The Separation of the Twin Flames, by Susannah

  • 2016

Love between the twin flames is the purest and most intelligent Love energy. It is an energy that forms a great light that unites and expands. Between twin flames there is a spiritual connection that allows Love to continue shining even in distance and suffering. The most intense Love is that which exists between the Twin Flames that will become Twin Rays.

The union of the flames

The union of the Twin Flame is the fusion of the seven bodies; The first time they make love, and part of their mission will be to clean the dysfunctional templates of their Almico group. The connection with the spiritual body through love, the fusion with the physical body is carried out with prolonged periods of intimacy and tenderness, and the integration of the mental, the emotional, the etheric also has to happen. If the relationship is not as good as we expected it is that all the bodies have not joined. In most cases they are not united by the emotional body that has all this pain of separation, especially when they go through a spiritual awakening in which everything intensifies. All bodies have to reach a synergistic mixture, a balance of Yin and Yang and a state of maturity. When it comes to the emotional body it can happen that adults have the emotions of a child. Since the energy between the twin flames is so amplified, it is difficult to see clearly through so many emotions, if there is no spiritual evolution. When the twin flames come together, all bodies merge. It doesn't have to be perfect, but as close as possible. The emotional body has reached stability and maturity, and then there is no pain among polarized twins. You have to try to change the old programming that says your twin flame is a romantic relationship that has to give you everything you want - you can understand that this is not the truth, let it go and know that it can be better.


Separation is a process of spiritual growth and evolution of the spiritual body. The connection is still maintained despite the fact that they may not talk to each other, although this is unlikely since although they are in different countries or in other relationships, if they know each other they keep talking . Both have different lives and what can happen is that we are being forced through the evolutionary process of the Earth. The Lightworkers and the people of the New Age, we know why our Beloved Sananda announced it through Katrin E. May that 2016 will be a year of peace, then asked show the First Creator that all the twin flames with spiritual evolution and emotional maturity can meet on the physical plane in 2016 with the appearance of that third energy of the flames twins Currently our consciousness is expanding, we are increasingly sensitive, we are more open to what has always been there in our hearts. Especially with the Twin Flames, they are no exception, because your emotional body and that of your twin flame have matured. When you get maturity you acquire that state of consciousness, you have that frequency that allows you to meet your Twin Flame. The Twin Flames have the potential to manifest a Third Energy that is the unconditional love of the Father, but there has to be a synergistic union between both of all their bodies. The man is usually the one who runs away because he is not emotionally mature. Spiritual evolution is something that must be achieved by both and will not meet until the higher self authorizes it.

When individualization occurs, after the divine spark leaves the Great Central Sun, the first activity is the formation of a body called the ovoid of white fire; made of a substance that looks like white fire. From this body, the Divine I AM Presence, project two rays that each contain an electronic body . In one the masculine qualities predominate and in the other the feminine qualities. The electronic body projects its attributes on the other bodies, to form consciousness. This portion of individualized consciousness goes through many incarnations until each individual manifests complete control and becomes a master of energy. Each human being is the individualized Creator all the authority, power, ability and attributes of God-Life, are focused within the individual, to create and extend the Perfection through their lower bodies . This individual will consciously direct with discrimination the flow of substance and universal energy, and this will be achieved with the order given by the creative words I AM. When each ray has fully expanded its own attributes, manifesting all control over all substance and energy, Ascension will occur. The Triple Flame will then be fully developed and the Ascended Master, Elohim or Arc-Angel, will work on a cosmic level, not only with the physical world he has dominated, but also The whole universe. Join your threefold flame with that of your twin flame before bedtime. Each of the sparks of Spirit created from the Mind of God also becomes, in time, a Father / Mother of a soul as an extension of herself and, therefore, becomes the one who originates a family of soul units that are closely related. This familiar relationship with the original "Higher Self" allows a closer interconnection and intuitive intercommunication between the upper and lower planes of existence. There is also a continuous sharing of experiences, not from the lower to the higher planes, and from the upper level to the lower level. The Higher Self tries to keep us on the right evolutionary path, so do meditations with your Higher Self, which also supports your polarized partner, since in the dimension where you live there is no male and female polarity. The Higher Self is both.

