How the magician releases the light of the soul

  • 2016

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 1. The Mind. Learning Object 6. The light of the soul.

When the true magician spoke of the domain of the spirits, the elementals and the people, by the will of man, he understood by this, the subjection to a single will of the different "I's" of man, of his different desires and tendencies. The work with the atom of the substance and the investigations in the realm of electricity, of light and of force, have inevitably demonstrated the relationship between forms, the fact of the soul, the inner light and the irradiation of all forms .

Three great discoveries have revolutionized modern thinking and life: the release of the energy of the atom, the nature of light and color, the study of sound and its closest effect to the field of magic. The race began to progress towards an era in which men will act as minds, intelligence will be stronger than desire and mental powers will be used to attract and guide the world, as physical and emotional means are used today.

In the post-industrial revolution, man sought to develop and use instruments that perform mental work instead of physical, technologies that made automation possible. The byte was conceived as the DNA of information, there would be specific points of space and time where the bits would become atoms and vice versa. Biotechnology, nanotechnology and energy technology were presented as the three candidates for the next technological revolution.


  • Differentiate the four elements of matter.
  • Establish differences between the heart, throat and eye.
  • Justify the importance of visualization in creativity.


In this way they are allies for the triple service, the heart, the throat and the eye. When the eye opens, the devas of the lower four feel the force, are expelled and lose their master.

AXIOMA : The atoms constitute the molecules; the molecules the compounds; the compounds the cells; the cells the tissues; the tissues the organs; the organs the bodies; the bodies and communities; communities, classes and races; classes and races the kingdoms; the kingdoms of innumerable degrees and varied circles constitute a planet; the planets a solar system; solar systems a more vast system, and so on infinitely; nowhere does indivisible simplicity or final complexity exist.


“Let your dreams be waves that go free like the wind in the middle of the sea.” Dreams Diego Torres

Catherine Deane is a psychologist who is experiencing a radically new science. Catherine can experience what happens in another person's unconscious mind, including her dreams and her particular meditations. Until now, Catherine has only used this potentially maddening method in a child in a coma, hoping she can return it to the world and to her parents. But when the medical killer Carl Strange falls into a similar coma, with his last victim still alive, kidnapped in a cell full of traps, FBI agent Peter Novak turns to Catherine as your last hope. The cell is an American psychological thriller movie, released in August 2000 and starring Jennifer Lopez.

Dr. Henry Pym is a biochemist who discovers an unusual set of subatomic particles that he labels as "Pym particles." By trapping them within two separate sera, Pym creates a formula that alters their size and a formula that reverses the effects, testing them on itself. Reduced to the size of an ant, Hank gets caught in an anthill before eventually escaping and using the reversal formula to restore its size. Pym's experience in the anthill inspires him to study ants, and builds a cybernetic helmet that allows him to communicate with them and control them. Scott Lang is an electronics expert who resorts to theft when his occupation did not give enough to support his family. Lang served his prison sentence and was released on parole after three years for good behavior. In prison, Lang continued his studies in electronics. When his daughter, Cassie Lang, became seriously ill, Scott Lang decided to return to the robbery as a last resort, breaking into Dr. Henry Pym's house and stealing his Ant-Man suit and shrinking gas boots. Dressed as Ant-Man, Lang broke into Cross Technology Companies. The stolen substance allows you to reduce in size, but increase in strength. As an ex-agent of SHIELD Pym becomes Lang's mentor to help him assume the role of Ant-Man, he in turn must help his mentor, to safeguard the mystery of technology. The ant man is an American superhero movie released on July 17, 2015.

In the first film we can appreciate the role of dreams in our consciousness, as well as the role of brain cells: neurons. In the second film we can see the insignificant criminal who comes into contact with his suit and tries his best to represent the hero, in contrast to a person who does a bit unpleasant things like breaking into people's homes and still being charming, which attracts us and whose redemption we find satisfactory.

  • After watching both movies, answer the following questions. How do our dreams originate? What is the difference between desires and dreams? What is the difference between motivation and aspiration? What are the boundaries between goodness and evil? How is the relationship between the apprentice and his mentor? What makes us heroes?

ACTIVITY ONE: The life of the atom.

