Life is a creation, not a discovery, Conversations with God

  • 2013


Wow The truth is that you inspire me!

Good. If God can't inspire you, you'll tell me who the hell is going to do it.

Are you always this impertinent?

I have not pretended it was an impertinence. Read it again.

Ah! Now I see it.


However, it would be nice if it was impertinent, right?

I dont know. I am used to my God being a little more serious.

Well, do me a favor, and don't try to contain me. And by the way: do yourself the same favor.

The only thing that happens is that I have a great sense of humor. I would tell you that you should also have it when considering everything you've done in life, right? I mean that sometimes I have to laugh at it.

But that's fine, you know, well, I know that in the end everything will end well.

What do you mean by that?

I mean you can't lose the game. You can not fail. It does not enter the plan. There is no way you don't get where you are going. There is no way you can mistake your destiny. If God is your goal, you are in luck, for God is so great that you cannot lose yourself.

That is the big concern, of course. The big concern is that, in one way or another, we get it and we never see you or be with you ever.

Do you mean "go to heaven"?

Yes. We are all afraid of going to hell.

So that's why you put yourself in there: to avoid going there Hummm ...! An interesting strategy!

You see it? You are again impertinent!

I can not help you. This whole hell business makes the worst of Me arise!

Of course, you are a good comedian!

Have you needed all this time to find out? Have you noticed the world lately?

That makes me think of another question. Why don't you fix the world, instead of letting it go to hell?

Because you do not do it?

I don't have the power to do it.

Silly stuff! You have the power and ability to end hunger in the world at this time, to cure diseases at this time. What if I told you that your own medical establishment conceals healing methods, refuses to accept alternative medicines and procedures, because they threaten the very structure of the profession of "healing"? What if I told you that governments don't want to end hunger in the world? Would you believe me

This matter has brought me upside down. I know that is the populist point of view, but I can't believe it's really true. No doctor denies a cure. Nobody wants to see their countrymen die.

No individual doctor; It is true. No particular compatriot; it is right. But when we talk about the medical establishment and the political establishment, we talk about something institutionalized, and it is the institutions that do it, sometimes in a very subtle way, sometimes even unconscious, but inevitably, since, for these institutions, It is a matter of survival.

Thus, for giving you only a very simple and obvious example, Western doctors reject the curative efficacy of Oriental doctors because they accept it, admit that certain alternative modalities can provide a cure, it would mean tearing apart the institution's own fabric as it is structured.

This is not bad, but it is insidious. The establishment does not do it because it is bad; He does it because he is afraid.

Every attack is a distress call .

I have read that in a book.

I put it there.

Boy, you have an answer for everything!

That reminds me that we have not just begun with your questions. We were talking about how to get your life going. How to make him detach. I was talking about the creation process.

Yes, and I kept interrupting you.

That is fine, but let's go back to it, because we are not interested in losing the thread of something very important.

Life is a creation, not a discovery .

You do not live every day to discover what awaits you that day, but to create it. You are creating your reality every minute, probably without knowing it.

Here is the how and why:

1. I have created you in the image and likeness of God.

2. God is the creator.

3. You are three in one. You can call these three aspects of being as you wish: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; mind, body and spirit; superconscious, conscious and subconscious.

4. The process of creation comes from these three parts of your body. In other words, you believe at all three levels. The creation tools are: thought, word and deed.

5. All creation begins with thought ( It comes from the Father ). All creation passes after the word (`` Ask and it will be given to you, speak and it will be done to you ''). All creation is completed in the work ( And the verb became flesh, and dwelt among us ).

6. What you think but do not say creates at a level. What you think and say creates on another level. What you think, say and do becomes manifest in your reality.

7. Thinking, saying and doing something, if you do not truly believe in it, is impossible. Therefore, the creation process must include belief, or knowledge. This is absolute faith. It is beyond hope. It is knowledge of a certainty (`` By your faith you will be healed ''). Consequently, the active part of creation includes knowledge. It is an essential clarity, a total certainty, a complete acceptance of something as a reality.