Each of these Higher Self is allowed to create another group of 12 Primary Soul Extensions, to extend the experience of life to worlds close to the Spiritual Light Plane. Then, these 12 Primary Soul Extensions are authorized to create another group of more than 12 Soul souls or extensions so that they can live their experiences in even denser worlds. Finally, a great Group of Souls from the same Family of up to 144 Soul Mates that are intimately related can arise, all of them linked to the same Higher Self. Therefore we have 144 Soul Companions and with our Twin Flame we are part of a group of 12 Twin Souls that belong to the same cute. This Group of Souls of 144 does not incarnate at the same time, or at the same level of vibration or particular dimension, but can manifest itself throughout the Galaxy, in many other dimensions or planets. However, all the members of the group, under their common Higher Self, will remain united in their long evolutionary journeys as a group of Soul Companions, sometimes incarnating in a particular world as a couple or as family members, forming part of an soul family. The Higher Self must consider the Grace of God, the Law of Karma and free will. The Higher Self will only help, when asked for assistance, and will not intervene in those lessons that each soul must learn for itself.

As souls descend into lower worlds of matter, they are divided into two parts that are Twin Flames and develop their separation into two polarities, the positive one that is masculine and the negative one that is feminine to give the soul a greater balance. Evolving spiritually to unite with our polarized half motivates us in our evolution necessary to return to Unity with the Father. The Twin Flames are the same essence, remaining as two parts of the same soul extension, and they will be united forever. After ascending, they are destined to meet, as a complete masculine and feminine Being, being forever two spirits in one, preserving elements of their polarities. Each individual Twin Flame acts in this way as a force that balances for the other, because they attract electro magnetically.

As they progress in their evolution, they gradually learn to develop a balance between their two polarities, so they will not have to make a sex change in their next incarnation.


When a Soulmate incarnates on a physical planet, the other generally remains on a higher plane in order to provide a spiritual connection to the upper world. You can also incarnate on another physical planet if you have to provide high service. Such was the case of Sananda and María Magdalena. He was the Messiah of the Earth and She the Messiah of Venus as Lady Nada, although He is originally from Venus because she is a Kumara and She is originally from Sirius. In 2015, I wrote a book entitled: "The Twin Flames, under the prism and light of the Masters Sananda and María Magdalena." If you are interested in reading it, you can write to and I send it.

There are occasions, however, when the Twin Flames agree to meet on a physical level . Unless they have chosen to be born as close relatives or twins in the same family, the time and place of their first meeting on the dense physical level is always planned, just as they recognize their planned encounter on a spiritual level.

During the long evolutionary cycle of many lives, when souls descend to lower worlds of matter, the Higher Self remains on a higher spiritual level, constantly recording all the evolutionary experiences lived by those souls in the lower planes. Then they achieve the self-mastery that elevates them through Ascension. The Purity of their bodies will be the first door that the Love of the Twin Flames must pass through and will come to Earth from their Holy Christ Self ; with all the virtues that the Father has granted them, so that they contribute to elevate this planet to the place where it belongs.

It is difficult to be separated from the twin flame, both when you recognize it and when you do not remember it because experiences with other couples do not really make us happy. We always long for the Divine Love that the Father has created for us.

Kuthumi: ”Reunification with your Twin Flame represents unity with the Upper Part of yourself . A new phase of cosmic evolution is coming and the moment when each of you can reunite with your Twin Flame, with your Christ Self is not very distant or behind the mountains. The unification of the Twin Flames is a ritual, in which your lower bodies or the soul contained in your lower vibrations is in tune with your Higher Self, with your very Christ . And since by that time you will have completely purified your four And put that by that time you will have completely purified your four lower bodies, then the energy will be able to circulate freely over all your bodies, imanting you. And that ecstasy of the unity that you experience as you reunite with the Higher part of yourself will ascend to the top of an infinite joy that will go beyond all limits, incomparable with any kind of union between man and woman at the level of the physical plane. ”

The tension and suffering of the separation process must be overcome. All stages must be completed by both twin flames before the double meeting occurs and neither stage can be rushed. Twin flames can go through these stages at different times and this is one of the factors that contribute to the separation of the twin flame.

The double flame, which is in a more advanced stage of spiritual evolution is no better than its twin - they have a similar level of consciousness - it may take them different linear times to wish to look in the physical - these stages are necessary and have been foreseen by the spirit before that they were born, therefore, the separation is actually part of the planned route for the two. The stage of separation of its twin flame is intended to be used as a time to achieve more growth, healing, internal balance, focusing inward, relaxing deeper and deeper in your heart for greater self-awareness, and for the light of Ascension flows throughout your body and surrounds it. So do not be afraid if you are separated from your twin flame at this time in the physical, it is all part of a larger plan to help both in their evolution and so that they are not co-dependent on each other. The truth is that if both are recognized as soulmates of the same igneous egg, there is no such thing as separation or division. The moment of separation from your twin flame is designed to teach you to be patient, tolerant, and to have more time to heal and love yourself.

