The waves of change

Two massive waves of light and energy are moving through the universe, through you and through the Earth. They are working together in perfect synchronization, evolving everything to a greater order. This transformation of energy is an omen of a transition of great proportions and we are all in the middle of it.

One of these waves expands outward, as the curls of water get larger and larger in a pond, spreading more light, knowledge and wisdom, opening the doors to a higher consciousness and evolution. This wave is changing the consciousness of the collective, from the perspective of the third dimension, through the fourth dimension, becoming a perspective of the fifth dimension. This wave creates a fifth-dimensional community on Earth, and aligns with All That Is.

When this wave accelerates, it is fascinating to see how it continues to affect us so powerfully and positively. This wave is allowing the second wave to clear everything that has kept us stuck in 3D.

This transformative wave is a destabilizing pattern that dissolves everything that no longer works or does not work in our lives. Pay attention that I don't say "destroy"; I said "dissolve." This wave is breaking down at all levels, all patterns that no longer work. Everything that is devoid of integrity will crumble and be replaced by new patterns of energy, light, knowledge and wisdom that are entering the first wave. While one wave of light empties the vessel, the other wave of light is filling it.

These transforming waves are allowing us to re-wire, reconnect and re-remember who we really are and what we have come to achieve. Like a tsunami, these waves are intensifying appreciably. We can see tremendous tansitions in the coming months and years. We are playing in exciting times, but we need the skills and instruments that can help us get carried away by these waves with grace and ease.

Letting yourself be carried by the Waves - Creating Your Reality

Our thoughts and emotions create all our experiences. Thinking is our greatest skill. It can also be our biggest disadvantage (liability). The difference between success and struggle is the degree to which we are using the focused instruments of intention, attention and thoughts.

The mind is active 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your thoughts flow in an endless stream that keeps them busy creating your reality, consciously or unconsciously, throughout the day. Everything you are experiencing right now began as a thought.

Your thinking unconsciously creates so powerfully and quickly how your conscious thinking creates. Unconscious thoughts are like deviant missiles, while intentionally-directed thoughts become precise results. In these times of rapid acceleration movements, all our thoughts are manifesting our reality much more quickly than ever before. Therefore, it is more important to pay attention now to our thoughts and emotions and understand that we are the creators of all our experiences. These powerful waves of light that flow through and around us are now intensifying and accelerating all our manifestations.

Your thoughts + Your Emotions = Your Experiences

Perhaps the most potently charged thought is known as Fear. Fear is cohesive, solid and very real within the third dimension, being also a very dense thought-form. Fearful thoughts are loaded with emotion. Thoughts that are emotionally charged are how powerful magnets. They transmit signals to the universe and the universe automatically responds. The Universal Law of Attraction is a magnetic force that finds you irresistible. If you want to see this law in action in your lives, pay close attention to all the thoughts you focus on and the feelings they emit.

Your thoughts and feelings are like a live broadcast or broadcast to the universe. The universe "hears" them as requests and always returns a vibration that matches yours. The Law of Attraction is an excellent barometer showing you where your attention has been focused at any given time.

Fearful and sorrowful thoughts and archaic thinking systems keep you locked in a three-dimensional reality and it makes it very difficult to maintain a vibration high enough to move you into a reality of the fourth or fifth dimension. You can disrupt the emotions-thoughts based on fear and replace those limiting beliefs if you consciously choose to focus on higher thoughts and new perspectives. Once you start choosing where to place your attention, you will find that you have new choices at your disposal. Fear then simply becomes another choice, not a certain result. You will manage your emotions-thoughts and you will be the masters of your lives.

An Instrument to Establish Your Personal Space

As the waves of energy increase, higher levels of light, wisdom and knowledge become more available to us. The easier you can melt and anchor the light within you, the faster you will wake up and you can carry out your spiritual purpose. When you start to vibrate with a 5-D consciousness being surrounded by 3-D energy, it is vital to know where you start and end, which brings us to a very important instrument, the Octahedron.

The aura of a balanced person extends approximately the distance of the arm from our physical body. Hold your arm (in line with your heart) in front of your now and pretend that you are holding a rose between your fingers. Using your imagination, prevent the universe starting from the other side of the rose. Do the same to the left and your rights, as well as to the back, leaving a rose at each of these points, then put a rose above your head. If you trace imaginary lines and connect all the roses, you will create a four-sided pyramid around you. Its base will be passing through your heart chakra and its apex will be approximately 46 centimeters above your crowns. Only pretended without complications. Repeat this exercise, only now you will put a rose 46 centimeters below your feet and connect more imaginary lines to create an inverted pyramid. Connect the bases of each pyramid (base with base) to the level of your heart. This creates an 8-sided geometric shape around your call an octahedron. Soon, fill the eight faces (8 triangles) with light. The space within this geometry is you and everything outside of this field defines the rest of the universe.

When making this geometry around you, play in it and make this a fun. Observe the world from within. If you stay inside the Octahedron of light, it will not affect the emotions of other people on the other side. Some of you are extremely sensitive to the emotions, thoughts and erratic behaviors of other people, and when it started to vibrate at higher levels you will want to reinforce this geometry around you. This will prevent the energy of other people from invading your spaces, and you will find that much of the noise, drama and attention that you have received from others will begin to disappear. Your style, your joy, your enthusiasm, your decisions, and your ability to express yourself will be only you and your path. Simply begin to consider everyone outside your octahedron as actors in a play, acting for your entertainment. Play with this how with a new toy and turn it into something fun.

Many wonderful changes are happening now, around and within all of us. Please, play with these instruments and skills to help you move more easily through this great Change. We are on our trip home

Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker and author. He has been a leader in the field of spiritual development for more than 27 years, offering us the instruments of the Alchemy Master as a way of life. This work is co-created with the Angels, Ascended Masters and Masters of Light. An informative DVD and its Tele-classes can be obtained in English for free. Jim presents free classes locally and teaches a "Creating the Personal Power Field" weekend seminar throughout North America. For more information in English. 001-775-851-8950.

Jim Self

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