“Let me in your dreams, prepare a place. Open the doors of the soul, I come to stay. ” Star dust Alberto Plaza

An atom is the smallest particle that can represent a particular chemical element. In a simple model of the atom (Rutherford's) a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons serves as a center for the orbits of numerous electrons, which describe fixed trajectories. There is in the Sun, on the planet, in man and in the atom, a central point of heat and a nucleus of heat, this nucleus reaches the limits of its sphere of influence through a triple channel.

To the question is there a direct analogy between a system, a planet, a man and an atom? The Master responded. No, the analogy is never exact in detail, but only offers certain broad and fundamental correspondences. Similarity points between the four can be synthesized as follows, taking the atom as a starting point.

  • They are spheroidal in shape and contain within themselves a nucleus of life.
  • They contain in themselves differentiated parts, which in their entirety make up their objective form on the planes of manifestation.
  • They are characterized by their activity, manifesting the qualities of movement, discrimination, evolution.
  • His sevenfold internal economy.
  • His eventual synthesis.
  • Your group relationship
  • Your awareness development or ability to respond.

The three atomic particles are protons, neutrons and electrons. A proton has a positive electrical charge and an electron has an equal negative charge. In a neutral atom there are the same number of protons as electrons. The number of neutrons can vary, which gives rise to the different isotopes of the same element. Some isotopes are unstable which gives rise to the phenomenon of radioactivity. Transmutation concerns the life of the atom and is hidden in the knowledge of the laws that govern radioactivity. After the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896, it was accepted that atmospheric electricity - air ionization - was caused exclusively by radiation generated in turn by radioactive elements in the ground and by radioactive gases or radon isotopes than those produce Robert Andrews Millikan coined the expression cosmic rays after his own measurements that concluded that, indeed, they were of very distant origin, even outside the Solar System.



The dense (Agnichaitas) hide, burn and thus produce the necessary moisture.

Sodas (Agnishvattas) emanate, mix and produce the necessary heat.

Liquids (Agnisuryas) inflame, release the essence and thus produce the necessary brightness.

First the slow and omnienvolve humidity, then the heat that increases and burns intensely; then the force that oppresses, impels and concentrates. Thus the brightness, the exudation, the mutation, the change of form is produced. Finally, the volatile essence is released and escaped, returning the residue to the primary substance.

The electron is a tiny elementary life. The force of attraction between atoms generates ionic and covalent bonds. Atoms, electrons and ions represent three types of energy. There is an interaction between the three lower levels and the upper four.

The atomic energy or energy of Shiva, energy of the electronic foreground.

The energy for building forms in the following three electronic levels.

The receptive negative energy of the three planes of the dense physique, the gas, the liquid and the truly dense.

Originally the term elementary particle was used for all subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons, electrons and other types of exotic particles that can only be found in cosmic rays or in large particle accelerators, such as pions or muons. However, from the year 1970 it became clear that protons and neutrons are particles composed of other simpler particles.

Electrons can only trace certain orbits around the nucleus, but if they receive energy, they can “get excited” and move to orbits farther from the nucleus. With each change of energy radiation of a particular frequency is absorbed or emitted. Based on this, the origin of the atomic spectra, the emission of the radiation quanta could be explained: the photons.

  • What do we have in common with the stars? What is the importance given to the observer in quantum physics?

Metals being chemical elements characterized by being good conductors of heat and electricity, they become the fifth element to be manipulated by the magician. Its salts form electropositive ions in solution. Ionization occurs by electron transfer.

On very small scales, the properties of matter such as color, magnetism and the ability to conduct electricity change in unexpected ways. It is not possible to see the atomic world in the normal sense of the word, since its features are smaller than the wavelength of visible light.



Rosalind Elsie Franklin was an English chemist and crystallographer, responsible for important contributions to the understanding of DNA structure.

James D. Watson and Francis Crick received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962, "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and their importance for the transfer of information in living matter." This discovery gave way to new inventions. Biotechnology promises a lot: more and better medicines, medical treatments tailored to the composition of each patient, new crops, new industrial procedures.

The winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics, Richard Feynman, was the first to refer to the possibilities of nanoscience and nanotechnology in a speech entitled In the background there is plenty of space, describes the possibility of synthesis via direct manipulation of atoms. The term "nanotechnology" was first used by Norio Taniguchi in 1974.