You are healing spiritually while you are with the twin flame and if you suffer from any chronic disease the twin flame also has it, a call is made to heal the energy to unlimited, infinite of the highest level of Creation. This energy always comes from a place of Divine Love . When healing energy is used, from the infinite and divine Source, it can also be used for the twin flame. Next, you will both experience the power of what divine healing is. To initiate the divine healing one must connect with the infinite divine energy of the great beings of the universe or the divine healing of our Divine Presence. This type of healing not only cures the disease, but brings the entire system in alignment with the life force of the Creator. All aspects of your body and mind are integrated, and you get rich. Even areas of their systems that did not know that healing was necessary, are repaired. This is where internal trust comes from. Intend to heal and then rely on the divine to heal. The intention is to heal and leave the Divine Mother, Mother Mary, the Raphael Angel, the Ascended Masters of the Green Ray and the Infinite create healing for you. It will be a much more careful cure. Be simple and innocent. They believe that healing is happening.

Do not doubt her. Doubt dismantles work. If you are being totally innocent and let go of the disease, with all the abandonment in the divine, you are keeping your focus on healing and are trusting that it is happening. It is a very subtle thing. The custom is to tie yourself to what seems to cure them. There are all these judgments and feelings of self-guilt that come from within. You are infinite beings . Remember that Where they put their attention; Your intention changes everything. You are trusting in the infinite to solve the entire situation. You are working on a multidimensional vibratory system. Maintain congestion in integrity, to cure energy at subtle levels. While the energy heals in the subtle, it changes the way the thicker layers work. The physical body needs more movement and more water, exercise, healthy food, and avoid any toxic substance in the body. So, it is important to take care of the congested area until the congested energy in the etheric body is cleared. By clearing the energy in the subtle, they are allowing the surface to respond to whatever mode of healing they choose. What I want them to understand is that the various healing work modes; they act on the various layers of their multidimensional fields.

You are in a physical form, attend to this layer, but you know that the subtle layers support the surface layers. Just running on the surface will not change the situation significantly. Maybe something, but if you want the significant change that I am talking about, you have to do it from the recognition and verification of Christ integrity . You need to work with all levels. And when they work in the subtle; They work with all levels, because it is the basis of the other level. The physical, mental and emotional material levels are not attended very often wisely. In fact, they are often totally neglected. I am emphasizing the word affectionately, because while you affectionately attend the surface or the physical body, with adequate massage or exercise or food and vitamin supplements; It is love and forgiveness that activate healing. The affectionate care of the physical body will change everything. Affectionately attend the body; with pure water, minerals, oils, herbs and fresh foods . The healing activations of love; that are in oils, herbs or food, take them affectionately. Do not think that the love of your twin flame is what will cure you physically. You have to release something that is making you sick and you have not been able to let go.

When the twin flames connect in the physical, the delivery is total and therefore karma is shared - there is a deep recognition of the soul: “I know you from somewhere - there is a deep feeling and closeness, even though they occur realize that they have never seen each other before in this life.

Suddenly, the twin flames realize that life is not what it once thought it was, that it has a much deeper meaning than previously thought. Both twins can recognize each other at the soul level in the beginning when they connect in the physical even though they are physically separated. They often meet through strange circumstances that were divinely orchestrated and there is a feeling of divine chronicity and familiarity that has led the twin flames to be together. Twin flames can often end each other's sentences, although sometimes they speak different languages. Their lotus heart chakras begin to open to each other and there is an exchange of energy, closeness and connection since their first encounter . Many want to enter fully to be happy forever, but their main objective is to help the twin partner to recognize their own soul, to have confidence in themselves and to become aware that without spiritual evolution, the union can be painful. So you have to eliminate the old limiting beliefs about life and love .

One of the two may doubt that the connection is real, or lose faith in the Spirit and in God - the ego interferes with love and creates all kinds of doubts and fears within one or both twin flames. The souls of both attract electromagnetically - they can prove to each other over the years that their love does not diminish even if they disappoint each other, this love is valid. It is an ongoing stage to test whether the twin flames are living in the illusions of the ego or in the truth of their love . A lot of pain from the past will rise to the surface in the two twin flames and the test will be if they are going to stay and try to work on the problems together, or if they are going to try to run away from themselves by distancing the twin flame . This is also a time when other external influences enter, such as; That live in distant countries. Others try to separate the twin flames by jealousy or lust, and obstacles to the twin flames, that is; they can be separated by distance, or because they are already in other relationships.

