Yoga-Psychology J piter Spiritualism.

THE NOOSPHERE: the sphere of the spirit.

The noosphere is the `` set of intelligent beings with the environment in which they live. '' The noosphere is the third of a succession of phases of Earth's development, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Just as the emergence of life has transformed the geosphere, the emergence of human cognition transforms the biosphere. In contrast to the conceptions of the Gaia theorists or the cyberspace promoters, the Vernadski noosphere emerges at the point where the human genre, through mastery in nuclear processes (energy Nuclear), is able to create resources by transmuting elements.

Teilhard explains the noosphere as a virtual space in which the birth of the psyche (noogenesis) occurs, a place where all phenomena (pathological and normal) of thought and intelligence occur. For Teilhard, evolution also has 3 phases or stages: the geosphere (or geological evolution), the biosphere (or biological evolution), the noosphere (or evolution of universal consciousness). The latter, driven by humanity, will reach the last stage of evolution in the cosmosphere: cosmic sphere, Christ consciousness.

It is also understood that the noosphere is the stratum that conducts the energy released in the act of thought. It is at the height of human heads interconnecting all the energy of thought and generating universal consciousness.

As the mental "thinking sphere" of this planetary being, the Earth, the noosphere is up and alternates with the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. It is contained by and functions within the great invisible electromagnetic field of the Earth.

Although the ionosphere is the lowest level of the Earth's electromagnetic field system, the main structures in this field are the two radiation belts located 3, 000 and 16, 000 kilometers above the Earth. It is within the two radiation belts where the Psi Bank noosphere control panels are located

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