The metamorphosis of the earth in 2012, by Emilio Carrillo

  • 2012


If during the last years, months or weeks, in your interior and your Heart you have felt or sensed the arrival of something new, as if you had a “hunch” that someone is going to knock on the door of your house in any Instantly, the following is addressed to you and explains the deep significance that underlies the dates of December 21, 2012 and March 20, 2013, even though when you read this both may have already been far behind. Keep on reading and you will understand.


From moment to moment it has been approaching until the winter solstice of 2012 (11 hours and 12 minutes of Friday, December 21) becomes a reality. It is a milestone that marks the beginning of a very special energetic, electromagnetic and vibrational period: the "official" arrival of an authentic Conscious Spring. An arrival that, in the three-dimensional environment in which you move, is not instantaneous, but is configured as a time interval that goes from the said solstice to the spring equinox of 2013 (11 hours and 2 minutes on Wednesday, March 20 ).

For the solar system, the Sun, the Earth and Humanity, the three months between the two events represent the end of a cosmogonic cycle - conscientious winter - and the beginning of another - First Consciousness - and a colossal experience that makes Metamorphosis possible evolutionary of the human beings that vibrationally tune with it. And from the point of view of Mother Earth, it represents the end of its vibrational Metamorphosis, which in scientific terms can be described as the exit of the worm ring or Einstein-Rossen Bridge that the planet - with it all forms of life that populate it, including Humanity - has been going through in recent decades.

And what can be experienced on the occasion of repeated dates is feasible to enjoy it equally after them, as if it were a door that opens and opens is wide open so that each one passes through it depending on their own consciousness process. Not in vain, the end of the Earth's journey through the worm ring will generate replicas - as if it were a consciential and vibrational cataclysm - in the form of Einstein-Rossen Bridges in each human being, because in the new scenario of Conscious Spring will allow individual conscious micro impulses to create, through wave clusters, large events such as the aforementioned Bridges. All this to the rhythm of the process of each one and leading not to a single consciousness and dimensional scenario, but, within a wide range, to which the free will of each one. Diversity and Free Will are the fruit of Love that fills Creation.


What exactly is the experience? Its dimension and entity does not fit in words or thoughts. The novelty of what it represents and implies is so absolute that it cannot be described under the mental and conceptual schemes of what was left behind. However, if it is feasible to anticipate some extremes and basic points that, such as the indications that appear on a “road map”, provide a minimum orientation (although the Road will have to do it each, meter by meter, kilometer point to kilometer point) ) to the human being aware of the Miracle that is coming. It is what is done in the following paragraphs. And although it is reflected in dates that run between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, the guidelines and experiences that are reviewed continue to be absolutely valid if you approach these lines much later. The indications of the “road map” do not lose relevance and are fully valid as long as the door is kept open, continuing with the simile, for the moment in which each one begins to notice inside him something that encourages him to get going and travel "his" Bridge of Einstein-Rossen-, which will take you, after touring the worm ring, to the vibrational and consciousness scenario that you decide in free will.


In the days from now until December 9, 2012, you will feel, in an increasingly powerful way, the culmination of the energy grip and the acceleration of the time that the crossing of the Earth through an Einstein-Rossen Bridge has led and implies. You will notice, thus, the call from the Heart so that your Life unfolds according to the following parameters and perceptions:

A) Simple Life, centered on the Here and Now, disconnected from the old world and experienced in Freedom

+ Practice a Simple Life: Strengthen in your Heart the wise words of Francisco de Asis: I need little; and what little I need, I need it little. To do this, reduce your pace of life, lighten your agenda, put in your day-to-day spaces of silence and inner encounter, reduce your belongings, moderate your consumption levels and calibrate your authentic needs well, feed yourself in a healthy and measured way and, as much as possible, gradually reduce your duties and chores (also those of a "conscientious" and "spiritual" nature) and everything that involves effort.

