XIII Meeting of the Iberian Network of Light - June 25 and 27

  • 2010

They summon in Common-Unit: Iberian Network of Light, Golden Portal, Galactic Network of Light, New Consciousness Network of Euskal Herria, Circles of Light - Miguel's Family, We Are Group of Malaga, Association Share with Love, Unidiversity of Light.

Organized by: Friends of Findhorn

Between the 25th and 27th of next June, the XIII Meeting of the Iberian Network of Light will take place in Madrid, which will develop a program of activities and conferences under the slogan “Communicating from the Heart in Community”. The sessions of the meeting will take place in Galapagar (Madrid).

The Iberian Network of Light (RIL) was born within the framework of what was called the "First Meeting of the New Consciousness groups" held in November 1998 in Madrid.

The RIL (www.redibericadeluz.org) is a live network that invites all people and all groups involved to make a personal and conscious change from the heart, in order to create a new world in which respect for nature reigns and the peace.


It is time to risk, to innovate, to be what we feel, because our souls are waking up and constantly remind us that we are all one, that we are all light.

We are going to rediscover ourselves by becoming aware of the being that we are in its entirety, to honor life from the deepest part of our being, allowing us the ideological coexistence in peace, harmony and love.

As an example of a new form of group life (in Common-Unity) that already exists on our planet, we want to mention a place as special as the Findhorn Community, where about 500 people live and more than 40 languages ​​are spoken, although What is really important is the desire to understand the other, to want to Communicate From The Heart, facilitating mutual understanding.

When we communicate from our heart, we do not need to raise our voice, because we establish a connection not limited by words, which links us to each other in peace and harmony, amplifying the message, allowing not only individuals to maintain a connected dialogue, but this can reach the groups, and from there go start the change of society towards THE LIGHT.

A fundamental principle in these groups is respect for our Mother Earth, because there is no Communication From The Heart but we recognize its greatness and generosity. From the top of a mountain, to the arid desert sands we will always find LIFE, Life connected to Life, show of abundance and wealth.

The awareness of belonging to the group has an integrating character, generating the interrelation with other groups in a Network of hearts united by THE LIGHT.


As reference of this type of group structure is the Iberian Network of Light, which defines itself with these words:

“The RIL is a live and open network to people and groups involved in a conscious effort in relation to personal and planetary transformation. It brings together a broad spectrum of wills committed to a necessary paradigm shift. From our diversity, we wish to contribute to the spiritual unity and elevation of the consciousness of the human being and our Mother Earth. The RIL aims to be a claim, at this crucial moment that humanity is going through, to integrate the efforts of people and spiritual groups that work in a key to serving humanity in any of its innumerable ways. ”

Our Network was born within the framework of what was called the "First Meeting of New Consciousness Groups" held in November 1998 in Madrid. It is horizontal and open to non-sectarian people and groups and is integrated into the Ibero-American Network of Light that emerged in Monterrey (Mexico) in June 2000.

For 13 years, fraternization meetings have been held. In these annual calls we gather: celebration (joint claim of high energy), growth (through the workshops we feed ourselves internally) and party (we celebrate the fate of working together)

We all want to activate numerous groups of consciousness in the current moment of planet Earth, because this will allow diversity and as a consequence the free choice in which we feel in harmony with the planet and with ourselves.

It is time to be all united, to emerge as the Co-Creators of the New Earth ... Communicating from the Heart in Community, in Common-Unity.


We invite you to experience, to share, to enjoy from the Feel as a group that we are. Dancing, Meditating, Harmonizing and Living together with a set of enriching experiences from Love and Cosnient Communication We will enjoy a Experiential Meeting full of Spaces of Light, Moments to Feel, Concerts, Dances, Games, Meditations….

Let's live the experience of Unity from the Heart by sharing in Common- Unity !!!