The twin flames are increasingly aware that their former life was an illusion and that in relation to their twin flame, the world is spiritual and the origin of their creation is the true reality. This awareness may be reaching unconsciously because the ego is panicked and separation is desired since its understanding of reality has now changed. But this union is inscribed in the DNA or module of life that is the source of the universe - life has a universal form, because everything comes from the same Creative Source . We are not the first to go through a change of consciousness and definitely - the double union of the twin flame requires a change of consciousness and we know what is possible. What is really going to change is human nature with the divine love of the twin flame because love is all that God is, is it possible that he begins to change the very nature of the human being and what he does? This change will affect humanity. Change is the law of nature for evolution or involution - with the twin flame it is for evolution or they cannot be together. The physical body is born and dies over time ; the soul is reborn again and again and again, with a higher consciousness because human nature has changed.

If you are ready for your twin flame, you are a spiritual, patient being and do not get angry easily. The old energy is for anger and violence; The new no. A high consciousness does not fit in a person emotionally dependent on others. Understanding and friendship are more important in this relationship of the soul than sex, there will be balance. They are tolerant of all belief systems.

He does not feel that his is the only one, nor that others do not do things correctly. The old human nature creates separation. They are human beings who have learned that survival is in unification. He has tolerance, kindness, love for animals, for children, for the elderly, for nature. Human evolution has to do with consciousness. Therefore, you will move towards mastery in the middle path, the path of balance. There are very few fights and discussions because you see in others the same God who is in you. They have good self-esteem. This is the new human being of the Age of Aquarius who wants to live with his twin flame. This is really the change; now it happens slowly, and first it will happen in young people, many of them are already with their twin flame. Think about that; They are the ones who will have it first. It happens through generations. Children begin to think differently because they are also treated with love and without violence by their parents .

There will come a time when life is precious to everyone, and the life of animals that also have a soul and suffer will be taken care of. You are not tied to the fears of the ego and its illusions - you do not feel terrified of being caught between the feeling that you are losing yourself (the death of the ego), but you are also working on something very deep and immeasurable with your called twin. Many feel they are losing the grip of reality is an illusion of the identity of the lower self that got into the backseat. People who are in the Ego believe that the only way to "return to reality" is to deny the connection with the twin flame completely, simply avoiding it, in a vain attempt to cut ties. The other twin flame is really working in a way of looking at oneself and creating inner fullness. Sometimes the circumstances are excessively difficult or one of the two feels pressured to accept this connection because he is not spiritually ready.

The flame that he wants to be together, takes it as something personal when the other runs and runs away because he feels controlled and judged, for not being good enough when his partner demands that he evolve and change so that things work in the relationship. This often leads to pain, confusion and misunderstanding - the one who is disappointed in vain will look for the twin flame in another person. Perhaps he will get one with his same spiritual evolution that treats him and speaks to him as a twin flame but when asked: “I am your twin flame? The other will answer: "I don't know, I'm not sure if my soul calls a twin is in incarnation, but I'm always glad to hear from you that you are a sister soul."

Both twin flames refuse to look inward for healing and often blame each other for their pain. At this stage, the objective is that the twin flame who thinks that the other behaves badly, is simply the reflection of what is inside the healing. Often, this stage is also about creating healthy boundaries and letting go of dependence in order to trust God's plan for them.

Accepting each other your twin flame will never be the stereotype of the couple you had when you were young it will be something much better.

Acceptance enables us to be closer to our true nature, our true selves, our eternal soul infused in God and for them it is necessary to let the love of our heart flow. Knowing ourselves is the last step before knowing God.

Our twin flame; being herself, without masks; it calls us to return to the heart, to our authentic state; a higher state of existence and of being, because this is the state in which God expects us to return home. To do this, we undergo a process of purification, of all those things that our egos celebrate and everything that no longer serves us. It is only surrendering to the truth that is in front of us, that is, recognizing our feelings and facing our fears that we can return to the totality of who we are, by letting go and spilling all the conditioning and false beliefs we hold in the past. God loves us and wants the most incredible relationships for us, but we have to know when we stand in his way. More than anything therefore, surrender implies the end of resistance. More than anything, therefore, delivery implies the end of resistance. It requires total acceptance since we cannot surrender something that we deny, or something that we won t face. It requires total acceptance, since we cannot give up something we refuse, or something we will not face. Rather we give up when we let go, we no longer blame ourselves, we don't want control, denial, commitment, wait, push or throw, ignore, avoid, wait or manipulate. The surrender asks us for the death of the ego to die in a part of ourselves to be reborn as the Phoenix with all our radiance, to release what we think we are, to release the demerit and become nothing more That in God and in the divine and immortal being we can become. God wants to work through us for the union of the twin flames if we let him. This is the stage where the twin flames realize that they cannot control this connection, so the only option left is to hand it over to God and let things develop naturally., when the twin flames released the reins of control and faced their deepest fears of loss and abandonment.

