We all have a Sacred Mission

  • 2012

We have always made a distinction between common human beings and sent beings with a special mission.

We are, of course, on the side of ordinary humans. But only because it is the most modest.

It is not a matter of humility, nor of firm belief, but of authentic comfort.

You live very well in the lack of responsibilities.

To say that we all have a Sacred Mission is an affirmation that we prefer to categorize nonsense or imprudence, because accepting it would imply a commitment that, we believe, is very large.

Dürckheim said in the book THE INNER MASTER: “The inner teacher is ourselves, under the potential aspect, made aware, of what we could and should be. The inner teacher, in the sense of aptitude to understand and recognize this potentiality, demands a certain degree of evolution. In order to hear the teacher's voice called, one must be ready to do so. Answering this call requires not only courage, but some humility.

It is not presumption to recognize the teacher in oneself. Doing so elevates, fills and compromises at the same time: humility is required to accept the weight of this commitment and the path to be taken along this Way. True humility is not just not wanting to seem more than one is. It is also accepting to be more than one seems to be. There is a false modesty that is simply fear of responsibilities. And it is an obstacle to let the inner master emerge. ”

Divinity, or the Higher, inhabit us. They are part of us or we are part of It. We are indivisible.

But we call "humility" to imagine them far and away, and to consider ourselves inferior, rather than knowing how to participate.

It would be good to accept, as a premise, our superhuman or transpersonal character. It would be good to stop separating "human" - as for gross, sinful and clumsy - from "divine" - as heavenly, perfect, magical, and ... away.

If we are children of God, it cannot be that we have not inherited their qualities. At least some of them. If we are brothers of Jesus Christ, we will have something of him. I suppose.

We all come to the world with a sacred mission, which is basically the same for everyone:

Be discovered.

To impart and receive Love.

Be noble, honest and good.

Respect laws that seem respectable.

Take care of the needy.


Help selflessly.

Accept and assume the Divinity in oneself.

Be humble and noble.

Plus what you consider appropriate to add to this list.

All this, above the label that we put on a daily basis, or that is taken for granted, is a mission to fulfill. But not only when it is our convenience, but continually.

I think we should get used to appreciating them and calling them for what each one truly is: little miracles.

Little Miracles for us and for others. Because if a needy see us appear offering him what he needs to solve his problem, in the eyes of his heart we are the Angel who gives him the Little Miracle that takes him out of trouble.

We have the obligation, and I affirm this emphatically, to create Magic Moments for others, to be the Angel of the Smile, the Angel that provides Hugs, the Little God of Hope that makes us see that life is kind and that there is to move on despite the regrets ...

Our mission is not limited to us, but extends to others, without whom we are nothing, whatever the ego says.

If one has a lot of good inside and does not share it, one ends up rotting.

Accepting Spirituality, personal Divinity, and that one is an Extraordinary Magician, are matters of humble courage; matters to undertake from human modesty to which the ego does not reach, or from the Divinity it does not affect either.

Surrender to others, be generous, be kind, Love ... are qualities or abilities that are not to be stopped, because they are part of nature. It is impossible to "force" Amar or surrender. You can pretend, but then it is not natural.

The good thing is to let it reveal what it is and what it is, without butts or clippers; Let our kind and sincere part be expressed.

The good thing is to let the goodness manifest itself, explain itself, share all the generosity available to it; The wonderful thing is knowing that you can do good, and do it.

The great thing is to collaborate in making the lives of others a little better because we have helped them.

The good thing is to naturally receive the gratitude of others, and enjoy the joy that they include us is their prayers, or give thanks to their God because they have seen His care in our action.

We all have the Sacred Mission of making us good and dignified people, of making life easier and more kind to others, of encouraging and helping, of collaborating and teaching, of giving and giving us Love ...

Let's fulfill that Sacred Mission.

(Francisco de Sales, is the creator of the web www.buscandome.es, for people interested in psychology, spirituality, improvable life, Self-knowledge and Personal Growth)

We all have a Sacred Mission

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