8. This level of knowledge is a level of intense and incredible gratitude. It is a thank you in advance. And perhaps this is the most important key to creation: being grateful before, and for, creation. This attitude of taking it for granted is not something to be forgiven, but something to be encouraged. It is a sure sign of the quality of Master. All the Masters know in advance that the work has been done.

9. Celebrate and enjoy everything you create and have created. Rejecting any part of it means rejecting yourself. Whatever is presented as part of your creation, pose it, claim it, bless it, thank it. Try not to condemn it ("damn it!"), Since condemning it means condemning yourself.

10. If there is any aspect of your creation that you see you do not enjoy, bless it and simply change it. Choose again It causes a new reality. Think a new idea. Pronounce a new word. Do something new. Do it with magnificence, and the rest of the world will follow you. Ask for it Demand it. Say: “I am the Way and the Life. Follow me. ”

In this way the will of God is manifested, "so on Earth as in Heaven."

If it's as simple as that, if all we need are those ten stages, why isn't it for most of us?

Yes it is so, and for all of you. Some of you use the "system" consciously, with full knowledge, and others use it unconsciously, without even knowing what you are doing.

Some of you walk awake, and others walk asleep.

But all of you are creating your reality - creating, not discovering -, using the power I have given you and the process I just described.

So, you have asked me when "your life" will take off, and I have given you the answer.

You will make your life "take off" when, first, you manage to think about it very clearly. Think about what you want to be, do and have. Think about it often, until you see it very clearly. So, when you achieve that clarity, don't think about anything else. Do not imagine other possibilities. Discipline your mind to keep the original creative thinking firmly.

When your thoughts are clear and firm, start talking about them as truths. Shout them out loud. Use the great mandate that gives rise to creative power: I am. Affirm "I am" to others. "I am" constitutes the most powerful creative affirmation of the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words "I am" it will set those experiences in motion, make them arise, take them to you.

There is no other way that the universe can work. No other route you can take. The universe responds to "I am" like a genie in a bottle.

You say “Release all doubt. Reject all fear. Discard all pessimism, "as if you were saying, " Put me a loaf of bread. " But all this is easier said than done. "Discard all the negative thoughts of your mental construction" could also be "get on Everest before lunch." It is an excessively large order.

Channeling your thoughts, exercising control over them, is not as difficult as it seems. (In this sense, neither is climbing Everest.) It is a matter of discipline. It is a matter of proposing it.

The first step is to learn to control your thoughts; To think about what you think.

When you surprise yourself having negative thoughts - thoughts that deny your highest idea of ​​yourself - think again. I want you to do it literally. If you think that you are dejected, made dust, and that nothing good can come from there, think again. If you think the world is a bad place, full of negative events, think again. If you think that your life is broken into pieces, and it seems to you that you can never recompose it, think again.

You can train yourself in doing this. (Look how well trained you are in not doing it!)

Thank you. No one had ever exposed the process to me in such a clear way. I wish it were as easy to do as to say; but, at least, I think I understand it clearly now.

Good. If you need a review, we have several lives.


What is the true path to God? Renunciation, as do yogis believe? And the so-called suffering? Is suffering and service the way to reach God, as many ascetics claim? Will we win heaven if “we are good, ” as many religions teach? Or are we free to act as we wish, to violate or ignore any norm, to set aside all traditional teachings, to immerse ourselves in the immoderate satisfaction of all desires, in order to find nirvana, as many New philosophers claim Was? What is the path: strict moral patterns, or doing whatever you want? Which: traditional values, or improvise on the go? Which: the Ten Commandments, or the Seven stages of Enlightenment?

You have a great need for it to be one way or another, right? Couldn't they all be?

I do not know. It is what I ask.

I will answer you, then, in the way that you can best understand it; although let me tell you that the answer is within you. I tell all those who listen to My words and seek My Truth.

It is manifest with all my heart that you wonder seriously what the path to God is; Each one is given a sincere Truth. Come to Me by the way of your heart, not through the journey of your mind. You will never find me in your mind.

To really know God, you have to leave your mind .

But your question requires an answer, and I don't want to get away from it.

I will start with a statement that will scare you, and that may offend the sensibilities of many people. There are no Ten Commandments, or anything similar.

OMG! Do not?