+ Put yourself in the Here and Now: Reduce as much as you can the "time travel" (from the past to the future and vice versa) with which you spend precious energy that you will need for your Metamorphosis. And in your everyday life, get rid of that drug called future - which drives you to leave for tomorrow the Happiness and Freedom that you can enjoy today - and focus more and more on the present moment: when you chew on meals, brushing your teeth, walk down the street, while driving, ...

+ Disconnect from the debacle of the old world: Get rid of everything old that still surrounds your life, without letting the inevitable deterioration of the outside tear your mood and your inner peace. The outside world is like a hurricane whose intensity and magnitude will be increasing. Put yourself in his "eye", in the eye of the hurricane, where you will enjoy stillness, calm and serenity even in the middle of the whirlwind. And from this state of peace, direct your energies not to fight against what has already expired and become obsolete in your Heart, but to create everything new that beats in it. For this, it is very important that you put an end to your addition to the so-called media (television and radio news, newspapers, ...) as well as to the discussions and rantings with those around you about what in the outside world happens (conflicts, crises, the thousand controversies of actuality, ).

+ Take on the challenge of Freedom: The time has come for you to stop demanding the improvement of prison conditions to, instead, get out of jail. Its bars are virtual and you have generated them yourself with your fears, burdens, faults and ballasts, with your care and your content, with your mental self-limitations, prosecutions, comforts and controls and with the need for recognition, security and protection n. Point this out well in your Heart: the moment of Freedom has arrived! And Freedom is not what Humanity has ideologized from the mind, but the absolute absence of fears, which in your Heart will be replaced by an enormous Trust in Providence, Life, the Perfection of how much it is and the Innate Wisdom that we all accumulate within ourselves.

B) Internalize that nothing has to change because everything is perfect!

The Third Dimension has its reason for being and always will exist in the Creation (like any musical note, for example m, on the musical scale). In free will, there will always be spiritual dimensions that want to be embodied in it to experience the experiences that are proper to the three-dimensional vibrational level. Therefore, do not intend to eliminate it or change it once for you, in your consciousness process, such experiences are already past water. Practice Acceptance and internalize with force that nothing has to change because everything is Perfect!

What you are beginning to live is not a change, but an evolutionary Metamorphosis that is born from within and you share in the present moment with Mother Earth and with many other spiritual dimensions embodied in human beings. Catch the difference between change and Metamorphosis and focus on the latter. If you find it difficult, follow the example of the caterpillar that will be transformed into a butterfly. The caterpillar does not consider with its metamorphosis to change anything of its surroundings or anything of itself that it does not like or do not accept, but, naturally, feels the inner call to be collected in silence (in the chrysalis or cocoon), activate sleeping components of your DNA and become a butterfly to start a New Life.

If you expect changes, this expectation will decentrate and disorient you. And if you wait for them, it is because in your Heart it has not turned on Acceptance, in this case, the Acceptance of the old world and your old life. Underline this: the old world is just as Perfect as the new. Everything fits and has its place in the Cosmos and Creation, also the Third Dimension, and the world in which you have been developing your vital and conscientious experiences for thousands of years. Life and Consciousness are One, but they unfold in free will and in a vital and conscientious Diversity that are the fruit of Love, from which Life and Consciousness are manifestation. The only difference between the old world and the New World is that there is something in you that drives you to live and vibrate in another way: Metamorphosis does not come from the need for change in the Third Dimension, but from your inner demand for Evolution and experience a New Life.

You will not attend any change, but, in free will, you will live in the first person, that is, in you and from you, an evolutionary Metamorphosis as deep as it is natural. Strengthen this insight within you until December 9, as you will need it for what will come next.

C) Become aware of the Oneness and connect with Mother Earth

Human beings and Humanity are part of a larger-scale living being: Earth. To discern the synergy and interaction between human life and the Earth, it is enough to observe the physical corporeality of each person and the infinity of life forms (tissues, cells, bacteria, ...) that inside coexist and interact with the living being, on a larger scale, than every human being is. Over the millennia, Humanity has tended to forget its functionality towards Earth and the natural logic of symbiosis and mutual development that it entails. Far from this and repeating the analogy of physical corporeality, the human being has behaved like those organisms or bacteria that, instead of reporting health to people, are the origin and cause of diseases and ailments.

