A Message from the Teachers: Do What You Love To Do

  • 2014

It is important to follow their passions and do the best work they can in whatever they decide to do.

This is a time of great personal and spiritual growth for humanity, and working together is a part of the change that is happening. Become aware of your magnificent potential and you will find that life becomes more magical. You have the talents and skills that will help you to do the work that needs to be done by making it a joyful experience.

Working together in harmony and cooperating with each other is extremely important; The contribution of each one will make their plans and projects something even greater than they can imagine for themselves . Look for members of your spiritual family because they are the ones who are most attuned to their mission in life and are the ones who have contracted to be there as mutual support in their growth and expansion. They are not afraid to share their ideas and inspirations because they are the ones who will help them to realize them.

When you come to realize a human trajectory, you make contingency plans and contingency plans for contingency plans, so there is a divine time available for all parts and pieces, and if you feel that you have lost something very important for their growth due to something they have chosen in their past, this is not so. That will be presented to you again.

You have the gift of having powerful perspectives, so learn to trust yourself and you will find that when you look for it, a new door will open. Reflection and meditation will provide the answers they seek to be at peace with themselves and their choices.

You have the magical touch of the Angels and Guides with you and can manifest the life you desire. The most important thing they can do is do what they love to do, believe in themselves, believe in their ideas, be ready and expect new and triumphant beginnings. You have been planting the seeds; They have been preparing for this moment in time and space, and the road ahead is safe and secure. Take the initiative and focus on your skills with confidence. Any thing is possible. Have confidence in your plans and do not doubt your future success.

Now is the time to act. You know the power and importance of working with your subconscious and your superconscious to help you expand your conscious mind in your spiritual awakening. Their plans will flourish and flourish, as long as they dedicate their time, attention and love. If your plans concern your family, love, children, and relationships, then they will have a happy outcome. If your plans concern your career issues, they will also succeed. You have the "touch that turns everything into gold" when you focus on your intentions without any doubt, and the success you seek will come your way.

It is time to move forward to live your life in prosperity and abundance of what you wish to create for yourself and your world. Each of you has so many gifts to share with each other to improve your lives, to be in your contracts and work on your purpose. Begin to cultivate expansive ideas and grow together with each other, and trust that there is enough for everyone in this magnificent Universe, and this includes you.

You are always supported and appreciated while making this wonderful trajectory in the realm of the physical, and so it is.


Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Thank you, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji

Universal Copyright © 2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

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A Message from the Teachers: Do What You Love To Do

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