The perfect art of creation by Brad Hunter

  • 2014

The Universe unfolds. Geometry and mathematics are the common language in the art of the anonymous that governs everything.

The Universe unfolds itself using a divine fractal protocol, under which the part is the design pattern and, through self-similarity, forms the whole. Modern physics thus begins to reaffirm what great artists and scientists like Leonardo Da Vinci and Aristotle believed: that creation is the "state of art" and that the human being, in his eagerness to achieve divine perfection, seeks through art Stimulate your ability to create. Thus, according to the Aristotelian classification, art is applied to music, poetry, plastic and also to all science such as medicine, architecture, engineering, industrial design, and so on.

Geometry and mathematics are common languages ​​to the art of harmonics that govern every creative pattern. The sound has an order in octaves, each frequency has an equivalent in color, geometry and mathematical values. Universal patterns bearing the language of divine creation emerge from sacred geometry. Science, as it advances in its study and understanding of what has been created, discovers the great simplicity used by the first artist, the Creator. Virtually all creation structures are constructed from precepts linked to self-replicating geometric models. From the Gothic cathedrals, through the Renaissance works, including the golden mask of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen, they are made up of auric or scalar unfolding that are governed by the same universal patterns that Nasa discovered, and that establishes the solar system to order the planets in their respective orbits around the sun.

Mathematical art and repetition Leonardo Fibonacci was a famous Italian mathematician born in 1170 who, observing the patterns of growth and ordering in nature, discovered a succession of infinite and fractal splitting that responded to numerical sequences that printed a sequentially ordered growth rate. Everything created responded to the harmony of repetition. That is to say that the sequence begins with 1 and 1, and from there each element is the sum of the previous two (1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 1 = 3, and so on).

Fibonacci also discovered that this logarithmic progression unfolded into a spiral called "auric spiral", which was used in all the masterpieces of Renaissance art.

Sacred geometry is projected to life, light, cosmology, geomancy, to the quantum strata of existence. The art of creation could be understood as a system of self-recognition and replication of universal consciousness, which following geometric patterns implodes to self-contain energy and densify it to create matter. It was the great Albert Einstein who claimed that matter was nothing more than densified energy.

For his part Max Planck, father of quantum physics, completed in later years Einstein's sayings saying there must be a giant and intelligent mind that kept densified energy to create matter. Hermes Trimegisto, in ancient Egypt, left a universal principle written on the Emerald Table that states that "everything is mind" and therefore, "everything that exists is a mental creation."

Jorge Luis Borges, a favorite writer of quantum physicists, shot a brilliant phrase that says we are nothing more or less than the thought in the mind of a giant.

The Universe is a work of art that with its own observation expands the creative consciousness, so the observation determines an inner or spiritual path in which the viewer is referred to an essential plane, beyond the sensory and emotional coordinates that were generated For the cultural environment. The configurations of the unique patterns of light, shapes and / or universal and common sounds of creation function as portals that, if understood not by reason but by spirit, offer access to the source of the universal truths that evolution of conscience requires us to understand and reach the Creator.

The creation guide
If the Universe unfolds itself, we could say that we, as a manifestation of the created, are coartists and with infinitesimal flashes of consciousness we contribute art and creativity in a cosmic work that is recreated with each new brushstroke. The belief of a creator of our universe following a geometric map was shared by various ancient cultures. Plato, influenced by Pythagorean mathematics, said that

God "geometrizes" continuously. The Maya, in Central America, believed in the existence of a universal consciousness that could be understood from mathematics and the cycles that govern the cosmic order. Pythagoras and his mathematics attributed to the harmonic proportions of nature, the best medicine, since by tuning into nature the human body resonated in the essential beat that life imparted to it. Current scientists believe in the existence of fractal records of transformation and evolution of matter, matrices that as canvases of a painting are the basis by which the creative consciousness of the artist unfolds, which creates and recreates what was created at every moment.

Each of us, as apprentices of art, began with the mamarracho reflecting our most primitive ways of being creators. Arthur Koestler coined the term holon to describe something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. This holonic order, or stratified organic stability, is the way in which nature emerges and builds upon itself through self-organization within dynamic fields of information or morphic fields. Each one of us is a kind of cosmic mirror that projects in his life the processes of the universe and in the attempt to understand them lies spirituality.

Spirituality is nothing other than a creative art form, the life force that is the unity inherent in all things. We are the artist and the painting we paint. The central challenge of existing lies in the art form we choose to create our lives. In this sense, art is the map and the memory that leads us on the path of reunion with the First Artist, since we are his work.


The perfect art of creation by Brad Hunter

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