Symptoms of an energetic dirty home

  • 2015

Why is it said that a house is charged with negative energy?

Houses are affected by the influence of their inhabitants and by the activities that take place within them. It is said that some houses are old and tired, extraneous and disturbing or c lidas and cozy

The causes for which a house is loaded and attracts spirits are the following (this applies to houses, flats and premises):

1.- Facts of violence inside the home: excessive screams, continuous fights.

2.- Diseases for a long time.

3.- Witchcraft practice: ouija, sorcery or satanism where energies of the astral bass or demons are invoked.

4 .- The suffering for many years as: continuous complaints, regrets, negativity, pessimism and any feeling that releases negative energy.

5.- Murders, robberies, robberies, abortions, rapes or suicides.

6.- Overcrowding, disorder, dirt, old things or furniture, old mirrors that have been in places where negative events occurred (these absorb negative energies and low astral).

7.- The excess of electrical appliances in the same place.

8 .- That the house has been built on top of: a cemetery, archaeological remains, battlefield, funeral homes, hospitals, psychiatric, animal slaughterhouses, geriatric, prisons, funeral homes, or sanitariums.

9.- That someone has done a “work” of black magic inside the floor, the house or the farm of the same.

10.- That many people have died inside the home.

11.- That people who envy us want us badly or want us badly into our home that also burdens the house and much.

12.- Disorder and excess dirt in the long term loads the house attracting beings.

13.- The lighting of candles or candles in our home for our deceased attracts them, if we want to light candles especially for them, it should only be done in cemeteries or churches, never in our home unless they are candles or candles request for purposes for us same (open paths love work health etc.) these should be lit inside the home.

14.- The ashes of the dead should not be kept inside the home.

15.- That many people have lived in that home before and there has never been a cleaning.

16.- Old houses over 20 years old where our grandparents, or great-grandparents have lived, are quite likely to cling to their homes and their objects by staying there for quite some time, or to “protect” a loved one to whom They were very attached to life and to continue living in that house.

17.- Basements, cellars, storage rooms, being closed, dark places and with lack of natural light become dirty places energetically, very cold and if you never put incense or order or clean there attract beings.

18.- Do not bury dead animals inside our house or farm as it could attract other animal spirits, etc.

19.- You should not have decorative dissected animals at home because they negatively charge the house.

20.- Broken objects, clothes or shoes that we do not use should not be kept inside the house, because in the long term they load the house.

Negative energy residues are generally preserved for many years in certain places and objects that currently cause discomfort in those who live, work or study there.

They can affect the health, behaviors and attitudes of members of a family or company.

On many occasions these energies cause nightmares, loss of sleep, hallucinations, can generate alterations of the behavior of the residents of a place, causing discussions, fights, divorces and the impossibility of leading a normal and productive life (there are extreme cases where these alterations they ended up in crimes or the mental alienation of the people affected) and other psychic disorders and could even reach suicide.

Signs that a place is loaded with spirits (houses, flats or premises) and needs cleaning:

- Very cold always inside because of the presence of beings.

- Listen to noises, whispers, voices, steps, etc.

- See lights or shadows.

- Strong bad smell for no apparent reason.

- The objects appear in a different place than the one we left as if someone were moving them.

- One thing after another is spoiled all at once, mainly appliances.

- Objects are broken without being old or very used.

- People who live inside always fight without stopping, it is impossible for harmony to reign.

- Nervousness inside the place (be it flat or local house), cries without knowing the reason, always sleeping badly, excessive tiredness.

- The economic one begins to decline, if it is a business the clients move away.

- Depression, emotional dips, feeling lonely.

- Feeling of being touched while we sleep. As if they were sitting on the bed or above our body.

- Sensation of very severe headaches, which are not due to any medical cause, or that do not disappear even with analgesics.

- Some things disappear inexplicably and sometimes reappear, illogically.

- Sensation of pressure in a room, difficulty breathing, chest pressure, headaches especially in the crown, excessive tiredness, backaches.

- Poor health to which doctors find no explanation or reason.

- Humidity in the walls and ceilings, no matter how much it is painted, a lot of humidity and mold come out again.

- The plants go down all, they die fast.

- The animals are very restless and get sick often and may even die for no reason, because they see the spirits.

- If there are babies in the house they cry more than normal, especially the children become very rebellious and the character suddenly confronts their parents aggressively.

A clean house is a healthy place, an energetic harmonious place in which to live happily. A house loaded with spirits or simply of negative energies causes our aura to weaken and we feel very tired, in the long term things are going very badly being able even in more serious cases to get sick, so it is very important to have the home spiritually clean and the people who live in it.

Unknown author


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