The solar mutation of humanity

  • 2011

On the scale of our planet, the magnitude of solar phenomena is shocking. The average energy that triggers a single flash of our star is equivalent to that released by 12, 000 million atomic bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. The most intense explosions are class X flares, the most intense and dangerous. Scientists are baffled by the strange anomalies they observe on the surface of the sun. Even during the cycle of minimal activity, gigantic flares occur. On the other hand, sometimes the characteristic spots associated with the cycle of maximum activity are observed and, however, there are no eruptions and the king star remains calm. What is becoming clear is that solar dynamics are becoming unpredictable and the indicators that allowed to make scientific predictions are no longer reliable.

Anomalous phenomena

In 2003, John Kohl of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA) confessed his perplexity to a disturbing phenomenon. As he said, it was "as if the Earth were in the spotlight of the barrel of a huge gun with which the sun aimed at us ... and fired twice." The projectiles were two clouds of gas that arrived on Earth that same year.

The dark spots of the sun, which move from west to east, are due to large magnetic fields that considerably reduce the natural process of gas convection. The surface material, subjected to very high temperatures, generates cooler areas that show that dark color.

This overflowing activity brings however curious effects, whose beauty delights human beings. In the terrestrial poles there is a striking visual phenomenon: the appearance of aurora borealis, green and red, which are due to the solar particles thrown at high speed that impact the magnetosphere and the earth's ionosphere. But the influence of radiation is also detectable and important on a human scale. Geophysicist Gerard Thullie said in a Solar Astrophysics meeting that the best harvests of French wine corresponded to the cycles of maximum solar activity.

However, the influence that such radiation has on human health, especially in recent years, is very worrying. The various investigations that are being carried out show that the living organism is sensitive to magnetic storms caused by solar explosions. Among the known effects, certain alterations in the bloodstream stand out, which especially affect the capillaries and cause instability in blood pressure, apart from producing an increase in adrenaline discharges. It is also known the negative influence that the sun and the high temperatures have on the mind and that, among other consequences, can increase the aggressiveness significantly.

Scientific confirmations

According to the Geophysics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), among the effects of a magnetic storm on health, statistics reveal an increase in myocardial infarctions and epilepsy attacks. These medical incidents occur three days after the emission of particles. The phenomenon has been documented by Blanca Mendoza, a specialist in solar and planetary research. It is not the first study conducted in coordination with different medical centers. In many of these investigations it has been proven that, when intense activity occurs in the king star, heart attacks and nervous disorders increase significantly. That is why they recommend that, during these periods of great activity, those who suffer from such ailments protect themselves inside their homes, exposing themselves as little as possible to radiation.

Some scientists suspect that these health disorders are due to the Earth's magnetic fields, which would facilitate the penetration of solar particles into the human body. The data confirm that during the intense solar activity recorded in 2003, the number of heart attacks doubled. Regarding acute myocardial infarction, Cuban researchers from the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy (IGA) reached similar conclusions.

Skin blemishes and aging wrinkles are not the only problems that repeated exposure to sunlight can cause. Much more serious are its carcinogenic or neoplastic effects, which result in the appearance of tumors. 10% of skin cancer cases are due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

The three major dermatological lesions that can cause UV rays are: basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas. The first causes solar keratosis, which causes the skin to fall. The second is more worrisome, because it usually degenerates into metastases. But the biggest problems are caused by melanoma, which can more easily lead to the death of the patient.

To avoid irreparable damage it is advisable to protect yourself from the sun, especially in summer and between 11 and 15 hours, when the radiation is most intense. It is always necessary to use the appropriate products to protect the skin and take into account that the exposure of children under six months is extremely dangerous, since at this age photoprotectors cannot be used, due to their toxic effects. Children from six months to four years are in danger. There is a very high risk that burns at this age can generate malignant tumors in the future.

In any case, magnetic storms not only harm health. They also have devastating consequences on our technology, both the one on Earth and the one that travels through space. The disturbances cause serious problems in mobile services, in TV signals and in GPS systems. They also interfere with radio waves, cause electrical network overloads and change the trajectory of space probes. NASA astronomers say that in each new cycle there is a notable increase in solar activity, so they are continuously looking for the most appropriate way to protect the satellites they send into space, since they can be destroyed or abruptly diverted from their orbits

In order to analyze these effects, the Russian-Ukrainian satellite Koronas-F was launched on July 31, 2001. Since then, this ingenuity has closely followed the evolution of solar activity to relate it to its effects on Earth. In this way, the electromagnetic spectrum of the sun, its atmosphere, the formation of the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, and the way in which the so-called solar wind originates, which propagates at a speed of 450 kilometers per second, is being studied in depth.

This important research has already generated approximately one million spectral images of the sun and its crown. Among the work tools used is a multichannel X-ray spectrometer that generates about 200 images per day. In October and November 2003, when there was a spectacular solar activity, the plasma ejection reached the surprising speed of 2000 kilometers per second. It was then that the existence of plasma bubbles that reached temperatures over twenty million degrees was observed. With the new Koronas-Photon satellite, the emission of X-rays and Gamma will be analyzed in detail.

Unexplained alterations

The results of the research of the scientists of the Russian National Academy of Science, in Novosibirsk (Siberia), are most disturbing: the activity in the last solar cycle has exceeded everything that had been It has been observed over the past few years. This increase has also been revealed by Dr. Mike Lockwood of the Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California (USA), according to which, since 1901, the magnetic field outside the sun will have Increased by more than 230%.