This discovery gave way to new inventions. The invention of the tunnel effect microscope in 1981 provided an unprecedented visualization of individual atoms and bonds, and was used successfully to manipulate individual atoms in the year 1989.

  • What advantages and disadvantages do each of the two technologies have? Create a concept map that integrates the biological, technical, computer and cognitive.

We are noticing that the limits between nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer science and cognitive science are disappearing. If a new particle is inserted into a cell, is this a biotechnological or nanotechnological act? If this molecule has a memory that can record what happens inside the cell, is it nanotechnology or computing?

The 99% reduction in the weight of mobile phones was achieved, to a large extent, due to advances in battery technology: the arrival of the rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Lithium batteries have a high energy density, which allows them to store a large amount of energy in a small, lightweight container, therefore, they have been used since the day each of the 70 to feed clocks, calculators and medical implants.

A more recent idea is to stop using internal combustion engines and instead use fuel cells, which use hydrogen. One way of manufacturing hydrogen through biotechnology could be with an organism called Carboxydothermus, discovered in a hydrothermal vent off the Russian coast. This species feeds on the reaction of carbon monoxide with water. One of the elements that it eliminates is hydrogen.

ACTIVITY TWO: The Light of the Soul

Then you, yourself, don't want to know as much as God. Mankind's own study is man Alexander Pope

Man is the product of the approximation of two poles: Spirit (The Father in heaven) and matter (The Mother on earth). This union results in the divine self, which uses a higher self (causal body) to manifest itself. It contains in itself three major principles: will, wisdom and intelligence and its differentiation into seven principles.

The fires of the human system are hidden at the base of the spine. From there their radiations pass through the three channels that exist in the spine.

  1. The corporeal heat is intended to heat the corporeal structure. This process of vitalization of dense matter has its analogy in the akasha of the system and in the substance of the planet.
  2. The nervous reaction is the tenuous and vitalizing fluid that stimulates the nerve centers and causes the electrical reaction when contact between the nerves and the nervous system is established.
  3. Pranic emanation is the emanation produced through the bioenergetic body, which corresponds to the solar and planetary prana.

The soul is an entity of light colored by a special vibration of lightning, a center of vibrational energy that is inside a body during its entire life of lightning. The soul is the sensitive principle that subsists in all the external manifestation, it penetrates all forms and constitutes the conscience of God Himself.

The causal body is the envelope of the soul, it is the intermediary between the other two periodic vehicles, which the divine Son of God discovers and uses in the course of his long pilgrimage. These have their analogy with the three temples of which the Christian Bible speaks:

  • The tabernacle is the bioenergetic body (called etheric) that lasts a life and is coordinated by thinking-feeling-acting.
  • Solomon's Temple is the causal body, the vehicle of the Soul, which persists for eons and integrates the list of intention-intuition-intellect.
  • The Temple of Ezekiel is the auric egg, the vehicle of the Spirit, which is integrated into the Mer-ka-ba. Mer (pyramid), ka (soul yang), ba (spirit (yin).

In the physical vehicle there is a point of luminosity that, once made contact with him, will pour the light of the spirit on the path of the disciple, thus illuminating the path, revealing the solution of all problems and allowing him to act as a bearer of light for others . This light is a kind of internal radiation, located in the head, near the pineal gland, and is produced by the activity of the soul.

The expression "central organ" refers to the brain or the heart, and the difference lies mainly in time. In the early stages of development on the path, the heart is the central organ; later the true light has its abode in the brain. The heart center opens before the coronary. Love must develop before safely employing power. Therefore, the light of love must act before consciously using the light of life. The practice of love, focusing attention on the life and service of the heart, helps us to unite the heart with the brain, understanding that the heart center is the reflection of the soul in man, which should guide the issues of the heart, from the throne or seat between the eyebrows (the pituitary gland). Endocrinology has contributed a lot in this understanding. Today we have a clearer knowledge of the functioning of emotions and their relationship with hormones, the function of hormones is to carry messages and those messages are controlled by consciousness.

There are three main classes of hormones in vertebrates: polypeptides produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, as well as insulin and glucagon; adrenaline, derived from the amino acid tyrosine and steroid hormones.