They must learn to have faith in God. Total surrender is orchestrated by God, his final pieces only fit into place in God's perfect time. Therefore, part of the surrender is to accept that separation; the silences, other relationships and denying our feelings to each other, were all necessary. It is an illusion that we could have done something different to reach a union sooner - what we are going through now leads us to delivery, to an undeniable unity with each other, feeling totally compatible, getting closer and closer to full harmonization with what God has planned for us. Balance comes again when no twin flame is trying to control or be dominant and when the two become three because they are more united with the Father.

Illumination to see only the glow of your twin flame and not its defects. If the twin flames are living their soul relationship. This allows their Souls to develop properly without the twin flames that interfere and causing delays . At this stage the twin flames will experience a greater spiritual awakening and trust each other completely, as they radiate unconditional love with each other. The meeting begins to perspire, if we already love the Divine Mother because we understand that the Twin Rays also exist, at the highest levels of Creation.

Being in other relationships because you cannot be with your twin flame when you are already attached to it is not worth it at all - you will be physically with one person and in your heart with another .

The balance, the electromagnetic attraction and the resonance between the twin flames, bring them together in an eternal fusion. Both have balanced all their karma and have learned all the lessons and, now they are open to the infinite rewards of their unconditional and eternal love. It will not only be a physical meeting, but also the union of all of your perfectly aligned energies, which flow within the two. Now they can shelter in their love and continue in their mission to spread love and light on the planet. Ya son capaces de manejar la telepatía entre ellos, con el vaivén del tercer ojo que es la sede de la intuición y la visualización.De ahora en adelante, van a seguir evolucionando juntos hasta que sean complementos divinos, rayos gemelos, consortes y una entidad divina.

Espíritu de Servicio: Puede que tu llama gemela no pueda estar contigo físicamente en estos momentos, pero siempre necesita de tu amor divino, de tu esencia, de tu vibración, de tu luz y de tu fuerza . Abre tu corazón y envíale tranquilidad, amor incondicional, coraje y fortaleza. Pueden estar a punto de hacer un gran salto, así que extiendan sus manos ahora con fe y con la promesa de Dios de que pronto estarán juntos.


El Arcángel Rafael busca ayudar a conseguir contacto con el lado oscuro de nosotros mismos, para que podamos llevarlo a la luz. La sombra no es nada a lo que nosotros debamos temer, especialmente cuando tenemos este poderoso arcángel a nuestro lado. Reforzamos nuestro lado oscuro cuando lo ignoramos, pretendemos que no existe y dejamos que se agrave y crezca. La sombra, aunque es realmente nada más que partes de nosotros mismos que no se sienten dignas de ser amadas y nos traen una manera dolorosa de sentir. No importa cuánto tiempo tratamos de ignorarla, la sombra está siempre presente hasta que tengamos el valor para enviarle el amor que la lleva a la luz. ¿Dónde surgió nuestra sombra? Hay que hacer una regresión al pasado a través de una meditación guiada (recomiendo: Sanando tus vidas anteriores de Maya) volver atrás y trabajar para sanar estos pedazos de nosotros mismos, unirlos y trasmutar la sombra porque entendemos que surgió de una herida profunda o un trauma. Podemos tratar de perdonar a cualquiera que nos ha hecho daño y por lo tanto contribuyó a la creación de nuestra sombra. Y también podemos entonces comenzar a esforzarse para pedir perdón a los demás, los que nosotros mismos hemos herido. Cada uno de nosotros ha hecho algo a otro que le causó dolor, a veces incluso un tremendo dolor, aunque sea inconscientemente. También a veces nos hacemos daño a nosotros mismos. Cuando perdonamos desde esa perspectiva, es mucho más fácil perdonar a otros porque nos gustaría que otros nos perdonaran también.And it is through forgiveness that all true healing occurs. Y es a través del perdón que se produce la verdadera curación. El perdón significa que realmente nos negamos a llevar una pesada carga de la ira, del resentimiento y del dolor por más tiempo.