Russian scientists claim that the heliosphere (energy that envelops the sun) had a diameter of 10 astronomical units (AU) a few years ago. Each AU equals the Earth-Sun distance, estimated at 150 million kilometers. However, currently its dimensions have increased to 100 AU. This huge increase, according to scientists, will completely transform the planets of the solar system and the life that could be in them.

The spiral of DNA would be undergoing an important modification. But the effects do not only take place on Earth. The atmosphere of five planets and the moon is also changing. According to Dr. Dmitriev, the moon would be generating an atmosphere composed of an element called Natrium, which when man stepped on this Earth's satellite did not exist. At the same time, the atmosphere of the Earth and that of Mars, which is becoming denser, will be changing. The transformation process will also reach J piter, Uranus and Neptune. At the same time it is observed that Venus is increasing its brightness, as are Uranus and Neptune. In turn, JÃ © piter has increased its energy charge, which has generated an ion radiation tube between this planet and its moon. The magnetic field of J piter has doubled and that of Uranus and Neptune is being modified, without knowing the cause of these phenomena.

A large-scale transformation affects the solar system and, on our planet, translates into a dramatic statistic. Volcanic activity has increased by 500% in a century, from 1875 to 1975. Reviewing the number of natural disasters of all kinds, from 1963 to 1993 the number of these has multiplied by 5. The Earth's magnetic field has been progressively decreasing in the last 500 years. And the most worrying thing is that in the last twenty years this variation has become erratic and unpredictable.

Spiritual evolution

However, for many people these cosmic anomalies are only part of a process that includes the transformation of the human species and that would lead to an evolutionary leap. For thousands of years different cultures of the planet have attributed to the sun a special role. It is remarkable the way in which he was revered by some civilizations that reached high levels of cultural development in the past, such as the Egyptian, where he was revered as a god (Ra and At n); or the Maya, who deified him with the name of Kinich Ahau; or the Inca who worshiped him as Inti.

All these peoples saw in the sun more than a celestial object. For them it was the divinity itself manifested to men. For that reason he was the object of worship. One might think that this spiritual identification with a gigantic-sized incandescent ball was a superstition born of scientific ignorance. However, many people throughout history, and even today, as mystics, sensitive, shamans, New Age prophets, visionaries and channelers, affirm that the sun is, like Earth, a being endowed with consciousness, with its own identity, beyond its physical appearance. According to this belief, characteristic of universal esotericism, the sun would not only be responsible for perpetuating life on our planet, but for programming its evolution by emitting codes of light that would make possible the physical and spiritual transformation of the human being. This mechanism would produce periodic (cyclic) mutations and respond to a plan meticulously conceived by an intelligence: the Creator God of the great myths and religions. In this sense, the sun would be a physical incarnation of divine power. If so, the ancient worshipers of the king star would not be as ignorant and superstitious as modern materialism believes. No doubt they saw in the solar disk a symbol of the greatness of the Creator, a power that not only granted life to the Earth and the creatures that inhabited it, but also programmed it in time.

The stories and testimonies of people belonging to the most varied spiritual currents are endless, in which reference is made to the existence in the sun of such a high hierarchy of beings as angels. As an example, in The Secret of the Andes, "Brother Philip" (pseudonym of George H. Williamson), says that "the Sun is composed of twelve bodies and that its revolutions cause the strange cycle of sunspots every eleven years . But its inhabitants are different from those who inhabit the worlds. These beings are called angels. Miguel and his legions - the archangels - are all inhabitants of the sun ».

These twelve suns appear in sacred texts of India, such as Srimad Bhagavat, in which they are described as layers or spheres, one within the other, which establish contact between God and the human being, allowing him to merge as One in the totality. In the Upanishads it is affirmed that the passage through the sun supposes a path to salvation for the liberation of the spirit. The Rig-Veda alludes to a spiritual principle that resides in the sun and gives vigor and energy to all beings. The vital energy (not inert) is Surya: Suryah pratyaksha devata ("the Sun is God visible"). The Ramayana maintains the same concept that "God is Light" and is always shining within all beings. The boy Francisco Marto, one of the seer shepherds of Fatima, said that the sun was "the lamp of the Lord" and the stars "the lamps of the angels."

José Argüelles, author of The Mayan Factor, reveals the existence of codes of light revealed to mankind by beings from the stars, intelligences that are beyond space-time. In this book he affirms that, just as the Earth is an intelligent being intimately connected with the evolution of the human being, the sun would be the central intelligence of every planetary system, in which the different worlds would assume the role of harmonic gyroscopes, maintaining the frequency resonant characteristic of the orbit of each one of them.

In this model, the sun breathes, acting as a receiver of frequencies coming from the center of the galaxy through its inhalation, while by exhalation these currents of energy and information would return to the galactic center, to Hunab Ku, «giver of the measure and movement ”, as it was called by the Maya, who identified it with God, with the Force and with the Supreme Knowledge.

During his recent stay in Spain, Argüelles explained that this unprecedented solar activity will increase until 2012, the key date of the planetary transformation. As part of the vision of Mayan time, this last great cycle of 5200 tuns, which would be approximately 5125 years (culminating precisely in 2012), is divided into thirteen smaller cycles (baktunes), of 394 years each, and would have to do with the creation of the "planetary body of light." This would lead terrestrial humanity to the acquisition of an authentic galactic consciousness, in perfect communion with the sun, the Kinich Ahau maya.

On the one hand, science, and on the other, spirituality, travel apparently different paths. However, the search for knowledge requires a reconciliation: a meeting place where the truth can be discovered ...


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