Learn to Use Your “Inner Compass” to Achieve Your Dreams

  • 2014
Some call it instinct, smell, clairvoyance but the word that best describes it for me is "inner compass." And recently passing images in my head of great moments of my life I realized that almost all the best thing that happened to me was when I decided to follow that compass. That's why I want to share this note that I found ... It's from Laura Silva and talks about what we all have but very few of us know how to take advantage of it. [note note_color = ”# eff597 ″ text_color =” # 000000 ″ radius = ”12 ″] Did you think that the situation you are in, the people around you, the work you do ... are nothing more than consequences of small decisions you made? [/ note] From going to that event where you met that special person ... or choosing a random course that ended up becoming your profession, or even not to take the train that day, and then find out that you had saved yourself from that accident ... [quote url = ”asdfasdfasdfas”] They were all small decisions that marked and marked your life . [/ quote] Laura, daughter of Jos Silva Silva the creator of the Silva Method - a method that combines meditation to expand your mental abilities - has long since He has been investigating this phenomenon known as Intuition . And in this note he tells you some of it (Also if you leave your data at the end you will receive a free report that they prepared on this subject) As Einstein said: The only really valuable thing is the `` intuition ''. And you, how do you get along with her? Many people think they have no uintuition that doesn’t work for them and ca n’t They should be more wrong… [note note_color = ”# f597b0 ″ text_color =” # 000000 ″ radius = ”12 ″] In the free report you will find out why (just leave your data and you will receive an email with your copy) [/ note]

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