Rafael nos pregunta: ¿Eso que no quiere soltar y que lo está enfermando, vale la pena cuando usted sabe que lo único que está haciendo es impidiendo su propio progreso de la alegría por la vida? A veces la persona más difícil de perdonar es a nosotros mismos . El proceso de sanación sucede al restaurar la integridad crística – significa que su alma y sus cuatro cuerpos inferiores deben de estar bien. El cuerpo físico es el reflejo de los otros tres.

Les doy este decreto del Arcángel Rafael para llamar a los ángeles de la curación: Mi Amada Presencia de Dios, asume el control sobre mis cuatro cuerpos inferiores, mi ser y mi mundo . Crea y sostén en mí la perfecta imagen del diseño divino, tan cuidadosa y maravillosamente creado. Asegúrate que esta acción de tu imagen visual divina de mi ser, sea establecida en el campo energético de todo mi ser y que restablezca mi integridad ahora y para siempre.Concibe en mí de nuevo un corazón limpio y establece en mí la plenitud de una mente justa en acción que elimine toda distorsión en mi forma carnal y cuerpo mental, produciendo y estableciendo la maravillosa pureza de Dios a medida que desciende, portando el gran poder de las campanas de la libertad que sonarán entonces en mi alma diciendo: TODO ESTO YO SOY, TODO ESTO YO SIEMPRE SERÉ, y TODO SE MANIFESTARÁ EN TODO Y SERÁ TODO . Porque sólo Dios está en su templo sagrado y todo lo del mundo y sus voces discordantes se mantendrá en silencio ante la perfección de mi ser, hasta que el dominio de Dios sea dado a toda la Tierra. Rafael nos ayuda a encontrar una terapia de sanación que sea verdaderamente adecuada. ÉL nos da una curación profunda con el rayo verde desde el corazón y lo ayudamos expandiendo su luz por toda el área enferma a través de la respiración. Si usted está buscando la curación pregúntese lo que usted está esperando recibir a través del trabajo de sanación. Nadie puede hacer su sanación para usted. La única solución es la energía que viene de dentro de usted y la manera de acceder a esa energía es aceptar la responsabilidad de su propia vida y todo lo que sucede en ella. Pídale a Rafael comenzar su curación y la apertura de su corazón, para abrazar la energía sanadora del rayo esmeralda que comienza a fluir a usted a través del amor del Arcángel por usted.

Si tiene una enfermedad el Arcángel Rafael ha venido a usted con muchos ángeles de sanación para apoyarlo en el proceso de curación. You are never alone! ¡Nunca está solo! Rafael si se lo pide, lo ayudará a encontrar los médicos, los sanadores, las medicinas, los alimentos y las herramientas adecuadas que serían más beneficioso para usted en este momento. Escríbale una carta pidiendo entender por qué esto está ocurriendo en su vida y lo que puede hacer para ayudar a sanarse a sí mismo. Le mostrará cómo resolver estas cosas para que pueda sanar y seguir adelante en su vida. Si tiene miedo de que no se pueda sanar, lo ayudará a tener el coraje y la fe, para enfrentarlo y encontrar las grandes reservas de fuerza y ​​el poder sanador que lleva dentro. Cuéntele sus problemas recientes, tenga contacto con el Arcángel Rafael por un rato y yo le aseguro que aunque no pueda escucharlo, va a sentir como su cuerpo emocional se cura . Cuando alguna mascota o ser querido suyo, cambie de plano, este ángel va a estar allí con usted, dándole consuelo.

Decreto para invocar la llama de la resurrección – tiene una vibración muy alta y es color madre perla.

Yo Soy la llama de la resurrección, destellando la pura luz de Dios . Yo Soy quien eleva cada átomo ahora. Yo Soy liberado de todas las sombras. Yo Soy la luz de la Presencia Divina. Yo Soy por siempre libre en mi vida. La preciosa llama de la vida eterna que se eleva ahora hacia la victoria” (X3).


La forma de pensamiento curativa magnetiza y restaura, los elementos de nuestros cuerpos inferiores al dise o divino. Son esferas conc ntricas de luz curativa. La primera es blanca, rodeada de una azul y una verde si se rodea la azul y la verde por una esfera violeta, los tomos, mol culas yc lulas se ajustan al patr n original interno. La vida de Dios, restaura el flujo del esp ritu en la materia y le devuelve la salud.

Con Amor y Luz Susannah

AUTHOR: Susannah


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