So that you understand what you are, I will give you a simile. Think for a moment that you are a planet. You know that billions of small living beings called bacteria live on your surface and inside (for example, in the intestine). Not only do they not harm you, but they contribute to your health and growth. They are, for example, the bacterial flora of the skin and intestine, which contribute to maintaining the pH of the skin and developing your immunity system. In this way, you provide a mutual service and you can live in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, some of these bacteria forget their function, they become harmful (pathogenic), causing diseases. In this case, you are forced to eliminate them with your own immunity or with what you call medications. Well, understand that humans have come as saprophytic bacteria to provide a service to the planet. In this symbiosis, you can both grow and develop. But, unfortunately, the vast majority of human beings have reversed the terms and believed the owners of the planet. You have begun to do what you want in your own benefit and forgetting about the planetary damage you cause.

As will be detailed below, the living being Earth, in the context of its own consciousness process, is about to complete the mutation of its vibrational frequency and begin to live in a new dimensional key. The New Earth will soon be a reality. This event, in addition to its splendid impacts to the Earth, the solar system and the galaxy, will have an immediate effect on human beings: the requirement to decide in free will whether or not they want to accompany the Earth in its dimensional leap, if they wish or not “adapt” and “match” your Heart to the new vibration of the planet and its new Latir. In the affirmative case, a change of consciousness will be essential, going from the egoic consciousness (it has led, among other things, to the forgetting of the symbiosis and interaction with the planet described above), to a Consciousness of Unicity - planetary, galactic, ... - that makes possible the synergistic coexistence with the New Earth, the Sun, the solar system and the whole of the Milky Way.

This is the Metamorphosis that lies ahead for Humanity: human beings who want to continue living with the Earth will have to undertake that transformation of consciousness - waking up to a planetary and galactic consciousness - and remember how they live in symbiosis with the environment, Nature and all living beings, including humans themselves. For the human being, the moment of transformation and Evolution has also arrived.


The Natural Order that governs Creation and the Cosmos will intervene in this Metamorphosis process, contributing to it through the beginning of a new cosmogonic cycle that will allow the arrival to the solar system, the Sun, the Earth and the Humanity of currents and energy forces of great purity - authentic Energy of Love - that, in addition to serving the Earth to complete its own vibrational Metamorphosis and anchor in the new Dimension, will support the aforementioned transformation of consciousness of human beings, although always respecting free will.

And in this context, between December 10 and 11, Mother Earth, a spectacular living being with her own process and consciousness evolution, will have concluded her journey through the worm ring and completed her Metamorphosis: her vibration will no longer be of Third Dimension, but Fourth. And his "Heartbeat" will be aligned with that of the Galactic Center and the Cosmos.

It is the so-called "alignment", which is not so much an external phenomenon (that the Earth "line up" with other planets and stars), but an interior one, tuned from Heart to Heart: the Heart of Mother Earth will align with that of the Sun and the Galactic Center as the pendulum clocks fit in their “tick-tock” with the larger one through the so-called “drag effect”. And it will be due to this alignment so that the energies coming from the Heart or Center of the Universe and from the Milky Way will arrive on Earth directly, without the interference that has occurred so far when the Heart of the planet is not aligned with them.

The external manifestations of this will be many, from the elevation of the electromagnetic frequency of the planet (the so-called Schumann Resonance, predicted mathematically in 1952 by Winfried Otto Schumann, although it was Nicholas Tesla who observed it for the first time) to the weakening of Earth's magnetism, going through a strong energetization of all Nature.