Moments to Feel

- Activation of the EMF 13 (Miguel Sánchez)

- Activities for Children and Young People ('El Pitufo Tropezón' and Jennifer Ramsay)

- Harmonizations (AdF)

- Opening ceremony. Presentation of the Peace Flag (RIL)

- Sacred Circle and Healing Ceremony (Utara)

- Cosmic Music Concert (Gerardo A. Aguilera)

- Storytelling (A. Roldan and V. Zavala)

- Dances of the World (Roberto Vega)

- Unification Games (AdF)

- Meditations (Pepe Serra)

- Full Moon Ritual (Concha Sanz)

- Solfeggio Sound Session with the Music of the Spheres (Utara)

Encounters in La Luz

- Association Share with Love (Immaculate Diaz)

- Mystical Path to Ascension. Ascent to Monte Carmelo (Domingo Díaz)

- From the Heart to the Ascension (Pepe Serra)

- Findhorn: 40 years of Community Experience (Maíta and AdF)

- Making Laugh from Love. The Light of Humor (Rafael Martínez)

- The Energy of Love EMF (Miguel Sánchez Gradillas)

- Children and Youth in the Third Millennium (Maita Cordero, Liliana Orsi, Carlos Espinosa)

- Presentation of the Cities of Light Project (Altamur)

- Sowing a New Way to Understand the World (Liliana Orsi)

- Living in Love: regenerating DNA (Liliana Orsi)

RIL space

Presentation of the Proposal: RIL Coordinating Table: Present and future of the Iberian Networks

Proposals for the next meeting of the RIL

Space for Communities



Auroville (City project with the ideal of human unity)


The Messenger Foundation

Solidarity School Foundation



Gaia Education Project

Soon, the daily program of activities will be available.


We have two types of accommodation:

A.- Accommodation at the Finca Lindaraja Hostel 120

(Bunk beds and beds in a community room with full board)

B.- Accommodation in the participant's tent with full board and access to showers and toilets 95

The above prices include in addition to the accommodation:

Meeting activities

Friday, June 25: Dinner

Saturday 26: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Sunday 27: Breakfast and Lunch

* Option without accommodation: includes meeting activities and all lunches and dinners (does not include breakfast) 65

In all cases 50% discount for children up to ten years.


Registration open online until Wednesday, June 23.

Steps to follow to register:

1- Fill in the registration form available on the web: www.amigosdefindhorn.ning.com

To facilitate the management, please fill in one for each adult.

Please indicate on the form the age and number of young children who come with you to meet, we are preparing activities for them.

It is also important that you tell us if you arrive at Friday dinner (8.30pm)

2.- The reservation of place is formalized by means of the previous payment of the total amount by deposit or bank transfer, because the meeting has limited places:

# Bank: La Kutxa

# Headline: Friends of Findhorn

# Account: 2101 0333 32 0011628377

# Comments: please indicate in the entry / transfer the name of the participants included in the payment.

3.- Finally, send us an email with proof of entry to: or a fax to the number 917354719 indicating your name.

The reception of participants starts on Friday 25 from 6:30 p.m.

It is not allowed the entrance of pets or cooking in the whole grounds of the Farm.

The hostel accommodation does not include a towel.

For any questions please send an email to the email to:

or call us on the phones:

629 128 028 - 620 063 480 - 669 243 578


Finca Lindaraja is located on the Road of Luck nº 4, in the Madrid town of Galapagar.

Lindaraja is a rustic property with accommodation that offers, a few kilometers from Madrid, a natural environment full of tranquility. It has a rural house powered by solar energy, a newly built shelter and ample green space for camping with an unbeatable panorama of the Sierra de Guadarrama. 2 hectares designed for enjoyment, surrounded by native vegetation with an inland lake and several unique areas, make Lindaraja the perfect space to enjoy the most natural.

- By public transport:

Bus number 687 can be taken at the Moncloa interchange (Metro: Moncloa). The stop is 20 minutes from Finca Lindaraja.

By suburban train to the 'Villalba de Guadarrama' station

- In private transport:

39 km from the center of Madrid on the A-6 motorway. We recommend taking exit 39.

GPS reference 40º 36´52.98´´ N - 4º 00´11.75´´ O (Galapagar)

If you want to share your trip with participants visit this website:


A hug

Friends of Findhorn



629 128 028 - 620 063 480 - 669 243 578

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