Free Meditation Course of the So Ham School, Delegation in Argentina of the Ong Hao of Barcelona

  • 2016

Free online meditation course starts September 19

Let's evolve, we don't get stuck, let's learn to change ... Hugs of Light ...
It is an honor to have so many friendships of “people evolving” in the NGO NGO HAO and in the So Ham School, in their courses (Reiki Heiwa to Ai - Usui, Meditation, Chi Kung, …), it is a food for the soul that is shared among all ... and it helps us to continue on the right path, that of Providence allowing the Master to direct our lives for the benefit of THANK YOU

- More than 1000 pages of high quality teaching material
- Delivery of 15 manuals and books, easy to read and duly illustrated
- Infinity of exercises of Japanese techniques and energy therapies
- The student has the right to ask questions during the entire learning period
- Diplomas of Accreditation of the realization of the Course.
- Completion with a joint meditation through Skype.
He teaches So Ham School, territorial Delegate of the NGO HAO in Argentina.
May Heiwa to Ai (Peace and Love) reign in the world.
Fraternal embrace dear brothers
Eye, to receive this free course you must give the real name that you want to appear in the diplomas, the population and the country, and send by mail a proof that you are in a situation legal unemployment or that you are a pensioner. If you are not in any of these situations, you should simply provide a donation from 5 . These data must be delivered before Monday, September 19, 2016.
Gassho and Tashi Delek

It is necessary to understand that to meditate is to pay relaxed attention to everything at once without judging anything ... the genuine concept of meditation must be clear ... You must be clear about the name of each posture (lotus, half-lotus zazen, Burmese, ...) and practice them until you choose the one that suits you best (sitting in a chair is also worth it). You should practice BREATHING MEDITATION, if it can be every day until the end of the course, if only for 5 minutes. Those who have not meditated never start with 2 minutes. Those who are already accustomed to meditate do so for 20 minutes. Read the concept of GASSHO (equivalent to Namaste) well and discern between Gassho (mudra) and Gassho rei (reverence). People with poor circulation should not meditate with their legs crossed, but sitting in a chair.


To register for the Association's courses to answer questions:

* Ren e So Ham Reiki (NGO Delegate HAO in Buenos Aires)


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