How the wizard controls the plasma

  • 2016

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 1. The Mind. Learning Object 4. Mental Substance

Matter and energy are topics that were born out of curiosity, something that must occur with all scientific concerns, because where there is no curiosity there is no mystery or enthusiasm, and without enthusiasm there can be no progress. It gives the impression that the whole explanation of the matter of four elements was always attempted; whether from the earth, from fire, from air and from water, or from protons, electron neutrons and positrons; or of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, when we get closer to life, or adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine when it entered the DNA, or the logical blocks that allow us to interact with shapes, sizes, colors and textures, the basis of the design of mental forms.


  • Establish differences between the four components of the Ether.
  • Establish relationships between magic and creativity.
  • Justify the importance of sound and breathing in the life of the disciple.


Sound, light, vibration and form intermingle and merge, and so the work is one. It continues according to the law, and nothing can prevent the work from progressing. The man breathes deeply. It concentrates its forces and throws itself the mental form.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: matter and energy

Eduardo and Alfonso are two orphaned brothers who live in a small town of mes Amestris. His father, had left his house when they were still young and later his mother, dies from a terminal illness, leaving the Elric brothers alone. After the death of his mother, Eduardo decides to resurrect her through alchemy, one of the most advanced scientific techniques known to man. However, the attempt is unsuccessful and as a consequence Eduardo loses his left leg, and Alfonso his body. In an effort to save his brother, Eduardo sacrifices his right arm to seal Alfonso's soul into armor.

David is a mechanized child, a prototype model of artificial intelligence, created by Cibertr nica, designed to resemble a human child and show love to its owners: a robot son. Upon awakening his conscience, thanks to his feelings, David begins the search for the Blue Fairy, convinced that he will transform him into a human child, allowing Mnica, his mother, to love him and take it back home.

From the Fullmetal Alchimist movie, we can learn what are the ingredients to form an adult human being: 35 liters of water, 20 kg of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kg of lime, 800 gr of f Phosphorus, 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of nitrate, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluorine, 5 grams of iron, 3 grams of silicon and 15 more elements. Today we know that the protoplasm is made up of water, electrolytes, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids. The dead protoplasm weighs the same as the live protoplasm and, however, is not the same. The chemist was able to elucidate the chemical composition of the dead protoplasm, and yet he cannot discern the dynamic behavior of the living protoplasm. So what is life, how does it design its plot?

  • After watching the two Fullmetal Alchimist and Artificial Intelligence movies , answer the following questions: What is the difference between matter and energy? What is the difference between the organic and the mechanical? What is the origin of life? How does the step from intelligence to love take place? Establish relationships between alchemy and genetic engineering, between soul, heart and life. Make differences between a golem and an android, between matter, substance and energy.

ACTIVITY TWO: Mind, conscience and form.

The fire of the mind is fundamentally electricity, manifesting itself in its superior activities. The human being is an organism that uses a mechanism to function, functions as a unit in its causal body and as a trinity in its other three bodies: mental, emotional and physical. It unifies these three bodies through its intelligence producing coherence in action, simultaneity of purpose and synthetic effort.

In the third plane, the mind principle manifests itself as a coherent activity, and also as a triple vibration of spirit-matter-intelligence, resonating as the triple Sacred Word or electricity that manifests as sound.

Electricity as a vibratory impulse. It causes the accumulation of matter and its activity within certain limits. It constitutes the first letter of the Sacred Word.

Electricity as light. It causes spheroidal objectivity. It is the birth of the Son. It covers the enunciation of the second letter of the Sacred Word.

Electricity as sound. Here we have the complete triple Holy Word.

Science has increasingly understood that:

  1. All physical phenomena, as we understand the term, have an electrical origin and an initial vibration in the first subplane of the physical plane.
  2. The Light, in the physical plane, is intimately linked with the second ether, which uses it as a medium,
  3. The sound acts through the third ether.
  4. The color, in a peculiar sense, is linked to the fourth ether.

All four have an electrodynamic origin. Hence, when we are working with ideas, we are manipulating electricity.

The mental substance is the material used by the soul, from which all forms of thought are made. Every mental form has three functions:

  1. Boost creativity responding to vibration.
  2. Provide a body for an idea.
  3. Carry out a specific purpose.

An idea is a machine of immense power. Each idea is a very complicated and delicate machine. In order to know how to handle it, it is first necessary to possess a large amount of theoretical knowledge and, in addition to this, to have a lot of experience and to have had enough practical training. A clumsy way of handling an idea can produce the explosion of the idea; The fire starts, the idea burns and consumes everything around it. The Tarot is one of those thinking machines, for its purpose it is a kind of philosophical abacus.

  1. It offers the possibility of arranging in different graphic forms, ideas that are difficult if not impossible to say in words.
  2. It is an instrument of the mind, which can serve to exercise the ability to combine.
  3. It is an instrument to exercise the mind, to accustom it to new and broader concepts, to think of a world of higher dimensions and to understand symbols.