No. Who would send them? I? And what would such commandments be needed for? Anything I want is. N'est ce pas? So, why do you need to send anything?

And, if I had promulgated commandments, wouldn't they be automatically fulfilled? How could I want something to be so bad that I would send it, and then I would sit down and observe that it was not so?

What kind of king would do that? What kind of ruler?

But let me tell you that I am neither a king nor a ruler. I am simply and amazingly, the Creator. But the Creator does not govern, but simply creates; Create and keep creating.

I have created you - and I have blessed you - in my image and likeness. And I have made certain promises and made certain commitments with you. I have told you, in simple language, what will happen to you when you are one with me.

You are a sincere seeker, as was Moses. He too, as you know, stood before Me asking for answers. “Oh, God of My Fathers - he cried - my God, tell me to show you to me. Give me a sign that I can tell my people! How can we know that we are the chosen ones? ”

And I went to Moses, just as I have come to you now, with a divine covenant - an eternal promise -, a certain and sure commitment. "How can I be sure?" Moses asked complainingly. "Because I told you - I replied -. You have the word of God. ”

And the word of God was not a commandment, but an alliance. These, then, are the ones.


You will know that you have taken the road to God, and you will know that you have found God, because these signs will be given, these indications, these changes in you:

  1. 1. You will love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul. And there will be no God but Me. You will stop worshiping human love, or success, money or power, or any symbol of these. You will take those things away from you like a child away from toys. Not because they are unworthy, but because they will have been too small for you.

And you will know that you have taken the road to God because:

  1. 2. You will not use God's name in vain. Nor will you invoke me for frivolities. You will understand the power of words and thoughts, and you will not think of invoking the name of God in an impious way. You will not use My name in vain because you cannot do it, since My name the Great I Am is never used in vain (that is, without result), nor can it be used. And when you have found God, you will know.

And I will also give you these other signals:

  1. 3. You will remember to reserve a day for me, which you will call holy. This, so that what you do does not remain in illusion, but that it makes you remember who and what you are. And, soon, he will soon call every Sunday, and every holy moment.
  2. 4. Honor your father and mother; and you will know that you are the son of God when you honor your Father / Mother God in everything you say, do or think. And to the extent that you honor your Father / Mother God, and your Father and your Mother on Earth (for they have given you life), so you will also honor the whole world.
  3. 5. You will know that you have found God when you know that you will not kill (that is, that you will not kill deliberately and without cause), because, even if you know that in no case can you end another life (all life is eternal), you will not want to end to no concrete incarnation, nor to change any vital energy from one form to another, without the most sacred justification. Your new respect for life will make you respect all forms of life - including plants and animals - and you will only alter them if it is for the sake of a greater good.

And he will also send you these other signals, so you know that you are on the road:

  1. 6. You will not stain the purity of love with the lack of honesty and deceit, since that is adultery. I promise you, when you have found God, you will not commit adultery.
  2. 7. You will not take what is not yours, nor will you commit fraud or scam, nor will you harm another to possess something, since that would be stealing. I promise you that, when you have found God, you will not steal Nor ...
  3. 8. ... you will say something that is not true; and, therefore, you will not raise false testimony.
  4. 9. … you will covet your neighbor's wife; since, why would you love your neighbor's wife, if you know that all the others are your “wives”?
  5. 10. … you will covet your neighbor's property; since, why would you want the goods of your neighbor, if you know that all goods can be yours, and that all goods belong to the world?

You will know that you have found the way to God when you see these signs, for I promise you that no one who really seeks God will do these things for a long time; it would be impossible for him to continue performing these behaviors.

These are your freedoms, not your restrictions; These are my commitments, not my commandments; since God does not rule over what he has created, but simply tells his children: this is how you will know that you are coming home.

Moses asked sincerely: “How can I know? Give me a sign". He formulated the same question you ask now. The same issue that everyone raises, anywhere, since the beginning of time. My answer is equally eternal. But it has never been, and never will be, a commandment. Who would I send? And who would I punish if my commandments were not fulfilled?

Only myself.

So, I don't have to keep the Ten Commandments to go to heaven ...

