Message of the Archangel Michael for 2010 - by Doreen Virtue

  • 2010

Every December, I ask the Arc Miguel Angel a guide regarding our next year. In general, he gives me themes that can be expected in the new year, including suggestions for personal growth intentions and actions. The central theme for 2010 involves taking personal risks that lead to spiritual growth and greater well-being and happiness as they practice, To yourself, yes faithful .

From Archangel Michael:

2010 continues the steady rise they have been feeling in recent years. They may feel tired of climbing and the great changes of recent years, and while they may feel the need for a rest, there is still more to climb. There will be time to rest and recover soon, we promise.

Their feelings of spiritual progress are rooted in reality, for now they are much more sensitive to the subtle energies that have always surrounded them, and that they can now feel. Your next step will be in the management of these energies, so that you can know and trust the benevolence of the universe, instead of feeling victims of external circumstances.

The energies that swirl around you are part of the realignment and adjustments that always occur during transformations and changes. They experience this phenomenon every time they make a change in their personal life, such as moving, changing jobs, or a change in relationships. The changes are similar to the earth plate movements of an earthquake, and although it may feel sudden or even violent, the movement is simply an adjustment to previous activities and nothing more.

You have endured many changes and adjustments since 1995, and although you would like to take some time to rest, it is still an uphill journey for the next two years. By saying "uphill" we mean that they will feel that they are going up and making progress; however, there will often be a feeling of being a lonely climber who is on the cliffs and overhangs. They will take emotional and intellectual risks, and some may take physical risks. However, inside they will always be safe, protected and guided. To feel that sense of security they will have to quiet their mind with meditations. Too much noise due to hyperactivity and sensory overload will disconnect them from feeling the presence of their guardians and protectors. Meditate often to feel more secure and at peace.

In 2010, they will find themselves taking these risks towards the freedom to be totally authentic with others. This means showing themselves in new, previously unsuspected ways. You are going to take a huge step forward along your path of spiritual growth, by revealing your true thoughts and feelings to yourself first, and then to others second. We, of course, are going to help you bathe your communications with love, so that you are sincere but kind. Letting go of feelings of anger is not the kind of 'telling the truth' that will make them feel good. Instead, they will prefer the well-being and closeness that occurs when sharing their feelings with delicacy and respect with others.

In their professional life, they will also take risks. They have found themselves increasingly unhappy with work, and wishing instead significant activities. Many have had the opportunity to put these desires and intentions into motion ... often out of necessity.

The universal basic energies are encoded for love, joy, peace and happiness. They support any activity immersed in these energies. So ANY project where you are singing happily because you love what you are doing, it will be a success for you. On the contrary, any project that is carried out exclusively for money (without a love for the activity) will not last, nor will the money earned with the project without love. Therefore, immediately cease all activities in which you participate exclusively for money. Either get out of the situation, or put a little love to the activities. This is a necessity.

Taking risks to reveal your authentic self is part of the total alignment that Earth is experiencing. You are a reflection of the path that Earth has taken, in which she allowed herself to be abused and used, without protesting. She tried to pretend she was strong and that she could accept the abuse without protesting. But now it has reached its limit, and you too. Accepting the abuse of others is a lethal form of self-abuse, because ultimately, they are allowing this to happen when they do not talk to others about their true feelings. Saying “No!” To all forms of abuse is an essential part of spiritual growth for you and for the Earth.

They don't have to be strong in the sense of swallowing their feelings and pretending that everything is fine, when it isn't. They have to be strong only in the sense of speaking honestly about their true feelings. Take the risk of telling others how they feel. Take the risk of realigning every part of your life in a way that reflects your true tastes, passions and interests.

As you and the Earth align with your inner truth, also the eddies of energies will begin to calm down and slow down. At this moment, at the core of these swirling energies, this slower and more peaceful energy already exists. You connect with this inner essential energy every time you are true to yourself. And I'm going to help you with this mission in every way.

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Thanks Margarita López !!!

Message of the Archangel Michael for 2010

Archangel Michael channeled by Doreen Virtue

December 7, 2009

Translation: Margarita López

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