The Metamorphosis of the Earth, aligned and synchronized with that of the Sun, Sirius, the Pleiades and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way, will allow, between December 12 and 20, the planet and everything that inhabits it to receive a great wave of energy of Love and very pure consciousness that will be polarized towards Earth jointly by Jupiter and the Sun: the Great Trine of Jupiter (it will be the beginning of its transformation -ignition- into a new Sun within the solar system, a process that will take still thousands of years to complete) will happen on December 12, giving away Love and Consciousness from this planet, already on the way to becoming a star, to the whole solar system, in general, and to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, in particular.

The conjunction of all this will make available to all life forms that dwell on Mother Earth strength and consciousness to align and synchronize her Heart with hers, already aligned cosmogonically. And this synchronization will produce, in turn, the ionogenomatic connection of their respective DNA through the fractal sequences that exist in it and that, as if it were both a "macro" and "micro" structure, link to each modality of life with the DNA of the planet, in the same way that they associate the latter with that of the Sun, the solar system and the galaxy as a whole.


In this great scenario, there will be human beings who feel the inner need to experience a period of recollection, silence, meditation, ... (each one will live it in their own way and according to their own circumstances) that will last three days (72 hours), from December 21 to 23.

Looking for an example in Nature, we must return to the example of the caterpillar, which is introduced into the darkness of the chrysalis to mutate its DNA, activating its sleeping components, and become a butterfly. It is what some call "three days of darkness." But it will not be outside, but an inner recollection: an inner (not outer) and evolutionary (nontraumatic) experience. Let no one consciously imprison himself waiting for external cataclysmic phenomena.

And in these three days of recollection, the aforementioned ionogenomatic connection of the DNA of human beings that live through the fractal sequences existing therein will occur. This fact can be described as the "distension" of its strands, such as when a flower is opened, which will accelerate the activation of the sleeping components of DNA, preparing them to undergo Metamorphosis. The relaxation is due both to the arrival of external energy and to the Harmony and Inner Stillness that human beings will experience that, receiving it, interact with it from their own consciousness process. And it will allow the release of DNA components that until now were imprisoned and tense (colloquially, "stressed"), resulting in the acceleration of their activation.


At the end of these “three days of darkness”, these human beings will have accelerated the activation of their DNA and have begun to change their vibrational frequency in the key of Love, in consonance and in synchrony with what was experienced by Mother Earth. of such fact in them? Basically, the following:

+ Consciousness of Oneness and Network: Increasingly clear perception of both the Oneness of all that is and of the Consciousness Network, in its different levels and scales, which links and intertwines human beings within Humanity, this one with the Mother Earth, the planet with the solar system and so on.

+ Multidimensionality: Activation of the memory of the multidimensional nature of our being, which will allow the connection with more subtle planes of consciousness and existence in which we also are and are, including contact with the Brothers of Light from other worlds, planets, systems solar and galaxies.

+ Increasing tendency to “not do”: Humanity has believed until now that it is born to do and that nacer is synonymous with do . It is a culturally entrenched paradigm to consider that we come and are here, in this life and in this world, to do things: achieve goals, achieve objectives, produce, build whatever, And in that do-bound Inevitably to jobs, efforts, efforts, schedules and controls - we seek personal realization (each according to his yo and his circumstances ), the meaning of life and even a dream of collective future within the framework of the so-called civilization. Metaphorically expressed, it is the celebrated curse of the public of anar the bread with the sweat of your forehead . But human beings who experience what has been synthesized will feel an increasing tendency to `` do not do '' and `` see '' with meridian clarity that `` to be born. '' is no-do, that is born to Live and that Living is simply that, Living: not doing, Living A Live Living who does not know about the past or of future and that is reflected exclusively in the Here and Now. How hard do you think? Do not worry, that your Metamorphosis will show you in a simple and natural way what Living and non-doing mean. I will do it through the Wisdom that is manifested in the doves, in the flowers, in the trees and in all of Nature. The same Wisdom that does for you what the brain of your head is unable to do: that the blood circulates, that the digestive system works, that the heart beats, the lungs dilate, that it is immunized the organism and the wounds heal. With Metamorphosis, this natural Wisdom will emanate from the brain of your heart and will be fully shown in you, from you and for you.


