Personal growth, what do you pay for your interior?

  • 2016

When talking about personal growth and interior development, reference is made to search processes inside, retreats, workshops, courses, specialists and a thousand other things to get to know oneself.

It is interesting to think about uniting all the experiences of life, weaving them in such a way that it can be integrated and united, in order to make the best of everything, this is, perhaps, what the greatest personal growth can give you .

Each stage and moment of life has its purpose, pain may blind you to see the benefit that this experience may add to your life in the future. If we take into account that everything lived throughout your years, has led you to be the person you are today. It has led you, consciously or unconsciously, to achieve personal growth.

Life is full of learning, of teaching, of moments in which we are required to give our best, as well as events in which we can feel august without doing or needing anything. The events of life are fertilizers for your personal growth . Everyone is free to choose, with what “ fertilizer ” he feeds his person, what elements he takes from his experiences to grow .

It is interesting to know how the experiences of love relationships can help us in personal growth . When a relationship ends for some strong reason, such as infidelity, physical, moral or psychological violence, etc. That love disappointment would seem to mark life forever, even say phrases like " I will never fall in love again ", "I no longer believe in love ", among many others. However, the choice to accept the situation as it happened, to thank what happened as it happened and release it to move forward without charges, is your responsibility .

The labor aspect is another way of growing, not only in the professional field . When you are looking for a job, at that time of your first job interview in which you were rejected because you were not fit for what you were looking for; It is a learning moment where our dignity, pride and ego are affected. However, they are moments full of blessing, moments that make us integral.

The universe moves things in mysterious ways and yet everything is perfection.

The universe moves things in mysterious ways and yet everything is perfection . Sometimes the events hurt us, they hurt us, like the loss of a family member, not having money or for the indispensable, losing the direction of your life, among others. However, even in the moments of greatest loneliness and vulnerability, when everything was already lost, there is a light . The most difficult moments can become gasoline to continue on our path. And the happiest moments in vitamins for our life. Personal growth, you choose it.

Personal growth consists in letting go, being free¸ being open to different possibilities and taking the opportunities that life gives you to grow, from yourself, from your person, without relying on external voices or experiences of other people.

Neither the mental mental maturity, nor your academic titles or levels, much less the jobs you have had or your occupations determine your personal growth. Personal growth is not determined by your age, race, sex, you choose it because at the end of the day, the choice is yours, you choose the aspects in your life, and in you, that they will give you what you are looking for. It is your decision to choose what are the moments, experiences and events that will mark your life and add to your personal growth. That only corresponds to you.

Life gives us wonderful gifts, which give us their magic when we accept them, when we decide to get carried away by the wind, by the flow of life, when we let ourselves flow with the movement of the universe . You only need time alone to realize the great gifts you have. And you, with what do you want to pay your personal growth ?

There are no limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence and its imagination. Ronald reagan


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