The Evolutionary Crisis: First Part by Willy Chaparro

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 Remote Events 2 The First Races 3 A Story to Tell 4 Interstellar Cruises 5 The Greenhouse Effect 6 The Stages of Crisis 7 The three stages can be defined as: 8 The three stages of crisis can also be defined as: 9 Crises can also be defined as follows: 10 Analogies with Crises 11 First Crisis 12 Evolutionary Crises: First Part by Willy Chaparro

Remote Events

This page is not a postulate about the origin of the human race, it is a postulate that can be defined as: "The Origin and Evolution of the Human Being". It is not a concept about the "Adam of the Bible" with all its attributes, but, a concept elucidated as briefly about the "Biological Adam" that has gone through three evolutionary crises, occurred during the development of the Fourth Kingdom of Nature, and where the "Biological Adam" has evolved and grown spiritually.

The age of our Universe, including our Galaxy, is perhaps 13 billion years old, created and articulated with a group of stars that make up the Milky Way. The stars are spread across the entire length of the milky way, along with hundreds of billions of other stars . Around 4.5 million years ago, a large cloud of gas within an interstellar cloud, gave birth to our Sun, next to that group of stars of the Milky Way, is our Sun and our Planet Sea-Blue Earth that they have the same age. They are not of the first created, they are second generation.

The figures are huge, compared to all things that could be considered appropriate for life. In the Ante-Life stages, our Planet in its beginnings had a lethal atmosphere, and for five times Nature tried to start life, because life could exist, but only the fifth time it succeeded.

The Planet at that stage was not yet ready to control evolution, perhaps Nature was not intelligent enough to create a race of humans, but it could make other lives, even create dinosaurs, and in the last moments the race manifested itself, only in the last two million years, were necessary to develop the evolution of the human race on our planet, so it can be called: " A state of implanted evolution ", because the race received the seed biology of the stars . And you don't have to go back beyond that time, because you won't find other human lives beyond.

Evolution is a Transcendent Cycle, all beings evolve, spirits, human beings and including animals, but each type of evolution depends on how the life of each living being develops, in each physical place and in each spiritual plane. But there are legends that say: Life was made on our nascent Planet Earth more than 4 million years ago. At that stage, the planet's conditions were harder and wetter than it is now, and it was constantly bathed in sizzling ultraviolet rays. It also says the theory that began as simple cells and finally transformed into clay molds, frogs, elephants, human beings and the rest of the living kingdoms on our planet.

The First Races

The Earth was created for human evolution and went through many stages, all required and necessary.

His spiritual and conscious development did not happen all at once. Because hundreds of thousands of years were part of primitive life. As stated earlier, the human race arrived last on the Planet, perhaps beyond 100 thousand years ago, even the human physiological race did not exist, because from the evolutionary point of view, the first two races were not strictly human. They were amorphous and intangible like all the initial development in Nature. The two primitive races personified the activity of the Life Carriers and the Builders of the Forms, who contributed the constructive energies to act as magical organizers of the materialization of the divine sparks. in the physical plane.

The First Race, about which science knows nothing, was apparently incipient and hazy, and caused the increasing diversification of matter and covered life, which finally brought the first manifestation of the children of God, but it was not a physical incarnation, as he understands the term in material life. The second race, of which science does not know anything either, was achieved by the merger of three divine energies that produced the intelligent activity of the Life aspect as it acted in conjunction with matter.

The time for evolution may seem incredibly long, and the amorphous races were not yet receptacles to physically embody the is chispas e that needed to evolve. Many periods passed between the two races and Nature was abandoned as well, had failed because it had not developed a human biological archetype to produce effects on the expression of the materiality He had not achieved the creation of a completely physical third race. But it must be taken into account that after the first and second amorphous races, many major cycles have passed since the evolution was very slow, but such are the paths nature originals.

A story to tell

There are publications that place human evolution in a very distant period, but the subject is referred to the evolution of the Fourth Kingdom of Nature or Human Kingdom, that is, development of the Fourth Pillar of Evolution, at the time of the dinosaurs, the human race was still shining by its absence, still the Ad Nature was not created.

But there is another story to tell by Ro oquero and Ma Assembly, two mythical characters who lived about 200, 000 years ago in Dalamatia, the first capital of the Land of Lemuria, a small continent located in the Indian Ocean and currently disappeared.