There is no such "go to heaven" or anything like that. There is only one certainty that you are already there. There is only one acceptance, one knowledge; Not a job or an effort to deserve it.

You cannot go to a site if you are already there. To do so, you would have to leave the place where you are, and that would frustrate the entire purpose of the trip.

The irony is that most people believe they must leave the place where they are to reach the place where they want to go. Thus, they leave heaven in order to reach heaven, which they do going through hell.

Enlightenment consists in understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing that has to be done, nor anyone that has to be, except precisely who one is being at the moment .

You are making a trip to nowhere.

Heaven - as you call it - is nowhere. And, if it is, it is here and now.

Everybody says the same! In the end I will go crazy! If "heaven is here and now, " how come I don't see it? Why don't I perceive it? And why is the world the crap it is?

I understand your frustration. It is almost as frustrating to try to understand all this as to try to make someone understand it.

Hey! Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me that God can feel frustration?

Who do you think invented frustration? Can you imagine that you can experience something that I cannot?

I assure you: whatever experience you have, I have it. Do you not see that I am experiencing Myself through you? What else do you think this is for?

If it weren't for you, I couldn't know myself. I created you so that I could know Who I am.

Now, I would not want to destroy all your illusions about Me at once; Thus, I will tell you that in my most sublime form, what you call God, I do not experience frustration.

Wow That's better! For a moment, you had scared me.

But it's not because I can't, but simply because I don't want to. By the way you could make the same decision.

Well, frustrated or not, I still wonder how it could be that heaven is here, and I don't experience it.

You cannot experience what you do not know. And you don't know that you are in "heaven" here and now because you have not experienced it. And it is that for you it is a vicious circle. You cannot - you have not yet found a way - to experience what you do not know, and you cannot know what you have not experienced.

What invites you to do enlightenment is to know something that you have not experienced and thus experience it. Knowledge opens the door to experience, and you think it is the other way around.

Actually, you know many more things than you have experienced. But you just don't know that you know.

For example, you know there is a God. But you may not know that you know it, and, thus, you are still waiting for the experience. And you are constantly having it. But you are having it without knowing it, which is like not having it at all.

Boy, we are moving in a circle!

Effectively. Maybe, instead of moving in a circle, we should be the circle itself. That would not be a vicious circle, but a sublime circle.

Is the renunciation of authentic spiritual life part of it?

Yes, since in the end every Spirit renounces what is not real, and nothing you achieve in life is real, except your conversation with me. However, a renunciation in the classical sense of self-denial is not required.

A true Master does not "deprive himself" of anything. A true Master simply ignores it, as he would do with anything that would have ceased to be useful to him.

There are those who say that you must overcome your desires. I simply tell you to change them. The first involves a rigorous discipline; The second, a fun exercise.

There are those who say that, in order to know God, you must overcome all earthly passions. However, it is enough to understand and accept them. That which you resist will persist; What you look will disappear.

Those who try so insistently to overcome all earthly passions, often put more effort into it than one might imagine, thereby making it their passion. They have a "passion for God"; passion to meet him. But a passion is always a passion, and changing one for another does not help it disappear.

Therefore, do not judge what you feel as passionate. Just observe it, and then look to see if it works for you based on who and what you want to be.

Remember that you are constantly in the act of creating yourself. In each moment, you are deciding who and what you want to be. And in large part, you are deciding it through the choices you make regarding who and what you think is passionate.

Frequently, a person you would say follows a spiritual path seems to have renounced all earthly passions, all human desires. What he has done is understand it, see the illusion, and dispense with the passions that do not serve him; but always loving the illusion that has taken him there: the possibility of being entirely happy.

Passion is love turned into action. It is the fuel that fuels the creation engine. It is the change from concepts to experience.

Passion is the fire that leads us to express who we really are. Never deny the passion, for that amounts to denying who you are and who you really want to be.

Renunciation never means denying passion; It simply means not worrying about the results. Passion is love for doing. To do is to be experienced. But what is often created as part of doing? Expectations.

Living your life without expectations without the need to obtain certain results -: that is freedom. That is holiness. This is how I live.

Do you worry about the results?