The experience of the three days of darkness mentioned above will be repeated throughout the 72 hours prior to the spring equinox of 2012, scheduled for 11 am and 2 minutes on March 20. Again, much need of silence, of recollection, of being in the chrysalis.

You will realize then that, really, you did not leave it on December 23, but have remained in it during these three months. And now, now yes, the activation of the sleeping components of your DNA has been completed and you are ready to abandon it with the Metamorphosis culminated and transformed into a butterfly. You will have concluded the journey through your own Einstein-Rossen Bridge and this, from March 21, will open before you not only a single consciousness and dimensional scenario, but all the alternatives allowed by the Quantum Reality: a bundle of vibrational options, by way of alternative planes of reality, among which, in free will, you will have to decide which one you want to experience, although they all represent, as detailed later, a kind of return to the origin.

FROM MARCH 21, 2013

Impossible to describe

Whatever the consciousness scenario and the alternative plane of reality you choose, it is not even possible to sketch with words what will happen in you and from you from March 21, the moment in which the Metamorphosis is Full and Real. And the world will apparently be the same, but everything will be radically different. Remember again the example of the caterpillar turned into a butterfly: when leaving the chrysalis, the outside world is the same, but how different it is for that living being that once crawled on it like a caterpillar and now flies like a butterfly.

Nothing left over or missing, everything is Perfect

The first thing you will notice is that you have acquired perspective. From it, you will see that nothing is left or missing in you, or anyone, or anything. You will notice that there is no difference or duality between the physical and the spiritual, the inner and the outer, the material and the transcendent, the individual and the collective, the personal and the social. You will clearly perceive that all experiences, of the type and "color" that they are, have a why and a why in an immeasurable Natural Order of Love where everything flows, refluxes and converges in the Perfection of all that is. You will find that nothing has to change neither in you nor in anything because Everything is Perfect. And you will live and feel all of this in an absolutely foreign way to the intellect. The Search will have ceased and all desire or resignation will have been stopped. And free of attachments and detachments, you will laugh out loud remembering yourself when you experienced life craving Illumination. You will be fully aware that you have always been and been "Enlightened" and that Enlightenment consists precisely in realizing the radical needlessness of Enlightenment.

What was lived was a dream, yes, but it was real because as real it was lived

You will remember your Purpose of Life - the one that led you to incarnate in the current physical life - and your Purpose of Incarnation - the one that brought you to this plane and this world - and you will see the experiences in it lived as if they were part of a dream that It is already behind. It is as if leaving the pool and drying yourself, the fact that you were inside it and wet seemed like a dream.

And, indeed, the Experience of Being on the human level has run so far in the framework of reverie: not Living Life, but dreaming of an individual life, separated and fragmented in one scenario: the Holographic Matrix or Great Theater of World

But being this true, it is no less that what you experienced in the dream you have incorporated into your experiential baggage. In the pool you swallowed water and felt drowned, you swam in the different possible styles and ways, you dived in a thousand ways ... and all this has been incorporated into you, your consciousness, your being and the Experience of Being.

Innocence Conscious

Because of this, you will not only recover Innocence (activation of the Inner Child), but you will enjoy a Conscious Innocence.

A baby lives in Innocence, but unconsciously. You will have returned to the original Innocence, but it will already be a Conscious Innocence derived from the experience and experience in your incarnation on the human level and in the Third Dimension. You will then perfectly understand its role in Creation and the creative capacity that you have displayed during your incarnation in it.

See the "Face of God": Namaste

Conscious Innocence will allow you to see yourself as what you are: Love. And it will allow you to see the "Face of God", which means clearly perceiving the Perfection of how much Is and how God is each one of us and is all and Everything .

The expression "Namaste" (the God that I am, recognizes, greets and reveres the God that you are.) Will have ceased to be a word, an intellectual elaboration, to become the most genuine expression of the Oneness in which you have turned your "I".