Taking back to the history of the Planet, tells Ro oquero and Manán : Between 300 and 250 million years ago the great dinosaurs were formed extinguished 65 million years ago, they lived on different islands, one of them was Lemuria, a continent that existed in the Pacific Ocean. He is currently missing.

You were before the extinction of the dinosaurs, another race of humanoid beings of great stature, coming from another solar system, arrived on Planet Earth on a cruise in search of mineral materials, but the weather was very hostile and the expeditionaries could not use it as a habitat.

They finally left, but not all the ships, one stayed and the humanoids created an artificial climate to stay, but the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes were very continuous, some did not survive the weather and also They left . After the humanoid ita titans left and there were great changes on the Planet. New forms of life developed in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, which were in the process of transformation, and as the ages passed, life became more complex, although they were only unicellular forms .

Interstellar Cruises

Going back to the story to tell: "According to" Roñoquero y Ma Assembly, "about 150 million years ago, a race of advanced extraterrestrial settlers, very human-like, came to the Planet, from a star in the Center of the Galaxy and they built colonies in del Planeta. They built a colony on the continent of Antarctica and another on the Island of Lemuria. The extraterrestrial humanoid race, lived a long time in Lemuria Island with dinosaurs and other animals without problems.

You were later 65 million years ago, during the time of the dinosaurs came to Earth, from another universe a bellicose integrated by advanced reptiles, and settled on the Planet, but this reptilian race was not related to the reptilian race that had years living on Earth. The mission of the visiting race was to look for minerals, such as gold, argenta and copper, valuable materials to take them to their universe for war purposes.

Time after the arrival of the reptilian race, the humanoid settlers who lived on the Planet tried to establish relationships with reptilians, but they were unsuccessful. The reptilians were not interested in the evolution of the planet, nor in the development of their biology theirs were the minerals, for which a confrontation and then a war originated . And according to "Roñoquero y Ma Assembly", the war began between the two races, in months in space.

“The two extraterrestrial species wanted to have minerals, especially copper material, and for this reason they went to war in Earth's orbit. The humanoid species that lived on the Planet seemed to be successful in the first battle, but in the next, —the reptilians that were more advanced in technology—, they decided to use a special weapon, a nuclear fusion bomb that could destroy life forms, but without damaging the minerals and copper material. The detonation took place in the high atmosphere of the Planet, in a region of Central America. The detonation effect was much stronger than expected, and caused a cataclysm. After the detonation of the bomb in space, the advanced extraterrestrial reptiles were no longer interested in the minerals and left, leaving Planet Earth in a greenhouse. ”

The greenhouse effect

The story of "Roñoquero y Ma Assembly" continues: "The bomb was detonated in the outside atmosphere and produced a fusion of hydrogen and an unpredictable amount of radiation, which covered the entire surface of the Planet. The effect was stronger than expected by reptilians and the consequences came after they left, especially the consequences of the greenhouse that lasted 200 years. ”

"The humanoids that lived on the planet were eliminated, a deadly radiation, a super fusion of oxygen remained on the surface of the planet similar to a" nuclear winter. " Reptiloids lost their interest in minerals and some years later, they left the planet. In the beginning, most of the dinosaurs and reptilians did not die, but then, within 20 years, they had all died. Some species that lived in the seas and oceans could survive longer . No less than a thousand different varieties of life that were located in remote underground locations survived and developed alongside some Phylums Chordata Velociraptors species, as well as some flying species. ”

"They evolved slowly over the next million years and were divided into several species and forms, some larger, some smaller, this in terms of biological evolution, but these species also died, because the weather had changed." Some “humanoids”, ancestors of reptile biology, managed to survive the greenhouse effect and developed alongside the species Phylums Chordata Velociraptors, and evolved slowly .

They keep saying “Roñoquero and Ma Assembly:“ The greenhouse effect ended after 200 years, and the Planet was colder than before, many evos passed and about 50 million years ago, life flourished again on the Planet, but it did not yet exist a model of human development for the manifestation of the "divine sparks".

The transmutation of the Phylums Chordata "Velociraptors" into a "humanoid" prototype and then to an animal-man, was the product of genetic engineering work in the Phylum Velociraptor species, which survived during the "greenhouse effect" in remote areas "underground. " Perhaps the radiation of the detonation took part in the mutations of the species to evolve as man-animals, in the following millions of years ”.

Regardless of how the human-animal "humanoid" prototype developed, it managed to survive the greenhouse effect. It was a small reptile-like species that walked on two legs with some humanoid features, a good structure of its bones, skull and large head, and hands with thumb that it could grasp. ” But it did not develop as a reptile animal, it passed during the next 40 million years from a "humanoid" prototype, to a more or less thinking being. But that is not proven.

