David Topí: The Samhain Ritual

  • 2015

Today is October 31, the day of the chestnut for the little ones, Halloween for others, the day of all the saints for the believers, and the Samhain, the most important Celtic holiday of the pagan period that dominated Europe until its conversion to Christianity. Today is the night, from October 31 to November 1, which served as a celebration of the end of the harvest season, and was considered the A o Nuevo Celta, a a new period identical to our celebration of the new year of December 31, but which indicated the beginning of the period that the Celts knew as the dark season. Today, tonight, it is a time where the laws of time and space will be temporarily suspended, and the barrier between worlds disappears for a few hours. It is a night for magic and preparation for the beginning of a new cycle.

Unlike the Western and Gregorian calendar, the Celtic calendar divided the year into two halves, the dark half starting in the month of Samonios (during the October-November lunar), and the light half, beginning in the month of Giamonios (on the April-May lunar). The Celts considered that the year began tomorrow with the dark half of it and then passed to the light or light half within six months.

Thus, for many pagan traditions, today is a day that marks the beginning of the new spiritual year. The veil that divides the world from our spirits, the membrane that separates the nonphysical planes from the solid and tangible plane we live in, is thinner and thinner at this moment. that in no other of the year, therefore, also in some way, is the moment where the end of a cycle has come but paradoxically brings with it the promise of a new one that begins just tomorrow another time. That's why tonight is a night to let go, and tomorrow is a day to start something new.

Whether you are followers of some pagan tradition, or not, if you like ancestral celebrations, or if you are only attracted to curiosity, tonight you have the opportunity to take advantage of the energy that moves in the world to do a cleaning of things that they must end, and tomorrow you have the opportunity to start with a renewed new purpose until the new Samhain arrives next year. What is done tonight to let go of what does not work depends on each one, but something as simple as writing a list of what you want to leave behind, of what you want to conclude, of what is to end, and with a Small intention, and with the flame of a candle, burn the list with the conviction that what is written on the sheet then completes its cycle and has come to an end. Everything you want to end today can do it, energetically, with the ritual of symbolic burning of what no longer serves us and must be left behind.

Tomorrow, on the other hand, is the beginning of a new cycle, and everything is sown again, so the symbolic ritual to do with the energies of November 1 is none other than writing what you want to be completed, performed, and manifest in this new cycle. It is still more than the wish list we all make at Christmas for the new Gregorian year, following our artificial calendar, but now doing it following the Celtic calendar and tradition.

The power of magic tonight is at its peak, as the energies that will move and the intention of each one to use them to complete what must be completed, and tomorrow to begin what must be initiated are optimal. May the magic of Samhain be with you tonight and I wish you a good start to the new spiritual year.

Source: http://davidtopi.com

David Topí: The Samhain Ritual

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