Full Moon of Aries 2010

  • 2010

"Pluto, the Lord of Regulation."

Introduction: Aries inaugurates the new annual cycle. It is the sign of the birth of a new idea that begins to develop its activity. Every time a planet enters Aries, a cycle is completed and a new one begins. Together with Uranus, Pluto is working very deeply to eliminate all the obstacles that are in the way for the new impulse of life. He teaches us detachment so that according to the law, we will free ourselves for the new. That is why the theme of The Lunar Messenger is "Pluto, the Lord of Regulation."

Adapting to the Law

Nothing we have is ours. All life and consciousness come to all beings on the planet from the same source. The varied energies come to us through the various planets. Our physical body comes from Mother Earth; She provides us with the five elements. The sun gives life and awareness; the moon, the ability to think and reflect; Mars gives us the capacity of force; Mercury, the ability to discriminate. Jupiter confers the ability to expand in consciousness; Venus, the ability to make life experiences. Saturn gives us the gift of manifesting and establishing; Uranus, the electrical functioning of intuition. Neptune gives the ability to go into a trance and experience the beauty of the higher worlds. Pluto grants us deep discipline.

In order to express itself, the Divine needs an order. This order is manifested according to the law that descends from higher circles. By adapting to the law we express the divine order in our lives. But unless we accept and work it, we have no order and the Divine cannot reveal itself through us. Just send your policeman who deals with the law. This police comes to us through Saturn and in harder cases through Pluto.

Likewise, the Master can only enter our lives when we have reached a certain order. He informs us how to live in rhythm and how to live jovially according to the law. We are free to adapt to the law or not, but Saturn brings us the consequences of our actions. If we eat something that is not convenient, it causes indigestion and pain and we will learn this sooner or later. Pluto works much more deeply than Saturn. Through crisis and conflict, it teaches us separation on a deep level. Without this experience, the soul remains captive of the form. The body anchors him to the earth. We tend to stay tied to material things, emotions, and mental concepts. Through giving and helping, we slowly release ourselves from pressure. The willingness to make sacrifices is the opposite of binding to possession. Nature gives us to give. Money is a good means to distribute necessary things and thus overcome blockages and ties to matter. When we tie ourselves to a person or a beloved thing, this slavery will be dissolved sooner or later. Pluto represents the love of the Law, for love he cuts the shackles of the bonds.


Saturn teaches us separation and in this he is an agent of Pluto. He works very slowly and deeply, and what he does is lasting. People are generally nearsighted, they are confused with their short-term plans. Pluto establishes changes at fundamental levels, and a distance vision is needed to understand its scope. The teachers and the groups that work with them have the necessary perseverance. Shiva, the lord of the lasting search, is the model for all who dive deep inside and make a deep reorientation in silence.

Pluto is a very disciplining planet; Your energy disciplines even the Solar System. His work is so enormous that he does not normally assist the individual, but leaves this work to Saturn. Pluto works with larger groups or people who play an important role in society, such as world leaders whose actions have an influence on entire nations.

While Uranus takes 84 years on its journey around the sun, Pluto takes 248 years (about 84 for 3) to travel the same way. Pluto is the one with the slowest movement and produces the deepest changes in our consciousness. All changes are divine, even when they are difficult for us, so we must see the good in each change. Difficult times in the objective world are favorable times for spiritual growth. Even through bitter moments, Nature always carries a good lesson for us.


In the East, Pluto is called Yama, the lord of regulation and death. If we respect him, he is the Lord of the Law for us; If we don't meet him, he is the Lord of Death and seems to be horrible. The teachings of the East describe that the ignorant, appears as a black figure with red eyes. He throws a rope and removes the soul from the body with great mortal agony. This pain is so horrible because we are very strongly attached to the body of flesh and blood. We cannot bear this pain and therefore lose consciousness. However, when we are in the buddhic body and full of light, Pluto seems to us a good friend, pleasant and of radiant beauty.

Pluto helps us reach the light through an aspiration of fire, and thus death is overcome. Then we experience death not as an end in itself, but as transmutation. Pluto represents the end of things, but not our end. Pluto clears, purifies and removes all barriers in old ways. Uranus destroys the barriers that are an obstacle to the flow of life and love, and Pluto removes them. The misuse of plutonic energies brings, for example, terrorism or the desire to remove enemies or obstacles with incorrect means.

The Dog Star

The most radiant star in the sky is called a dog or Sirius star, and Sarameya, which is a dog, in the Vedic system. The dog star, Sirius, is placed under the direct protection of Lord Shiva. Its quality is pure love and its energy comes from the south. The South represents Pluto or Yama, the Lord of Regulation. When we adapt to the regulation of Nature, we are prepared to receive the energy of Love. The southern orientation distributes the energy of Love among all who regulate well. The invocation for the establishment of the Diamond Temple network says, "I invoke Yama, God of Love and Immortality, from the south to my heart center." At this moment, Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, so for spiritual purposes we can visualize him and his love in the upper center of the heart.

In Roman mythology, Pluto is the lord of the lower world. In the "Hidden Meditation" it is said that the dog star keeps the infernal door to ensure that the energies of the lower worlds do not come to the subtle, upper world. In the physical body, these lower worlds are located below the base center. Even in cartoons, Pluto appears as the dog that appears when cats do too many pranks. The dog keeps the entrance; It demands good behavior and obedience to the laws of nature. The Mahabharata says that the initiated king Yudhishtira rejected an invitation from the divine king, who wanted to take him to heaven, but without the dog that accompanies him.

Yudhishtira replied that he prefers to give up heaven instead of leaving his dog behind: “How can I abandon someone who has followed me so devotedly?” Then the dog became Yama, the Lord of Pluto, and said: “I bless you. This is exactly what I expect from someone who wants to enter the kingdom of God. With this act of goodwill, you will enter heaven. ”


Saturn and Pluto lead us to deep experiences. We cannot reach overpasses until we have resolved and integrated the inferior ones. In the eight-step path of Patanjali yoga, the first steps are called Yama and Niyama, and both mean regulation. They lead Asana, that is, a stable, pleasant condition of the mind. The steps of the regulation of Yama and Niyama are non-prejudice, truth, correct behavior in sexuality, lack of instinct to steal and the virtue of non-acceptance, internal and external purity, and the maintenance of a state of joy as well as the contemplation of the divine self.

The CVV Master says that in this yoga these steps are not given a quick exit, because there are no shortcuts in the path of yoga. The steps of yoga seem to be difficult. But the Teacher trains us through prayer from deep within. He does not impose regulations from the outside, but works from the inside through the power of the soul. He trains us to align ourselves in thought, word and deed, no longer hurting anyone. The CVV Master says: T you can do this. I will do it for you. I will remain in you and will do it for you. And so it leads us to the higher planes of the path of yoga.

KP Kumar: Listen to the Invisible Teacher / seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. ( www.worldteachertrust.org ).

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