Absolutely. My joy lies in the creation, not in its consequences. Renunciation is not a decision to deny the action; It is a decision to deny the need to obtain a certain result. There is a big difference.

Could you explain to me what you mean when you say: Passion is love turned into action?

The being is the highest state of existence, its purest essence. It is the aspect of God as now and not now, all and not all, always and never .

The pure being is pure divinity.

However, it has never been enough for us to simply be. We have always sighed to experience Who We Are; and that requires a totally different aspect of divinity: doing.

Let's say that, at the bottom of your wonderful Me, you are that aspect of divinity called love. (By the way: that is the Truth about you.)

Now, it is one thing to be love, and another thing to do an act of love. The soul yearns to do something of what it is, in order to know itself in its own experience. Thus, he will try to realize his highest idea through action.

This impulse to act is what is called passion. Kill the passion, and it will kill God. Passion is God who wants to manifest.

But it is that, once God (or God-in-you) does that act of love, God has already been done, and does not need anything else.

Man, on the other hand, often feels that he needs a benefit in exchange for his investment. If we love someone, fine; but better if we are also loved and things like that.

That is not a passion. That is expectations.

Here is the main source of human unhappiness. That is what separates man from God.

Renunciation aims to put an end to this separation through the experience that some Eastern mystics have called samadhi. That is, unity and union with God; the fusion with and in the divinity.

The resignation therefore renounces the results; But he never never renounces passion. Actually, the Master knows intuitively that passion is the way; It is the way of self-realization.

Even in an earthly perspective it can be stated quite accurately that, if one does not feel passion for anything, one has no life at all.

You have said before: “That which you resist will persist; what you see will disappear. ” Can you explain it to me?

You cannot resist something without implying reality. The act of resisting a thing is the act of giving it life. When you resist an energy, you recognize that it is there. The more you resist something, the more real you will be, whatever it is that you resist.

That before which you open your eyes and look at it will disappear; that is, it will stop showing its illusory form.

If you look at something - you really look at it - you will see through it; and through whatever illusion it shows, only its ultimate reality will appear before your eyes. Faced with the ultimate reality, your insignificant illusion has no power. It cannot continue to maintain its debilitating power over you. You will see its truth, and the truth will set you free.

But what happens if you don't want what you're looking at disappears?

You must always love him! There is nothing to keep in your reality. But if you choose the illusion of your life before the ultimate reality, you can simply recreate it, just as you originally created it. In this way, you can have in your life what you decide to have, and eliminate from your life what you no longer want to experience.

But never resist anything. If you think that through your resistance you will eliminate it, think again. All you will do is place it more firmly in place. Haven't I told you since all thoughts are creative?

Even a thought that says I don't want something?

If you don't want it, why do you think about it? Do not grant him a second thought. But if you have to think about it - that is, if you can't stop thinking about it - then don't resist. Instead, look at anything directly, accept your reality as your creation, and then decide to keep it or not, as you wish.

What would that decision depend on?

Who and what do you think you are. And who and what you decide to be.

This is what every decision depends on, any decision you have made in your life and you can make in the future.

So, is a life of renunciation a wrong way?

Not quite. The term "resignation" has an equivocal meaning. In reality, you cannot give up anything, for what you resist will persist. The real renunciation does not give up anything; Simply choose differently. It is a movement towards something, not a departure from something.

You can't get away from something, because it will chase you and come back again and again. Therefore, do not resist temptation; Just get away from her. Approach Me and depart from anything other than Me.

But you should know this: there are no wrong paths, since on this trip you cannot “stop going” where you are going.

It is simply a matter of speed, simply a matter of when you will arrive; but that is also an illusion, since there is no "when", nor does "before" or "after". There is only now; an eternal moment of forever in which you experience yourself.

So what's the point? If there is no way to "go", what is the meaning of life? Why should we worry about anything we do?

Good. Of course, you should not; but you would do well to be attentive. Simply, observe who and what you are, do and have, and look to see if that works for you.

The meaning of life is not to go somewhere; is to realize that you are already there, and you have always been there. You are constantly and forever, at the moment of pure creation. The meaning of life is, then , to create who and what you are, and then experience it.

Excerpt from the book: Conversations with God

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