Biotechnology could renew the pharmaceutical industry. The periodic table of biology is genomics, which consists in determining the complete sequence of DNA in an organism. But to explain the proteins, it must be supported by other “omics”: proteomics, glucomics and metabolomics.

Transcriptomics is the study of the set of RNA that exists in a cell, tissue or organ.

Nanotechnology could renew the computer industry. The crystallization of atoms could lead to configure devices to store information, generate electricity from light or make photoelectric cells.

Cryptography is responsible for studying the algorithms, protocols, and systems that are used to protect information and provide security for communications and the entities that communicate.

  • What do you give more importance to: medicines or knowledge? Which industry would you like to belong to the pharmaceutical or computer industry? Do you feel that you are a type three or type seven radiation?

When the apprentice has assimilated the knowledge taught in this magic course, he will come to a true understanding of the real meaning of the heart, throat and eye. The objective of the Race Guides is to stimulate them to enter into active activity today. Therefore, we will consider:

  1. The cardiac and laryngeal centers and the ajna center, between the eyebrows.
  2. His awakening and coordination.
  3. How they will be used in the coming world cycle.

This topic is of vital importance for the modern apprentice, because the mechanism of the heart, throat and eye - part of the internal structure that he has to learn to use - must be mastered and used consciously until creative work can be done. By using the words "creative work" I do not mean the valuable work done by the artists of the world in their various fields of expression, since there is a big difference between creation and creativity. For the seer, his efforts indicate restlessness and internal coordination, and an activity that leads to true mental effort and creative work on the most subtle levels.

It is very easy to understand the informative intellectual data regarding the centers of force but it is very difficult to reorder the forces that flow through these vortices, and learn to act consciously through the higher centers, subordinating the lower ones. This must be done without accentuating the form aspect, as is done in most of the practices used in the vitalization of the centers. The two important facts are:

  1. The three centers below the diaphragm,
  2. the base of the spine,
  3. the sacred center,
  4. the solar plexus center,

that they are, at present, the most powerful in common humanity, and also those of greater “vitality”; they need to be reorganized, reoriented and taken from a positive to a negative state.

Similarly, the four centers above the diaphragm,

  1. the heart center,
  2. the laryngeal center,
  3. the ajna center,
  4. the coronary center,

they must be respected and conducted from a negative to a positive state.

This must be done in two ways. First, by transferring the positive energy of the lower centers to the higher centers and, second, by awakening the coronary center through the activity of the will. The first effect is produced by the formation of character and the purification of bodies, as the soul uses them in all three worlds. The second is the result of meditation and the development of the organized purpose, imposed by the will in daily life. The energy transfer is carried out as follows:

  • The energies of the basic center will be brought to the eyebrows for personality development.
  • The energies of the sacral center are sublimated and promoted to the laryngeal center for the development of creativity.
  • The energies of the solar plexus are conducted to the heart center for the development of loving understanding and compassion. Once these three transfers are completed, the coronary center, the last governing factor, is active.

The first center to be energized is the heart, in order to access the creative powers of the laryngeal center, so a defined relationship and an interaction of energy between the two will be established for the beginning of the creative work. The work of the Hierarchy of Souls consists in transferring life from one stage of atomic existence to another, which implies three different steps:

  1. The igneous state, the period of mixing, fusing and burning, through which all atoms pass through during the disintegration of the form.
  2. The solvent state, in which the form dissipates and the substance is kept in solution, the atom dissolving in its essential duality.
  3. The volatile state, which mainly concerns the essential quality of the atom and the evasion of that essence, to take a new form later.

The seventh and fifth Rays are concerned with the return of the son to the Father, and are in large part committed to making the energy force flow, when the life of the Son is to be transferred from an old form to a new one, from a kingdom of nature to another, on the Return Path. The third and sixth Rays deal with burning igneous lives. The fourth Ray fuses the two fires into the atomic form.

Psychotronics includes all techniques used in parapsychology to interpret some paranormal phenomena according to the theories of bioelectromagnetism. It emerged when the wide field of psychism was combined with technological, electronic concepts, in fact, all words ending in "tron" refer to electronics, and in particular to particle accelerators such as cyclotron. The PET-CT is the sum of two devices, a Positron Emission Tomograph and a CT Scan. It tracks the radiations emitted by a substance injected into the patient. The two powers of the soul are healing and telepathy.

