The Rosary of Saint Michael the Archangel

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Indulgences promulgated by Pope Pius IX. 1.1 Partial Indulgence. 1.2 Partial Indulgence. 1.3 Plenary Indulgence. 1.4 Plenary Indulgence. 2 Even though invisible spirit, I know that you are by my side, you listen to my prayers and tell me all my steps.Prayer. 3 The Rosary of San Miguel Arc ngel. 3.1 Promises of the Rosary of San Miguel Arc ngel. 4 Where there is peace in the world, there are angels in heaven. Encouragement. 5 What do we expect from the Arc Miguel Angel today?

St. Michael the Angel in 1750, made an appearance to the servant of God Antonia Ast nac in a town in Portugal and taught him to invoke him with the rosary. The Saint Michael Arc told the servant that those people who wish to invoke or can do so through the nine prayers , in which he is asked for his intervention and for the the nine Angelic Choirs, through the Crown of an Our Father and three Hail Marys for each salutation. With the Rosary of St. Michael Arc ll began a tradition.

Rosary of Saint Michael the Archangel - It was supported by Pope Pius XII

Indulgences promulgated by Pope Pius IX.

After some time since his coming, devotion to St. Michael the Archangel was spreading throughout Europe and the world, until Pope Pius IX in 1856 proclaimed the following indulgences:

Partial Indulgence

Whoever prays this rosary with a heart full of repentance.

Partial Indulgence

The one who carries the rosary or kisses the medal of the holy angels that hang from it will be awarded.

Plenary Indulgence

Once every 30 days to devotees who pray in their daily prayers with true repentance and are in the grace of God.

Plenary Indulgence

For believers who are in the grace of God, that is, confessed and communed, they have indulgences, on the festivities of the appearance of Archangel Michael to the servant Antonia of Astonac on May 8, the day of the celebration that is the 29 September and finally the day of the Holy Angels on October 2.

“Although invisible spirit, I know that you are by my side, you listen to my prayers and count all my steps.” Prayer.

San Miguel Arcangel

The Rosary of San Miguel Arcángel.

The Catholic church places him in the first position among the archangels of the heavenly court of God, St. Michael is recognized and is worshiped in the Catholic, Islamic and Anglican churches, is considered in these religions as the head of God's armies .

The Archangel Michael can be recognized for being represented by a warrior angel, The Victor of Lucifer, has an armor of the Roman soldiers with the sword or the spear hitting the demon . In the Christian armies he is the protector against enemies and with his grace protects his followers from evil power, lending his help at the time of death.

Promises of the Rosary of San Miguel Arcángel .

  1. St. Michael the Archangel in his message from God to Antonia promised him that whoever prays the rosary or crown, at the time he takes the Eucharist, he would send an angel from each angelic choir to accompany him.
  2. The files that pray the nine salutations daily will enjoy the help at all times of his life, when the time of his death comes and after it.
  3. Those who always pray the rosary will be accompanied by all nine angel courts and along with their relatives, relatives and loved ones, they will be saved from going to purgatory.
The Rosary of Saint Michael the Archangel

"Where there is peace in the world, there are angels in the heavens." Anonymous.

What do we expect from Archangel Michael today ?

Sa n Miguel helps us against the dangers of demons that are now around all places. We can all call asking the archangel Saint Michael to give us his help, the dangers have been increased by the disobedience and atheism that has been present in today's society.

It is in these moments of great natural calamities and wars in the world, it is when we most want to communicate and show our love to the one who was called “Who as God” (literal translation of the name of St. Michael and commander of the armies of God), with His spiritual weapons can save us from the claws of the devil, from all lies, the sufferings that are destroying men and Our Mother Earth. Whenever Lucifer and his demons are on the prowl, our best defense is to invoke the Archangel Michael .

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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