Message from Master Kuthumi about the Light: Living in two worlds.

  • 2017

Today I present My message with some urgency . In this year, which we refer to as that of your true birth , we have observed that many of you are feeling very unstable and insecure . Please, you must understand that you have entered a moment of commemoration . A time to awaken the memory of your own soul, to remember the great beings that you are and the true light that you carry within. The mundane struggles of daily life threaten to sink you into a sea of ​​complacency. You feel absorbed by your daily life, and dedicate yourself to what many refer to as "simply surviving."

However, I must ask you, is it complacency and struggle that you really want to see in your life? Those are matters that have been physically created.

Consider now the true treasure that is within you.

Your soul of light and the precious divine spark that is so powerful, and that only you can ignite through recognition and intention. Once the divine light is on, it will open to recover your true essence, to recognize your soul, to expand your highest consciousness through learning and the true understanding of the Soul, the Light and the Divinity itself.

Every person on Earth carries a precious spark within themselves. It is what unites each of you with the One . You will still be able to lead an independent life, and to experience what you have chosen to experience. However, once the divine spark ignites, you will be able to experience two worlds at the same time.

Yes. One, of course, is your daily physical life . The other is a world of Light, Peace, and Love . A flow of peaceful creation that you are capable of feeling, and that can greatly help release the emotional and mental turmoil that some of you experience.

Many masters of higher wisdom have incarnated on Earth during this same time, the year of awakening. We from here. We have helped in the preparation for many years, through channels like this and others. My teachings have been delivered to help you in the process of awakening. As I said, many are still in a birth process. They need to clear the domination, control, cruelty and all kinds of darkness from their lives, thoughts and emotions.

With this in mind I urge all those who are aware of their light energy, so that every day, through intention, they surround the planet with particles of light. You will see how if the number of people grows and many of you expand their light, the planet will be enveloped in the luminous energy that filters through the different countries and those who reside in them. The darkness cannot penetrate the light.

Remember this my friends. It is the almighty energy of light that comes from Divinity . Work with her, play with her. Hold her, hold her. Surround yourself with this energy every day. When agitation comes to you, in your physical, spiritual or mental bodies, remember the light that you have inside. Close your eyes and enter the aura of light that surrounds your upper heart.

The process will also deeply ignite your faith. This will be very useful throughout the entire rebirth process and even beyond, for all mankind.

Many will experience disturbances and difficulties in striving to enter higher dimensions and experience new ways of life. The old is disappearing, and so it must be, so that the new can enter.

This is why I said at the beginning that my message carries some urgency . I wish to help you throughout this great year of further transformation. It will be celebrated and remembered as the opening of your soul. This year you will go further and rise in luminous energy, superior wisdom and inner peace. ”

The Rigade of Light .

I also urge all of you once again to spend a few minutes each day with your brothers and sisters throughout the world. You just have to extend your light through intention and visualization. Join the Earth Light Brigade and know that you are giving a gift of unconditional love to millions of people. Know also that in those few linear minutes you join others, and together you form One.

Peace to each of you in the Light ”


CHANNEL: Lynette Leckie-Clark channeling Master Kuthumi.


ENGLISH-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Eva Villa, editor in the big family of


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