Autism and the New Boys By Daniel Jacob

Some classify Autism as a `` brain disorder. '' Notice the Autism compendium on Wikipedia below:

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by an incapacity of social interaction and communication and by a restricted and repetitive behavior. All of these signals begin before the child turns three years old. Autism affects many parts of the brain; It is not known how this occurs. The spectrum of autism disorders also includes the related conditions of Asperger's Syndrome and TPD-CNA (Penetrating Developmental Disorder-Non-Authentic Conditions), which have fewer signals and yes. ntomas. Autism has a strong genetic basis, although the genetics of autism is complex and it is unclear whether Asperger's Syndrome Disorder is further explained by multiple interactions. genes or by rare mutations. In some cases, autism is strongly associated with agents that cause birth defects. The controversy surrounds other proposed environmental causes, such as heavy metal pesticides or childhood vaccination. Vaccine hypotheses are biologically unlikely and lack convincing scientific evidence. The prevalence of Asperger's Syndrome Disorder is 6 per 1, 000 people, with about four times more men than women. The number of people known to have autism has increased dramatically since 1980. Due in part to the change in the way of diagnosing; The question of whether the current dominance increased has not yet been resolved.

Generally, parents notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. Although early behavioral or cognitive intervention can help children gain self-care, social and communication skills, there is no known cure. Not many children with autism live independently when they reach adulthood, although some are successful. An autistic culture has developed, where some people seek a cure and others believe that autism should be tolerated as a difference and not treated as a disorder.

I highlighted the last sentence because I think it is a key factor in understanding how to deal with this and other “disorders”

(1) that appear in society. In short, we must learn to moderate our social compulsion towards "order" and our attitude in which everything that does not follow a "normal" flow must be "fixed." Sometimes, those of us who think they need "fix" are here to fix US!

As the father of a Special Development child, I sympathize with the needs of families who seek to maintain sensible life models that meet the needs of ALL family members, not just those who demand attention. Autistic Children in a nuclear family tend to dominate each scenario, forcing family members to put aside their own needs and desires to keep their children safe and prevent them from destroying the family home while carrying out the process of living their lives.

Kahlil Gibran, referring to parenting, once said:

Your children are not your children

they are sons and daughters of life

Eager for herself.

They don't come from you, but through you

and even if they are with you

They don't belong to you.

You can give them your love,

but not your thoughts, then,

They have their own thoughts.

You can shelter their bodies,

but not their souls, because they,

They live in the house of tomorrow

that you can't visit

Not even in dreams.

You can strive to be like them,

but don't try to make them similar to you

because life does not recede,

It doesn't stop yesterday.

You are the arch of which, your children

As live arrows are thrown.

Let the tilt

in your archer's hand

Be for happiness.

A village is needed to raise a child, especially an Autistic Child. A village is also needed to nurture and support a vibrant, happy adult. Our tendency to confine ourselves internally and focus our lives on "nuclear families" (2) pretending to be separated from everything around us, is the most destructive singular pattern of Western society. When European immigrants crushed and dominated the cultures of the Native Americans they found when they reached the shores of North America, they lost a fundamental key to survival in this Land of Bonanza. THE TRIBAL CONSCIENCE (3),

In my series "The Imagined Nation" (4), I display a proposed template of how society should look if it was designed by the Star Boys. That same kind of thinking can be applied to ALL members of society who initially present themselves as out of the "normal". We all need space to breathe and flourish. And we all need some form of SUPPORT to do it, while we are in our Early Development Stages ...

The Reconnects speak of these Autistic Children and other kinds of Special Development Citizens as "Transitional." Bridge People (5) Actually, a part of them is firmly planted in 3D reality, while many parts of you are busy exploring alternative states of existence. They live on the edge of "here and there." It is not difficult to see it when you look them in the eye. They did not come here to be "normal." They came here to show new attributes and new capabilities, especially those we refer to as SAVANTS. (6)

In my opinion, the Western Society is letting some of our most refined natural resources (7) be wasted. I speak here of the minds and hearts of our Next Generation. By making children legal property of their parents, we link both the child and the parents to established "roles" and rigid expectations, some of which are obtainable (for those who are preconditioned to follow rules), and others that literally BREAK the minds and hearts of everyone involved. While a few “financially gifted” families spoil their children with privileges and possessions, a large part of society struggles only to keep body and soul together. In some cases, we are letting some of our GENIUS of tomorrow slip between our fingers towards social oblivion.

By allowing our arrows to "fly free" (as Gibran urges) while we remain as STABILIZATION points for them in 3D reality, these New Boys will serve as "Test Pilots" (8) for a full deployment of expanded capabilities and adaptations of "thinking without typecasting" for common problems. And this needs to be a SOCIAL commitment, not merely a burden of responsibility placed on the shoulders of two people, just because they are the natural parents.

In my series "Educating Educators" (9) I talk about creating a genuine "learning environment" where children can discover and follow their own inner passion and intuition, while forming genuine and useful connections with educational tools and resources. They will do this because THEY believe in the power of these resources, NOT because we force them to learn.

In supporting Autistic Boys, as well as people with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder, we must create a normal life space That is consistent with ITS characteristics instead of forcing them to be in accordance with conventional standards of conduct. They must have a place to be along with numerous opportunities to confluer with all kinds of people. This is a delicate balance to achieve and maintain, because EVERY facet of society deserves this kind of life. A place to be yourselves and a place to interact with those who are different, when you are ready and in the way YOU choose.

Obviously, here I am being both idealistic and optimistic. As stated at the beginning of the series The Imagined Nation : As you read, try to avoid worrying about HOW we achieve these goals. Just ask yourself: Is this what I want?

Not all Autistic Boys will be able to verbalize their feelings about what I am saying here. But if we try to put some of these ideas into practice, perhaps as a paraprofessional community - support projects, we may notice an extra spark in those revealing eyes. There is much more to share about this topic. Here it only scratches the surface. Will come more at the time. Do they have any perceptions of their own? Write me. I would love to add them to my site.

(1) See Schizophrenia, Bipolar Consciousness and Other Chammonic Traits

(2) See Families of the Heart

(3) See Series Gathering Clans and Tribes

(4) See The Imagination Nation Series

(5) See Series The People Bridge

(6) Sage Syndrome is a syndrome in which people with physical, mental or motor disabilities have incredible abilities to retain information or make complex calculations.

(7) See Spiritual Gifts

(8) See The Metahuman Prototype

(9) See the Educating Educators series

Unless specified, all writings are property of Daniel Jacob. 2009. All rights reserved. Writings may be copied and shared for personal growth and / or research purposes as long as the website and these rights are included. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.

English Title_ Autism and the New Kids

Translation: Susana Peralta

Official site of Daniel Jacob in Spanish:

Thanks Susana Peralta !!!

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