Kabbalah, Alchemy, Magic and Astrology are parallel symbolic systems of archetypal psychology and quantum physics.

Nowadays, logical blocks are used in preschool, with the purpose of developing the logical thinking of infants, which is achieved through the organization of operations on objects that obey common set laws: composition, reversibility and identity . Operations can be associated with each other in all ways, that is the ultimate purpose of operations, the association, which will facilitate the actions of comparing, differentiating, classifying, ordering, enumerating. Logic blocks are also design instruments by allowing differentiation of the shape, size, color and texture of objects.

In every mathematical system there are three subsystems: a concrete system, a conceptual system and a symbolic system. Each subsystem in turn consists of elements, relationships and operations between the elements. Two or more algebraic systems are isomorphic if each of them consists of a set of elements and one or more operations that satisfy a given set of laws or postulates. They are identical except for the letters and symbols used to represent the operations and the elements.

Compared to a child, a teenager is an individual who builds systems and "theories." Imagination and logic generate three transformations in the mind: organize, deduce and hypothesize.

From a point of view the development and development of the intellect consists in expanding its capacity to find analogies, in combining the logical with the analog. Everything is analogy say the magicians.

Bipolarity is the word used to describe a mood disorder characterized by the presence of one or more episodes with abnormally high levels of energy and cognition. The affected usually oscillates between joy and sadness. It is usually caused by an electrochemical imbalance in brain neurotransmitters.

Lithium salts are used in the treatment of mania and bipolar depression. Because of its high specific heat, lithium is required for heat transfer and, due to its high electrochemical potential, it is a suitable anode for electric batteries and our brain is.

In the brain, neurons perform the synapse, an electrochemical link that uses neurotransmitters. Lithium blocks the release of dopamine, replaces sodium in the synaptic canal by being smaller and the action potential slows down, causing the patient to calm down.

  • It argues what is the function of the element fire (electricity) in the functioning of the mind and in particular, of the brain.

ACTIVITY TWO: Mind, substance and matter.

The Spirit uses the mind in everything that concerns matter, electrical substance or active akasha, but what is akasha, which is the ether, how do we materialize something, how is it embodied?

In all constructive work of creating forms five factors come into play:

  1. The centralized purpose of some entity.
  2. The material through which life intends to manifest itself.
  3. The builders who mold the matter of an agreement to a certain plan.
  4. The plan according to which the work is carried out.
  5. Mantric words or sounds that drive minor lives to fulfill a constructive purpose.

Major constructor is the positive aspect of the substance or the electrical phenomenon, it is related to the sun. Minor constructor is the negative aspect of the substance and is related to the moon. Two types of force are represented in the relationship of these two groups, and their interaction and exchange produces light. The substance is strength.

It is said that pronouncing the words correctly begins a vibration in the akaz, that magnetic field of space that envelops our globe, making the magician the master of all the spirits that inhabit the different kingdoms of nature. The primitive AUM sound is the highest word of power and knowledge that has been pronounced.

The ether is that hypothetical substance

These ethereal levels are only graduations of the substance, of being more subtle and refined, yet being physical

As the fourth state of aggregation of matter, plasma is a fluid state similar to the gaseous state but in which a certain proportion of its particles are electrically charged and not they have electromagnetic balance, so they are good electrical conductors and their particles respond strongly to long-range electromagnetic interactions.

Plasma is a colloidal fluid of complex composition that contains numerous components.

Plasma is the liquid and acellular fraction of the blood. It is obtained by leaving blood devoid of cells such as red blood cells and white blood cells. It is composed of 90% water, 7% protein, and the remaining 3% fat, glucose, vitamins, hormones, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, in addition to waste products of metabolism such as the acidic acid. The color determines the quality of the forms, in the case of blood, its red color is given by the red blood cells, which contain iron in its dual role of oxygen carrier and biodetainer carbon

Renal insufficiency is a disease that occurs when the kidneys are not able to adequately filter toxins and other waste substances from the blood, which manifests itself in a high presence of creatinine in the serum.

Dialysis is the procedure by which artificial filtration of blood occurs outside the body to rid it of toxic elements, when the kidneys have lost their ability to do so. It helps control blood pressure and maintain an adequate balance of electrolytes (potassium, sodium and calcium) and bicarbonate in the body.

The machine used is the dialyzer. The blood with wastes is extracted from an artery by means of a blood pump, and enters the dialyzer that is responsible for cleaning it by using membranes and a solution for dialysis.

  • It argues what is the function of the water element in the blood circulation.

ACTIVITY THREE: The life of the disciple

The rule we will consider refers to work on the mental plane, and before doing so, it is important to have a developed mind and well-cultivated intelligence and also to have obtained some measure of mental control. These rules are aimed at those who are prepared to work in magic and on the mental plane, this implies having clarity in the difference between the mind and love: Love is the great unifier, the main cosmic and microcosmic attractive impulse; but the mind is the main creative factor that uses the energies of the cosmos. Love attracts, while the mind attracts, repels and coordinates, so that its power is inconceivable. Love calms and heals, because its heat is equal to what it comes into contact with and mixes its heat and its flame with that of others.

