Allergies The memory conflict

  • 2015

Allergies are often considered to be defensive reactions that an organism uses to combat the invasion of something it considers harmful and dangerous.

But it seems that there is no allergy without an initial conflict. In a very simplistic way we could say: “If we suffer trauma at the moment a cow passes, then we will develop an allergy to cows; but if, at the time of the trauma, we are eating an orange, we will be allergic to oranges. ”

Without being aware of it, we record the circumstances surrounding the trauma, and when they come back later they cause what we call "allergy"

It seems very simplistic. I need examples to clarify it

A mother stops breastfeeding her baby and starts feeding him with cow's milk; The child, by whatever circumstance, lives badly separating the mother's breast as he loses physical contact with his mother. Then, every time the child is in front of a glass of milk, his memory meets the con conflict of separation and relives the trauma that manifests in his skin.

How can we explain cases of milk allergy, when they never drank breast milk?

I know the case of a pregnant woman, who when she was about to have her daughter fell on a raft without knowing how to swim. The impact of the event caused her to run out of breast milk after birth and her daughter was raised with goat milk. At present, that daughter is 80 years old, and still the presence of goat's milk in front of her eyes continues to cause her vomiting (Goat's milk reminds her of the lack of a mother).

Another example, please.

A boy who has his kitten as an inseparable companion of games, when the holidays arrive he goes to his grandmother's house (which does not like cats) He is separated from his beloved pet, which Live like a trauma It may happen that on returning from vacation after seeing his kitten again that trauma returns to the surface, and:

1 The lack of such caresses, is expressed at the epidermal level the child develops an eczema.

2 The child was afraid that his pet escaped in his absence the conflict is lived as a drowning crisis, like a tracheal asthma.

3 If his parents had promised him that he could take the kitten and breached his promise, the child smells like something that can be repeated in the future This involves the nose and develops a rhinopathy.

It seems that becoming aware of this mechanism is already a step in solving the conflict. Let's look for our allergies, let's go back to that initial moment where the problem originated!

Source : Medicine upside down. What if Hamer was right?

Allergies - The Memory Conflict

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