You Are The Light - A Message from Archangel Uriel - Jennifer Hoffman

  • 2014

The feeling of wanting to go home that you believe will take you back to the Source is a manifestation of the belief that where you are in the Earth or in your physical body, is something separate from the Source. Although density can separate them from the full expression of the light and vibration of the Source, which makes them believe that density is not also part of the creation of the energy of the Universe or Source? If it is in and is part of all things, then all things must also be part of it. And so are you, even in the midst of your density and separation, also connected to and part of the light, love, truth, energy and energy. vibration of the Source.

It is not possible to be somewhere in the Universe where there is no connection to the Source, even in the density of the Earth. The presence, the light and the energy of the Universe are within and are part of all things. You cannot be disconnected from this presence, regardless of where you are from what you are doing.

The divine is within you and is an expression of your totality, not of your holiness, it is not a reward given if you deserve it or work hard enough for it. You are divine. You begin each life with the state and the condition of divinity to which you add during your experience of healing towards the whole. You do not become divine once you are total, divinity is part of your energy blueprint and it is not something you have to seek or earn.

You were not expelled from the Source or banished from the love of God. The separation is not separated, it is merely a process of incorporating darkness (or density) with the aim of having an experience of light as a physical being rather than as a being of light. You cannot have an experience of the Source while in the light, you must move away from the light to experience it. Instead of a punishment, this is a journey of experience that each of you has voluntarily assumed, with great love and sometimes with great sacrifice. Each of you is the teacher who has become the servant to be part of the ascension cycle and ensure its consummation.

Beneath the layers of density that you have incarnated and that allow you to become physical, is your divine center, shining brightly. When you connect with it, you remember your connection to the Source and you will calm the voice that wants to 'go home'. You are always at home, wherever you are because you carry the light of home with you and within you.

The task of bringing heaven to earth is almost finished, which is what you are doing with each step of your journey of experience of healing to the whole, which is a journey of experience of density to light, of the disconnection to the reconnection, making the light of the internal Source merge with the physical, so that they are no longer separated. The veil is now gone, as the Source and the physical merge into a divine connection.

Each new frequency that you embody, each new vibration with which you align, each new joy that you allow yourself to experience, and the love that you allow yourself to receive, brings you closer to the end of this journey of experience which, as you will discover, is not a destiny but an understanding that what you most wanted was always with you and was never separated from you because it could never be separated from you.

Your hearts are heavy, you are tired and the journey of experience has been long. It is time that they remind themselves of their light, of their divine spark and of their inner flame that is their connection to the Source. Go inside to find her, as she sustains the comfort and peace you desire. Feed this connection because it is their reconnection, the 'home' to which they want to return, the promise of ascension they have kept for many lives.

It is the light, its light, the light of the world and the light of the Universe. You do not have to look for it anywhere, you cannot find it anywhere else, it is within you and it is part of you. Be at home now, your journey of experience is complete when you reconnect with your light and fully embody your divinity within your humanity.

Copyright © 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You can quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message as long as you mention the author and include a link to

senderosalalma | December 31, 2013 at 7:16 pm | Categories: Articles to wake up | URL:

You Are The Light - A Message from Archangel Uriel - Jennifer Hoffman

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