Happiness is our Natural State

And in such a state of Grace, you will be aware that Happiness is your Natural State. You will enjoy Happiness "for no reason" and you will be an active part of the New Earth, being at the same time the seed of the New Humanity.

New Humanity on the New Earth

A New Humanity to which all human beings who experience it so far summarized well in the dates outlined and in unison with the Earth's Metamorphosis and the culmination of their transit through an Einstein-Rossen Bridge will be incorporated, well later in the framework of the replicas that such Bridge will have in each human being. The door will remain open to experience it for a period of time whose duration is unknown ("you will not know the day or the hour"), but which, in Third Dimension terminology, will span decades. And the new scenario of Conscious Spring will allow, as already noted that individual conscious micro impulses create, through wave clusters, large events such as the aforementioned Bridges. All this in line with the process of each one and taking in free will to different consciousness and dimensional scenarios.

And when the “door closes”, the anchoring of Heaven on Earth will have concluded (in Christian expression, the Second Coming of Jesus will take place) and each spiritual dimension embodied in human being will live where in free will it has decided: in the New Earth, which will not be Third Dimension, or in another world whose vibrational frequency is three-dimensional. Thus, human beings who have performed the Metamorphosis will configure the New Humanity on the New Earth. On the contrary, those who freely choose not to carry out the conscious transformation must follow their existence and incarnation on another Third Dimension planet of the many that are in this Universe.

Born again

All of the above can and should be summarized as a kind of “Death in Life” to experience the “Resurrection in Life” and the “Born Again”, which is not something physical, even if they cause a Metamorphosis so deep that it is, at the same time, interior (spiritual, consciousness) and “exterior” (of the biophysical and energetic components of the material corporeity through the alteration, unfolding, distension and transmutation of the DNA that the human being has printed in each of his cells ). And they do not fit in words either, because their nature and essence, in line with what they have just stated, cannot be thought (dreamed) or glimpsed while remaining in the dream.

However, Jesus Christ offered some important clues about it in his talk with Nicodemus (John, 3, 3-7): “-In truth, I tell you, he who is not born again cannot see the Kingdom of God Nicodemus told him: -How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time in his mother's womb and be born? Jesus replied: -In truth, in truth I say to you: Unless one is not born of Water and Spirit, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God (...) You have to be born again ”.

What we do know, from the experience of those who have experienced it, is that, after being born again, feelings of vertigo and emptiness are initially noticed. La razón es muy sencilla: tras Despertar, los parámetros, las pautas y el “sistema de creencias” que se han tenido durante el sueño –y que han llevado al Despertar- dejan de ser válidas y requieren de un nuevo formato porque ahora se experiencia una realidad que es “Real”, no ficticia como la que se percibió durante la ensoñación.

Pero no hay que inquietarse, sino alegrarse, pues, con confianza en la Providencia, esas sensaciones pronto quedan atrás y, en su lugar, surge algo espléndido: constatar que vivir lo “Real” impulsa irrefrenablemente a vivir en el Aquí y Ahora. Esto, que en el sueño costaba tanto esfuerzo, es la vivencia natural en lo “Real”. Y esta vivencia hace explosionar el Amor que Somos y Todo Es, ya que el Aquí y Ahora se manifiesta como el espacio donde fluye el Amor y en el que el Amor acaricia y abraza cuanto existe, incluido a uno mismo, si bien este concepto y noción empieza rápidamente a diluirse.

Y para seguir avanzando en lo que nacer de nuevo representa y supone hay que volcarse en el Corazón. Hay que desplegar en el interior la Bandera Blanca de la Rendición (la Aceptación absoluta de cuanto es y tal como es), centrarse en el Silencio Mental e Interior, abandonar para siempre las disquisiciones y diatribas intelectuales y conceptuales y Vivir y Escuchar desde el Corazón.

Emilio Carrillo

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