Currently, scientists see in Central America, a concentration of a space material, as evidence of an impact of an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. But according to "Roñoquero y Ma Assembly", the cataclysm was not caused by the impact of an asteroid as claimed by science, but it was a natural disaster.

The Stages of Crisis

In the course of the epochs of evolution there have been many crises on the planet, some have been evolutionary developments of the Kingdom of Nature, but in human development, only three relevant crisis events have occurred, - called crisis stages -, which have been linked to the development of the human race. The three relevant crisis events have been major crisis stages in evolution, stages which can be clearly delineated from the point of view of the top view.

These stages have been the result of human evolutionary growth and development, from the stage of the descent of the Life Carriers or Astral Progenitors, the primitive man-animal species and the caveman, with its consciousness centered on animal life, until the moment when human consciousness became more inclusive and mental, evolutionary stages that have slowly extended to today's humanity and will continue that way, until the moment when human consciousness becomes more inclusive and mental, and will be done like this, until ascending to be a perfect son of God.

In Earth's history, Shamballa's energy has appeared twice, and its presence has been felt in the second and third stage of crisis. But the three stages can be defined as: "The Initial Points of Human Evolution." All three have been gradual and extremely slow, and have covered many millions of years. They have been starting points in the history of human evolution, continuous processes of "sudden" jumps developed as cycles, evolutionary stages that have slowly extended to today's humanity. Although there are humans, they do not believe that such crises existed. Actually, the crises did exist and there were three.

The three stages can be defined as:

1st. Crisis: It was the "precipitation" in the stage the Life Carriers and the Builders of the Form, to create the human archetype from man-animal in the primitive stage.

2nd.Crisis: It was the individualization, where the animal-man and caveman, became living souls and entered the path of manifestation of form.

3rd: Crisis: Corresponds to a more recent era, the appropriation of the mind and the immediate racial initiation in Lemuria, where the race evolved from the caveman, to the current Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Development made possible in this 3rd. crisis, and through which the members of the human family who have had that vision are going through, those who have had to pay the price demanded for their evolution.

The three stages of crisis can also be defined as:

1st. Crisis: The "precipitation" of the astral-physical Energy of Life Carriers and Form Builders.

2nd. Crisis: The Individualization of the divine sparks incarnated to enter the path of evolution.

3rd. Crisà s: The appropriation of the mind and final stage of human development.

Crises can also be defined as follows:

1. The spiritual-astral crisis, from the descent of the Life Carriers to the emergence of primitive man.

2. The astral-material crisis, from individualization to liberation,

3. The material-intellectual crisis, from the stage of primitive man, to the genetic implantation, stage since he appeared, Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

That is, three crises:

A conceptual-astral, an astral-biological-animal and a human-biological-spiritual.

The first two stages of crisis, developed through the descending and ascending arc, and have helped the evolution, from the stage of Homo Primigenius, called `` man-animal '', passing through the races Africapithecus, Australpithecus, Croma and Neanderthal, until reaching the current Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the ascending stage.

The analogies with the Crisis

The three crises have an analogy with the evolution in the spiritual planes and a correspondence with the life cycles. A process that has driven and forced the growth of the human to perfection and spirituality. This information associated with evolution many will not believe. Because evolution means something that is not pleasant for some, for others, is completely understandable. But from the scientific point of view, these stages of crisis are far from clear, because there are no chronological records that determine the stage in which man made his appearance on Earth .

Symbolically, the three crises have been a true progressive ladder of steps in human evolution, to rise in levels, from the astral ancestors, to the biological and the spiritual, and the which pari passu has been developed with the Geological Ages, from the stages of the man-animal prototype, of the Stone Age, the Neanderthal of the Neolithic Period. Symbolically man was precipitated from higher planes, and evolved until he reached the stage of Homo Sapiens Sapiens today.

Scientists see in Central America, a concentration of a space material, as evidence of an impact of an asteroid that killed dinosaurs. But according to Ro quero and Manán, the cataclysm was not the impact of an asteroid as they claim, it was a natural disaster.

First Crisis

The First Crisis can be defined as: The Initial Point of Evolution, began with the line of demarcation between ethereal-spiritual evolution in descending line, which can be traced from the transmutation of an ancestral ancestral species, to the humanoid prototype and the animal-man in the ascending line before individualization. The development of the prototype humanoid, was to choose the mammalian direction, thus the first physical man-animal forms were appearing mammals, but without becoming completely humans.

