Healing Distance for Sick People 2 Sunday of May day 05/08/2011 - 20 hours

  • 2011


As there are many people who sign up and not have to look; for all, whether they have already received healing on other occasions or not ..., you must send an email requesting the healing to the email, putting:

1 / the name of the sick person

2 / disease that suffers

3 / place of residence

Please only send an email on request and not repeat it, I will answer EVERYONE before the day indicated.

A clarification because I realize that many people are confused. The cycles have nothing to do with the sessions that are done once a month for sick people. These sessions can be done as many times as you want there is no limit but they are not the cycles.

I want to thank the confidence placed in ANTAYA Therapy and in me as its channel.

There are many people interested in following the cycles of Antaya Therapy or for people who do not know what ANTAYA Therapy is?

It is a form of healing that was used in very remote times in the continent of Lemuria.

The people of Lemuria were a very advanced civilization and used this Therapy for the healing of the body and the Soul.

This Therapy is very advanced for our time since it begins in the 5th Dimension but it can reach much more as people move forward and evolve.

It consists of 8 cycles:

* First Cycle: Close past patterns and eliminate fears

* Second Cycle: It is the Opening of the Heart and the Expansion of Consciousness

* Third cycle: Pure Love and Compassion

* Fourth Cycle: Transformation

* Fifth Cycle: Reconnect with our start to find the way back

* Sixth Cycle: Find the Soulmate to work together in different dimensions

* Seventh cycle: Fullness Status

* Eighth cycle: Walking towards the Light

Each cycle consists of 8 sessions.

As we work and move from one cycle to another we realize that we are moving forward.

Some people who have done the cycle I have told me the same thing: I am able to say things that I would not have dared to say before and people do not get angry and accept it.

In cycle III sometimes rage comes out, in that there are also coincidences.

and so it goes forward.

It is a continuous cleaning!

Antaya asks us to destroy the Registry of eating meat (although if it is not done at the moment nothing happens, because many people are not vegetarian and that is a process that is coming with time) we must introduce food from the 5 dimensi n, like fruits, vegetables, purified water. Feed our spirit with meditations, contact with nature, be in contact with the sea, with water either from spring, creek, lake or ocean.

Connect with the whales and dolphins for our evolution, either in meditations, listening to music with these sounds or watching some documentary.

In meditation we must practice the opening of the heart by merging with Nature and the Cosmos. We are Light, We are Love, and We are Wisdom and at this moment our heart opens and lets out everything that is inside, we expand our consciousness to infinity and we feel in us Nature, Air, the Aroma of Herbs, sound of the Birds, the sound of the Sea, the song of the Whales and the light of the Stars and we merge into one.

How to do the 8 cycles? You have to send an email to and I will pass all the complementary information.

A hug of Light

Mari Carmen Pérez

Diploma in Massage and Ayurvedic Nutrition

Traditional Usui Reiki Teacher and Therapist - Tibetan and Karuna


Travel Organizer to India

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previous appointment phone +34 971794371 // mobil +34 626 80 15 95



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