It is necessary to remember that the powerful entity that manages these forces and who works in magic must be the soul, the spiritual man, and this for the following reasons:

  1. Only the soul has a direct and clear understanding of the creative purpose and the plan.
  2. Only the soul, whose nature is intelligent love, can be entrusted with the knowledge, symbols and formulas necessary for the proper conditioning of magical work.
  3. Only the soul has the power to work on all three worlds simultaneously and yet remain detached and karmically free from the results of that work.
  4. Only the soul is truly aware of the group and is motivated by a pure and altruistic purpose.
  5. Only the soul, with the "open eye of vision" can see the end from the beginning and firmly maintain the true image of the final consummation.

When considering this rule we see that four words stand out. First, the sound, the formula or word of power that the soul communicates, and thus begins the work. This word is dual. It is emitted in that note to which the soul responds, its own special note, mixed with that of its personality. This two-note chord produces the effects, and is more important than the phrase made, which constitutes the word of power.

Here is the problem - issuing these two notes in a synchronized manner and with a focused mind. Here lies a key to the significance of AUM or OM. In the early stages of meditation work the word is emitted audibly, while later it is done inaudibly. The training in issuing the AUM constitutes an unconscious preparation for the dual work of spiritual creation. The ability to hear the inaudible sound of OM inside your brain reaches the attentive aspirant when he gets used to it.

Light is the second important word in this rule. First the sound and then the first effect of the sound, the influx of light, producing the revelation of the mental form. Light is known for what it reveals. The absence of light causes the phenomenal world to fade into an apparent non-existence.

The soul is known as light, as revealing, while the spirit aspect will later be recognized as sound. The full light and illumination correspond by right to the disciple who receives the third initiation, while the true understanding of the sound of the triple Aum, the synthesizing factor in the manifestation, appears only to the one who is master of the three worlds.

The word vibration immediately occupies our attention, but cannot be detached from the next word, form. The vibration, the effect of divine activity, is dual. There is the first effect, where the vibration (from the realm of subjectivity in response to sound and light) produces response in matter and, therefore, attracts or gathers the atoms with which molecules, cells, organisms and Finally the integrated form. Once this is done, the vibration aspect will be considered as a duality.

The form, through the five senses, becomes aware of the vibratory aspect of all forms in the environment, in which it itself is an active entity. Then, in time and space, that functioning form becomes increasingly aware of its own internal vibration, and by seeking the source of that vibration's origin it becomes conscious of the self and later of the realm of the self.

The forms are integrated, as a result of the activity of the soul, through the use of sound, light and vibration.

The rule continues “proceed under the law and nothing can prevent work from progressing”. Nothing can defeat the purpose of the soul. It lacks only the development of the spiritual body, equipped to respond to the vibration of the inner world. It exists in embryo, and the secret of its use lies in the attitude of the brain towards the functions of the bioenergetic body, because it exists as an intermediary between the brain, the nervous system and the mind, or between the soul, the mind and the brain.

Arteriosclerosis is a disease in which plaque is deposited along the walls of the arteries. Foods composed of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances that sooner or later through organic transformations are found in the blood, adhere to the walls of the arteries, forming plaque, which eventually hardens and narrows the arteries . If the heart is exposed to overexertion, disorders can occur and a clot can form, which in turn can block a semiobstructed artery, but when a coronary artery is completely obstructed it interrupts the blood supply to the heart muscle fibers giving rise to myocardial infarction. .
  • It argues what is the function of the earth and air elements in the oxygenation of the blood.

We now come to the significant words of this rule. "Man breathes deeply." This phrase covers many aspects of rhythmic living. It is the magic formula for pranayama science. Understand the art of creative life. It drives man to tune into the throbbing life of God Himself, and achieves it through detachment and reorientation.

First, we have the inhalation aspect. "Man breathes deeply." From the very depths of his being he draws his breath.

Then we read "concentrate your forces". Here we have the stage that can be called breath retention.

Then comes the exhalation process. We read in this rule, "throw away the mental form." This is always the result of the last stage of breath science.

Students whose aspiration is clear and deep, should address the issue regarding magical work, and study whether it is suitable for meditation and their willingness to continue firmly and cautiously, the necessary discipline. I would suggest - to facilitate this that those who are truly interested in the work, study and answer the following questions in the light of their souls, and also to their higher selves.

  • Do you think you have reached the stage where you can:
  • Eliminate the meditation formula you practice now?
  • Easily enter the contemplation state?
  • Recognize the vibration of your own soul?
  • What does the Holy Word mean to you? Explain clearly why you issue it.
  • Do you want to continue this work due to the aspiration of your personality, or because your soul consciously begins to use its mechanism?

In connection with this last question, a thorough analysis is necessary and I beg you to be truthful and thus clarify your true position. This is a matter between man and his soul.

While the metal is controlled only by the Earth Masters, blood in its liquid state is controlled by the Water Masters.

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