Returning to the issue of human creation, many eons had to pass before Nature and the Life Carriers and the Builders of the Form — astral beings who intervened in the formation of the Human Kingdom — took the initial step to create the human race. It was a new phase in the creation of a human prototype: "The man-animal". For this reason, it can be elucidated that the human being did not go through the Ante-Life stages, nor does it come from the monkey, nor from the “procayote” as science affirms.

After the greenhouse effect, many evos without evolution passed and Nature was abandoned, during the 200 years that the greenhouse effect lasted. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, a new phase in Nature began to create the “ancestral” atavistic species, an animal-man, and then be transmuted into a “humanoid” prototype. At that stage, "sparks" from other systems arrived on the Planet to help them through the evolutionary stages of the "incipient human race" and fulfill the Purpose of Creation, but they could not incarnate, the human form did not exist on the Planet, it did not exist the human prototype and the biologically stable physical conditions, for the manifestation of the "sparks".

During the First Crisis, Nature and the Life Carriers and the Builders of Form, —astral beings who intervened in the formation of the Human kingdom on the Planet—, reached semi-materialization and appeared for the first time to create a prototype and thus derive in the formation of the Proto-Human. But only the remaining "ancestral" atavistic species of the velociraptors remained underground living in remote areas of the Mu Ccontinent, the land of Lem, - known in ancient times as the Lemuria Continent.

Nothing could prevent them from coming into tangible existence, the "sparks" of other systems to evolve. In the end, the matter surrendered to the "sparks", and the divine desire and the divine will, put their signature on the "sparks" that quickly congregated to incarnate. Thus the impulse was established, the desire to materialize in the "sparks" that proved to be strong, for the opposing forces of matter. This situation caused the First Evolutionary Crisis on the evolutionary scale of the Planet.

The Builders of the Form and the Life Carriers, had to make "maromas" to achieve the artificial crossing, with the atavistic "ancestral" species. Through successive mutations, a “heavenly help” and a genetic push, resulted in the creation of a female Proto-Human biological model, with 23 chromosomes, but it was necessary a transmutating agent of the biological unit and a “formative vis” to achieve development of the Proto-Human archetype. In this way, they managed to make the female "ancestral velociraptors", after some metamorphosis, become a mammal and procreate by sexual means.

This was an effort by Nature, the Life Carriers and the Builders of Forms, to transmute the "ancestral" atavistic species, but the "little help" was necessary to create a human-animal archetype.

With the “little help” and the “genetic push”, the etheric-astral energy was replaced by material energy, for the proper biological functioning of a man-animal prototype, which presented mutations and a different organism. The “prototype” had advanced eyes in the middle of the head and a better structure of the brain, learned to change its reptilian behavior and be smart enough not to die outdoors.

The original "prototypes" of evolution, by a method of astral-physical transubstantiation could be mutated into anthropomorphic units. By such concept, it can be deduced that the Human Kingdom was projected from planes of supra physical vibrations. The First Crisis began with the demarcation line between the descent of the Life Carriers and the "ancestral" atavistic species, the "humanoid" prototype and the animal-man. The “prototype” evolved in a “very slow” way in the ascending scale, but the transformations that it presented, could well be directed towards a model of human development, but still had no mind, was ignorant and blind.

The limits that indicate the beginning of the "humanoid" prototype and the end of the animal-man are not exact, but it can be deduced that the "humanoid" appeared about 45 million years ago and the animal-man reached the stage of the individualization, an event that happened 18 million years ago. In The First Crisis, the animal-man was the protagonist, and can be defined as the creation and life of the First Adam, an Adam who "only had the breath of life, had no living soul." But, to a certain extent, the animal man of Lemuria was a tough subject of human contexture.

Biologically, the "humanoid" prototype is not an animal of the Earth, because it received the seed biology of the stars and evolution: The human being repeats in itself the creative pattern as it occurs in the universe and during the following 45 million years ago, the humanoid prototype transmuted into mammals was physically stable and divided into 26 subaltern sub-species : Subaltern species transformed by mutations were likely to divide by illogical pathways during the evolutionary process. In fact, human chemistry is exclusive, and the proof is, that it had a "heavenly help" and a "fused DNA" that created the separation of 23 chromosomes from the rest of animal biology.

by Willy Chaparro

The Evolutionary Crisis: First Part by Willy Chaparro

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