What is hindering your ascension? By Sanat Kumara

  • 2016

In a world full of limitations, its purpose is to move forward, see, feel, think and exist beyond the influence of limitations. Many people do not realize this when they live on Earth and accept and absorb all the challenges and limitations as if they were theirs, as a part of their reality from which they cannot escape. Limitations can also be described as illusions; Both are the same. Illusions, which are false beliefs, understandings and conscience, cause limitations in your being and reality. When you accept illusions, either those created by yourself or those programmed by others in your being, you catch yourself in what appears to be an inescapable space. Everything you wish to experience seems to exist outside your inescapable space, and yet, every time you move towards your desires and dreams you are hurt and damaged by the barriers of space. It is not until you become aware of the limitations and illusions that you accept as what creates the walls of your confinement when you can allow them to collapse.

The illusions that you consciously and unconsciously affirm as true in your daily reality create the scope and scope of your ascension on Earth. If they allow themselves to be free from the programming of illusions, limitations and lack, then they allow their trajectory, process and ascension experience to become expansive and beyond their imagination. In truth, they allow themselves to experience ascension almost instantaneously, experiencing a vast illumination that is their truth within their being.

With this understanding it can be seen that his ascension is not being hindered by his inabilities, by the lack of spiritual sensibility, or the need to 'devour' wisdom. All this is simply a result of their belief in the limitations and illusions of their own reality that deceives them to experience an unsatisfactory life, where their ascension progresses slowly. They may believe that there are many things, people and experiences that are holding them back in their reality; However, there is only one belief system that has evolved to consume your being and exists in your consciousness and unconscious mind. This belief is one of limitations and illusions, and yet, in essence, it is because they do not believe in the expansive and complacent nature of the Creator.

Limitations and illusions support them to live on Earth; they support them to be grounded in their reality, believing in the seriousness of their life and encouraging them to feel, experience and get involved. However, the Earth and its humanity are reaching higher vibrations of light within their structures, so there is no longer a need to use limitations and illusions as an anchor. Many people are recognizing the value of living on Earth and how to create a powerful and accelerated ascension. Imagine if you were no longer settled in your earthly reality, if you could choose at any time if you want to live on Earth or in the internal planes. Most likely you would like to return to the internal planes due to the penalties and traps you are experiencing on Earth. Illusions and limitations have confined beings to earthly reality for many civilizations; nevertheless, humanity is now able to take responsibility for its own spiritual evolution on Earth. If limitations and illusions were removed, you could see the splendor of the Earth with the presence of the expansive and accommodating Creator in everything. This, in itself, would encourage them to remain on Earth to continue evolving in unison with the Creator. I want to share with you the message that limitations and illusions no longer have to be your anchor on Earth, but your pure intentions and love.

Many Masters and Angels have been encouraging them to love themselves and love their beautiful Mother Earth ; this is because his love will become his new anchor in earthly reality; his pure love for the Mother Earth .. In this way he will allow himself the freedom to create a reality from the truth. When you and humanity love the Mother Earth, then the illusions and limitations born of you and others will no longer affect or influence your being, nor will they be relevant. His unconditional compassionate love for themselves, for others and for the Earth is what will dissolve the walls of illusions and limitations that appear to be inescapable.

Our purpose in creating an Age of Love on Earth is to allow you to free yourself to live as your truth.

There are numerous ideas and forms of conditioning, programming and brainwashing in which you and others actively participate daily. Imagine, if many people developed the ability to recognize only the truth, seeing deception, the truth would become a natural part of their earthly reality. You have that ability now, you have always had it and you will always have it; however, the limitations and illusions that you accept and absorb are what they tell you and show otherwise. There are many levels of personal conditioning and of other people, but I want to talk about certain conditioning to beings who are focusing on their spiritual awakening.

The belief systems that I want to erase and transform are:

False: The only way to grow spiritually is through challenges, or your being likes challenges, as this creates greater growth.

True: You can grow spiritually through love, personifying love, expressing and having loving experiences; This pleases and nourishes your being.

False: Spiritual beings must deny satisfaction, wealth, and abundance, as their purpose is to be helpful; therefore, it is preferable to deny or not pay attention to your own needs.

True: Satisfaction, wealth, and abundance are your divine right to receive. Being helpful is valuable if it pleases and nourishes your being; However, being helpful does not mean they have to sacrifice. Satisfaction is eternally available to you.

False: You need to be helpful / provide a service or do something in order to experience the support and love of the Creator.

True: All you have to do is Be Present with yourself and the Creator to receive the love and support of the Creator. Being present means recognizing that the Creator's support and love are eternally available to you and all you need to do is accept and receive in abundance.

It is time to realize the limitations and illusions that create their traps and restrictions in order to experience satisfaction and expansion on Earth. What do you think is not true? What have others told you that it is not applicable to you, and yet you have accepted? What negative situations do you consciously or unconsciously believe will happen to you in this life? (getting old, getting sick, getting impoverished, being lonely). With what fears do they get caught on a daily basis that prevents them from experiencing happiness and satisfaction? In truth, what illusions do they believe and what limitations do they accept as real and as their truth?

It is time to contemplate, discover and explore in your being and mind, realizing the belief systems born of your conscious and unconscious belief of your lack of connection with the expansion and satisfaction of the Creator. This belief exists in all beings and is being released through the power of love at this time. To expedite the process, you can consciously let go of your referential habits and your perspective as you imagine within your being a vast source of light and consciousness born of the Creator. This inner source emanates satisfaction and creative expansion, affirming it in every part of your being. Achieving this on a daily basis, recognizing their inner radiance, will allow them to feel not only enormously happy and elevated, but will allow them to feel a very deep healing within their being that will transform their perspective of themselves to an enthusiastic love perspective of the Creator. They will free themselves, capturing that anything and everything is possible in their reality at the physical and spiritual level.

What is hindering your spiritual evolution, ascension and satisfaction, as well as your earthly reality, is that you do not believe in the satisfaction and expansion of the Creator, when you love yourself, love others and the Earth, you activate and allow it to flow rapidly through your being and reality the expansion and satisfaction of the Creator, creating miraculous transformations and aligning them With its truth.

I am known as the Lord of Expansion, please call me to support you in your own expansion:

Sanat Kumara, I call your energy, love and presence to invigorate, improve and awaken my own vibration, awareness and frequency of expansion. Wrap me with your expanding energies, leading me to the core of the Creator's expansion within my being. There I can recognize my own healing and vibrations of awakening, synthesizing them with all my being and reality. I am and I experience the expansion. Thank you.

I’m Sanat Kumara

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

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