The thymus adjustment. Golden brotherhood

  • 2015

Beloved to be of light we are Aurora, Lady Nada and Lady Gaia

We are three sisters of Gaia's diamond consciousness, we are . The three souls of light that will work their hearts in a new deeper precision.

The new waves of light will adjust the thymus and the frequency of harmony.

They will feel an urgent need to live in harmony, to put an end to all their chaotic states and all the sadness that they drag from generations.

This inner look will help you deepen now more than ever to open your inner space.

To listen to all the songs of the universe, that is, to have a clear awareness of parallel universes both internally and externally.

Diamond consciousness is the engine of the new in you, I don't know how to be a new living being .

But to generate new realities, in their lives.

Their awareness of the new and the awareness in us is very different, so we inform you that the new means to open the clear resonance to all the actions you undertake daily.

How they live, how they love, how they feel, going out of self to resonance

The diamond consciousness is the outer filter of what the soul already knows it has to be, it is the door to the path to choose within its being, which is actually reflected through its physical actions. From thought to conclusion.

Your brain is the creator of realities, that is what you think, but it is not true, it is the emotional mind that creates the first atom and depending on how this emotional mind is nourished, so will it go.

Love or silence, is when manifestations occur and whoever is synchronous or not.

The thymus farm that houses the core of the diamond consciousness opens the door to being.

To your being of light that is slowly being physically incorporated into you.

Beloved to be of light, your electric field is the great help that the human being has so that the manifestations become dense physical, what you call reality.

But all the light energy and vibration that are still unknown is also reality.

It is the great part of life that is now consciously incorporating

Only there are no two realities in a physical

And therefore, they are mired in this chaos or processes are paralyzed.

Because they have to educate their analytical mind to stop controlling them, because they stop them, and to allow the expansion of a single purpose for the present moment.

If not, the sum of forces of your body of light annuls each other.

The pink flame will be very present these days, they will feel very loved very deeply welcomed and very impregnated with light in strength and essence.

They will feel waves of love and emotional, that will not allow them to hide their emotions, so that they accept that they are beings of love, of beauty and that they need that love to manifest, nourish and move forward in their lives.

Thank you brothers from the golden brotherhood.

I wish you a happy day, Thanks to all, you can freely share the information, respecting the content, for its vibration. You can find more information at:

Channeled by Elsa Farrrus


The thymus adjustment. Golden brotherhood

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