Metatron Message: Presence in oneself without thinking, without any interference

  • 2019

My dear friends, what I wanted to express is that you have to realize that many things are pushing you, many things are happening on this earth, many influences are happening and many changes in All levels are done without you knowing what to do. Stay with me, presence is necessary and will allow you to connect and feel what we are infusing you. Presence is the key to this change . What you are, to be able to remain in you, to love yourself and, above all, to make your decisions according to what corresponds to you.

It is time for my friends to choose what they want to live, what they really want to understand about what they are, of everything that moves, of everything that can be reconsidered, of everything that can be lived differently. From this focal point, you can gradually feel all things, at the level of love, unconditional love, the love of “everything that is, ” everything that lives, without being disturbed by many things that no longer correspond to you. .

So I metatron, I express myself differently. I get involved in all those who make the decision to live in love for themselves, to live as responsible creators, to live as Creators in the power of creativity in association with all the Masters wherever they are.

I get involved with those who basically want to create another reality, which is no longer based on what you have been told about materialism and individualism, but in a completely new configuration where you can recognize yourself, where you can create a reality for good, far beyond what you live, you don't even imagine. What we drive you through Yawaeh is much more for you to come back to yourself, so that you leave the low frequencies.

Then, you must take the time, not to follow as a sheep what we tell you, but to feel you, to be You, to feel what we are driving you, to feel The power that breaks in you and that will not deceive you, the power that you can feel and that at some point it will be your power to be. Many will fear what we reveal to them, but also my friends. The road is narrow and you cannot allow those who want to destabilize those who have the heart to achieve and live what they are. But each Being will have to pass gradually, in Love of Himself, without turning, and will no longer seek the Other, but an immense Love to be able to move everywhere, in everything and with Everything, and there will be a great celebration.

And I had to express myself in this new energy flow, and you know that things are moving, that everything is reconfigured and that nothing will be the same as before . So whatever your difficulty, do not lose your feet, remain in yourselves, joy of being, love of yourselves, love of "all that is." And we guide you in this direction. And for all those who decide to live consciously of “Who they are”, to reconnect with what they are, they will be guided step by step, and that without a doubt. I tell you next time, my dear friends, and as is customary now to say it: from eternity in You.

I am what I am, Metatron , Lord of Light, and I do not doubt my friends according to my new expression, I deploy you to feel, then you will not hesitate. I have the heart to reveal to you those truths that are also yours and that you have always issued. I find you very soon and in you from all eternity.

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

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