The fear of losing, by Fran Soto

  • 2019

When we talk about the feeling of loss of people who have embarked on a spiritual path of self-improvement, we often quickly bring to mind the egoic concept of poses n .

Losing yourself can only mean losing oneself

The moment we assume that absolutely all property is from God, we can abandon those old beliefs . This can be understood through the expansion of consciousness that shows us that we are all part of an ALL, and that it is necessary to release old patterns or old material things to precipitate the new.

However, what if you don't want to improve? And if you don't want to admit new patterns? The answer is in line with the level of spiritual advancement of each person. In that sense, and depending on your own communication with your Higher Self or "I Am", it may be that in everyday life events that allow people who come into our lives, those who leave it, or the ones material things that are to be adjusted to our specific spiritual moment .

When we find ourselves we cannot fear losing anything

It should be noted that a person who has begun a committed spiritual life knows that his full dedication is to his own sustained evolution, that the world is changed through its own transformation.

It is not necessary to become obsessed with the loss of material things, we arrive naked and we leave naked, although material wealth is not disposable, what the ascended human does not have to allow is the dependence of something material, or of believing with a spiritual power superior as to influence the course of life or death because "not one of you can count your hair."

Flow allows to contemplate and contemplate allows to flow, without any of our co-creative power, we should not become pseudo-gods that can control an entire world (although literally possible), but in perfecting our inner temple dedicated to Divine Service . This is still a purpose of living a full life, often apparently eccentric with respect to others.

The feeling of loss as its own implies an ignorance of the laws of the cosmos that govern the generation and destruction, revitalization and ultimately, of the cycles that harmoniously govern the functioning of the One Being. As proof is the seasons of the year, with the leaves of the trees that fall in autumn and "get lost", before the tree, which generates them again in spring.

Property is part of the illusion of duality insofar as it attributes to our being the power to determine the destiny of something.

If it is not in line with our perceptual ability, stopping possessing something will be seen as an offense or as a trauma. Depending on our perception of visualizing it as something closely linked to our life purpose, we will catalog it in one way or another.

In that sense, and as a learning method (which must always be verified and verified by the student), the application of constant contemplation is very remarkable. What is contemplation? It can often be considered to be an oriental system focused on "doing nothing", but in reality it is something that goes beyond. It really means everything that our lower ego can impel us to do and much more.

Through conscious meditation our life passes like rails, they do not separate and always reach their destination

In the first place it implies a fluidity with the avatars of destiny, always giving a divine motive to all events. In the second place, and in a more pragmatic way it implies a recognition of the Supreme Will in everything that happens, understanding every course of events in a time-space line beyond a mere logical-egoic understanding, that is, a “everything happens for something ” . And thirdly, it results in an abstraction of the events happening through the meditation or interruption of one's own internal dialogue to merely verify the synchrony of events.

With this last form, which is normally achieved through active meditation and the commissioning of our unifying capabilities, in addition to relativizing or merely not considering the concept of loss as such, we will achieve greater harmonization of all our vehicles.

AUTHOR: Fran Soto, editor in the big family of

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