ACTIVITY THREE: the life of the soul

One byte of information equals one kilobyte of data. One bit of knowledge equals one kilobyte of information One byte of understanding equals one kilobyte of knowledge Rusell Ackoff

The use of the imagination is important in the visualization process. Until there is knowledge and clear vision, the imaginative presumption is a powerful factor to produce the activity of the centers.

The third eye manifests itself as a result of the vibrational interaction between the forces of the soul that work through the pineal gland, and the forces of the personality that act through the gland pituitary. Through the third eye, the soul carries out three activities and they are: To serve as an instrument of vision, to be a controlling factor in magical work, to use the destructive aspect of forms.

Taking these concepts to a practical expression with respect to this rule, it will be noted that these three activities are dealt with in it. The third eye opens as a result of conscious development, due alignment and the influx of soul life. Then its controlling magnetic force is felt, dominating the lives of the lower bodies, expelling the four lower elementals (earth, water, fire, air), forcing the lunar lords to abdicate. The personality, which until now has been the master, can no longer exercise control, and the soul dominates fully in the three worlds.

The elementary earth, the sum total of the many lives that make up the physical body, is under control and feels over the eye of the Master the Master in the head. The rude elements that make up that body are "expelled" and replaced by better and more adequate atoms or lives.

The elementary water or astral body, goes through a similar activity, plus a stabilizing effect that puts an end to the restlessness and stormy fluidity that had characterized it until then. By the magnetic controlling power of the spiritual eye, the soul reconstructs the astral body and keeps it firm and consistent through its focused attention.

On the other hand, a similar process occurs in the mental body. The elementals of the fire go out. The ancient forms disappear before the clear light with which the spiritual man works.

The elemental air, symbolically understood, is that energy substrate that acts through the forms of the bioenergetic body; This is driven by breath and by the science of pranayama. This elementary form is constituted by the intricate etheric structure, the nadis and the centers, and all advanced students know well how they are controlled by the focused attention of the soul in contemplation, acting through the coronary center, focused on the third eye region and driven to a correct and specific activity by an act of will. In the previous sentence I have concentrated the formula for all the magical work that must be done on the physical plane. Through the bioenergetic body and the directed force, through one of the centers, the soul performs the magical work.

Through the intense focus of the purpose on the head and the attention directed through the third eye towards the center to be used, the force finds its correct exit. That force is made powerful by the intelligent and energizing directed will. Study these points because you will find the key to the magical work in the reconstruction of your own lives, the magical work of human reconstruction, that certain adherents are carrying out, and for the magical work of the evolution of the divine plan, which is the power motivator of the hidden Hierarchy.

The question remains: what is the soul liberation process like? When the causal body becomes radioactive the fires of the substance (three permanent atoms) escape from the atomic spheres, adding its share to the large sphere that contains them; the fire of the mind merges with its emanating source and the central life escapes. This constitutes the great liberation, but more questions arise: how can the coordination of the centers and their awakening occur? What steps will have to be taken to cause this vitalization and the timely synthetic activity of the three centers? The activation of virtues in character formation.

The subtle coherent soul, the result of the union of spirit and matter, exists as an entity apart from the corporeal nature, and when separated from the body, it constitutes the astral body (bioenergetic body) or double as it is sometimes called. This is the total sum of the atoms that constitute the physical body. This is the true form, the principle of coherence in each form. So the light of the Soul is in the causal body that is reflected in the emotional body, through the mental body.

The levitation power that some mystics have exhibited depends on having achieved a certain alignment of personality through aspiration and an act of will. It presupposes that there exists in the three bodies a certain percentage of atoms of adequate vibration and lightness, so that the soul can orbit as do the electrons around the nucleus.


Alice Bailey Treatise on cosmic fire . Lucis Trust Buenos Aires. nineteen ninety five

Alice Bailey The light of the soul Kier Buenos Aires. 1945

Enrique de Vicente. The hidden powers of the mind . Zero Year Madrid. nineteen ninety five.

Tom Standage The future of technology . The Economist. Buenos Aires. 2008

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